Superstar Couple

Chapter 140 Kitami Screening

Chapter 140 Released in North America

The reporter doesn't have a good memory. When Zhang Le said this, he just smiled disdainfully, and even satirized him in the newspaper, saying that he was overconfident and boastful.

But when the talk show aired, kung fu became a hot topic in an instant, and "kung fu couple" was mentioned by countless media again, and he remembered that he had interviewed the two of them and wrote articles about them, so Looking through the previous interview records, I remembered this.

"Whether it's a director or an actor, they hope to be noticed by the media because of their works, not for other reasons. If a star can't produce a decent work, he will be forgotten soon." Zhang Le smiled, and continued, "As for why I said those words so confidently back then, you will find the answer in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"."

"I heard that when this film was exhibited in Cannes, when it was played on the TV wall of the City Hall Square, passers-by were stunned by the trailer alone. I wonder if it is true?" A reporter suddenly asked again.

"Many media in France have reported about this, and I have seen it with my own eyes." Li Jie smiled and said, "If you go to the theater, you will be dumbfounded. This is a rare view. Movie enjoyment, it is worth you to try."

"The three of you are all kung fu masters, even Ms. Yang, who looks a little weak, is also a kung fu master. Don't you Chinese people are all kung fu masters?" a reporter asked.

When the three of Zhang Le heard it, they looked at each other, and they all saw a dumbfounded look in their eyes. It's okay for most people to think so. A reporter asking such a question shows what stage their understanding of Huaxia is still at.

"There are many Chinese people who know kung fu, but not all Chinese people know kung fu. As for whether they know kung fu, it can't be judged by their body shape. A woman who feels weak, a child who seems thin, and a child who even walks faltering Old people, maybe they are all kung fu masters." Yang Xiner said with a smile.

"Chinese kungfu cultivates one's morality and character, and is not good at fighting. A fierce and ruthless person is not necessarily a kung fu master, but a gentle and gentle person may be." Zhang Le also said with a smile.

The three of Zhang Le are veterans, they are comfortable facing the reporters, and they will not be led by the nose by the reporters. No matter what questions you ask, they will intentionally or unintentionally refer to the topic of the movie.

After the publicity before the release was over, Zhang Le and Yang Xiner hurried back and left without waiting for the film to be released. After the film is released, if the box office is satisfactory, there will definitely be more intensive publicity, and the two will definitely go to the United States by then.

Zhang Le and the two hurriedly turned around, mainly because Yang Xiner was rushing to record "The Voice". And two days after they went back, on June 25, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was released in North America.

Paramount is not very optimistic about "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Not only did it not put much effort into the promotion, but it also has reservations about the theaters. However, it will be released in a thousand theaters, which is also a good start for Chinese films. up. If the box office is ideal, there will naturally be an increase in theaters.

Of course, if it is not ideal, the number of theaters playing will definitely be reduced.

The only good thing is that there are no blockbuster movies released at the same time. There are also blockbuster films that have weak successors and are about to be drawn, so naturally it is impossible to share the box office.

Thomas is a veteran film critic, but he is also a film lover. He has never been picky about movies. Action, comedy, science fiction, drama, magic, ethics, thriller, horror, etc., he said he dabbled in all genres. However, he didn't have a good impression of Huaxia's movies, especially the so-called kung fu movies.

He has watched a lot of Chinese kung fu movies, and he has to admire the fighting in the movies, which are really wonderful. But apart from fighting, he couldn't see anything else.

In the movie, apart from vendetta, it is revenge. In addition to the meddling of chivalry and righteousness, it is the lawlessness of killing innocent people indiscriminately. The better ones can focus on strengthening the body and defending the country.

He couldn't see what was in the movie. He doesn't think that China's five thousand years of civilization is all there is.

Thomas bought a movie ticket for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and came to the theater, where many people were already seated. He glanced at it, and found that most of the people who came to watch the movie were young people, and from their discussions, it could be heard that these people were all kung fu enthusiasts.

Thomas came to watch this movie because his daughter still couldn’t forget it when she got home after watching it. interest in watching.

However, Thomas still has some expectations for this film. He believes that the film that can win the jury award in Cannes will not be just a martial arts revenge, but a bloody plot full of violence.

Moviegoers came in continuously, which surprised Thomas a bit. A Chinese-language movie was almost sold out. This kind of attendance should have never happened before.

It seems that this film should have its own uniqueness. Moreover, in the conversations of those people, Thomas also heard something. These people actually came to see it after being introduced by their friends.

As soon as the film started, Thomas' eyes lit up. Not attracted by the picture, but by the soundtrack. He could still hear the weeping sound of the cello.

"The soundtrack at the beginning has already established the tone of this film. Soothing and beautiful melody, melancholy and sad life!" Thomas thought to himself.

He didn't understand the dialogue between Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian very well. Although there are English letters, there are great differences between Chinese and Western cultures after all. For example, the dialogue about "Getting the Way" was a little confusing for Thomas.

However, he still saw the inexplicable affection between the two. It's just that they don't know why, but both of them hide it in their hearts.

The plot of the story gradually unfolded, and he also saw that a long-established hero handed over his sword and wanted to withdraw from the arena, but because of that sword, a series of things were triggered, and the conflicts in the plot were revealed one by one.

As for Yu Xiulian chasing the sword at night, the fight scene pays equal attention to fiction and reality, emphasizing both artistic conception and reality.

The action scenes in the film are fascinating.

The encirclement and suppression of the blue-eyed fox, Yu Xiulian's battle against the jade dragon, and Li Mubai's battle in the bamboo forest against the jade dragon all focus on speed, fierce fighting, change, or artistic conception.

But as a senior film critic, Thomas is not attracted by these like ordinary audiences, he is more attracted by the oriental culture presented in the film.

The end of the film also confirmed his guess that he heard the soundtrack at the beginning.

The characters in the film all end in tragedy, such as Li Mubai's master and apprentice, and Yu Xiulian; this is the case for the pampered and arrogant Jade Dragon, and the same is true for the free and easy and heroic Luo Xiaohu; This is the sorrow of being born as a human being, and this is the human tragedy that is constantly being staged.

What does the film director want to express? Thomas was lost in thought.

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