Super Tycoon

Chapter 463: 3D Arcade

After staying in the United States for a few days, Zhang Yang flew to Tokyo to check the progress of Sami's research and development.

Earlier, Naoki Watanabe reported that both motorcycle and racing simulators had been successfully developed, and the tests had been done, so he asked Zhang Yang to come over to check the work and arrange mass production.

Part of this production will also be done domestically, and the factory of Zhiduoxing Group will be the OEM, because the production capacity of Sami's factory is too low, and the previous production lines have also been sold.

No way, now they don't make arcade motherboards, some devices are completely useless, but they can still be partially updated and continue to be produced, but the cost is too high to be worth it.

Zhang Yang ordered Sami Company to outsource the production of equipment to other foundries, and the factories of Zhiduoxing Group received some core orders.

Zhiduxing Group's factory is very large, the equipment is new, and the workers are efficient. Zhang Yang's OEM price is not high, and Watanabe Naoki has no objection.

Who made Zhi Duoxing already control two-thirds of Sami's shares after increasing its holdings twice? The absolute controlling party doesn't need to pay attention to his opinion as a small shareholder.

At the beginning, Sami Company still had many shareholders, but they all withdrew later, thinking that the arcade machine industry was dead and had no future. Only Naoki Watanabe stayed and served as the president.

Naoki Watanabe went to the airport in person today to pick up the big boss, introducing the company's situation along the way.

In addition to making arcade hardware, Sami Company also develops some arcade games. Some of these games can be ported to home game consoles.

After arriving at the company, Zhang Yang followed into the laboratory and looked at the two prototypes.

"President, this is a prototype made by the company. After testing, it fully meets the requirements and can be launched to the market."

"We still use the traditional mainboard this time. At the time of the original development, the Zhiduoxing G2 had not been successfully developed. And we also considered that the update frequency of this kind of simulator is relatively slow, and there is no need to replace the mainboard in three to five years." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"The design of our game is also very playable. Most people come to play every week, and they may not be tired of it for a year. You see, we have designed twelve maps alone. The difficulty of each map is different. Use different Models will have different characteristics.”

"No need to introduce, I'll give it a try." Zhang Yang interrupted Naoki Watanabe, it's fun, just try it.

When the game started, Zhang Yang stepped on the gas pedal, and the racing car jumped out quickly. The first step gave him the upper hand. However, after driving for a while, when he reached a curve, he still rubbed against the wall, causing the speed of the car to drop sharply, and he was overtaken by the computer.

At the end, Zhang Yang only ranked third, but there was a smile on his face.

"Yes, the difficulty of this game is moderate, and it is very playable. The steering wheel feels good, and the rotation is effortless. The simulation is very real."

"You have also considered the choice of switching between automatic transmission and manual transmission, which is commendable." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal:

For ordinary players, automatic transmission will not play at all, because they do not know how to engage gear at all, and they don’t know what to do with clutches. The automatic transmission is the most suitable one, and even many novices are like this, they only know the accelerator. Step on the bottom, turn without slowing down.

For many old drivers, manual transmission is more used to, and they can even perform difficult skills such as drifting, which looks extraordinarily handsome and enjoyable for themselves.

"Thank you for the praise from the president. This is the result of brainstorming by the company's R\u0026D department. We have recruited some young people,

They have more ideas and can guarantee that the company will develop better in the future and earn more money for the head office. "

Zhang Yang waved his hand: "Watanabe, you are the president of the company, and you also have a lot of shares in this company. I told you at the beginning that you will not lose money if you let Zhiduoxing invest in the shares. This time the sales of the simulator are good. The rewards that the company should give you will definitely not be less."

"I can give you two options. The first option is to reward you with some shares of Sami Company. The second option is to delist Sami Company and convert your shares into shares of Zhiduoxing Group, or merge into China Island Spirit Company."

This is what Zhang Yang has considered for a long time. Matsudajiri Satoshi from Huadao Fairy is not young anymore, and maybe he should retire in a few years.

At that time, who would be in charge of the island country's market? Naoki Watanabe is the most suitable one, and he also understands the island country market, is an island native, and has good management skills. Otherwise, Sami Company would not have become the number one in the arcade industry.

"Okay, you don't need to make a decision now, after all, the product hasn't been sold yet. How much will the machine cost this time?"

"According to the quotations of several foundries, the production cost alone will cost 800 US dollars, plus transportation costs, publicity costs, research and development costs, etc., at least 1,200 US dollars."

"The main reason is that we use new electronic components, including CPU, graphics card and other performance are the best, in order to ensure that no one can exceed it for at least three years."

Zhang Yang frowned, the price is not cheap. But it doesn't seem too expensive, after all, the charges for racing simulators in arcade halls are already higher.

"Then what about the retail price? Have you consulted with the dealer?"

"After consulting, we suggested that the retail price is 1980 US dollars, and the price in the island country is 298,000 yen. Some arcade halls are ready to place orders. 3D arcade racing, this is very popular, and it will definitely detonate Arcade hall."

"Okay, you have experience in this area, and I trust your pricing choices. Come on, go try the motorcycle."

After Zhang Yang tried the motorcycle, he was also very satisfied, but he also made a request.

"Since it's a game, there must be some special designs. For example, after the car drifts, it can be charged. After a few drifts, when the energy is full, you can press the button to obtain super acceleration, so that the speed can reach the theoretical peak."

"Ours is a simulator, and it won't be really injured, so there is no need to limit the speed. This will also shorten the game time of each round, make the utilization rate of the arcade hall higher, and earn more money .”

When selling arcade machines, you have to consider the owners of arcade halls. If you don't let them make money, no matter how good your arcade games are, no one else will buy them.

"The president's idea is really great, and I will arrange for someone to do it right away. But I think this is enough now, we will introduce it to the market first, and that design will be launched as a feature of the next generation, and it will take about three to five years."

Zhang Yang nodded: "Well, no problem. Then during this period of time, the focus of Sami's work is to sell these two racing simulators."

"After I'm done, I'll give you a new project to take charge of. That project can make the company more profitable!"

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