Super Small Forward

: One hundred thirty-six. Great victory

How bad is the inside line that Thackeray can ravage?

The Celtics used practical actions to tell people that it was inhumane!

Olynik has good skills, but more shortcomings, slow speed, poor jumping, poor strength, offensive end is good, defensive end is simply a disaster for the team.

Thackeray went crazy in the first quarter, and D'Antoni never replaced him.

In the first quarter, Thackeray played a superstar-level performance in front of Victor Favilani, who was signed by Olynick and Celtics. He scored 8 of 10 shots in a single quarter, scored 21 points and 5 rebounds, refreshing his career. Score a new high!

Hooks, dunks and even a supplement!

In the second quarter, after seeing Thackeray's jealous Whiteside on the court, the Celtics' heart that had been walking on Huangquan Road directly fell into the eighteenth hell.

Thackeray is also relatively "gentle". After all, although his physical fitness is slightly superior, he is more likely to find scoring opportunities with a good sense and feel.

Whiteside is a simple and crude attack!

He grabbed a rebound and dunked directly across the opponent, received the ball and turned to ignore the opponent's dunk. It was clear that the Celtics players had double-doubled to push him out of the arc of a reasonable collision zone, and he jumped directly on the opponent like that, with long arms. Reaching and putting the ball into the rim, the defensive end Whiteside grabbed the rebound and blocked shots. The Celtics were so scared that the Celtics didn't dare to go inside...

In the first quarter, Thackeray led the team to abuse the opponent 35 to 13. In the second quarter, Whiteside led the team to directly expand the point difference to 30 points. The point difference became 76 to 46. Whiteside scored 10 of 11 in a single quarter. To 22 points, 9 boards, 4 blocks...

In the second half, the game went straight into garbage time, but Thackeray continued to abuse the opponent.

The Celtics fans booed so much that they were tired at the end, and then crazily despised the Lakers on various social media and started on trash time.

No way, the Lakers are so few that they are not allowed to start. Are they going to be on the bench as Whiteside?

Because the inside advantage was too large, forcing the opponent to shrink, the Lakers got more opportunities outside. McCollum scored 20 points for the first time, Nick Young also scored 15 points, Wesley Johnson and Antetokounmpo also Scored in double figures, and Marshall's 17 assists were very impressive.

There was only one person, watching this group of teammates frantically brushing data in tears.

He is Liu Ren. He played 12 minutes in the first quarter, 4 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists. In the second quarter, he got two assists in 3 minutes and was replaced by Marshall. Marshall was replaced by Marshall. Perverted, the assists can fly.

Then because the team's advantage was too great, Liu Ren did not get a chance to play. The data of 4 points, 4 rebounds and 6 assists remained until the end of the game.

In the end, the Lakers slaughtered the Celtics 125-97 under the leadership of Thackeray, who scored 34 points and 7 rebounds.

Six Lakers scored in double figures, but Liu Ren was not among them.

The Lakers have another "Big Three" combined to score 80 points. Thackeray scored 34 points and 7 rebounds. Whiteside scored 26 points, 12 rebounds and 6 blocks. McCollum scored 20 points and 4 assists.

Nick Young had 15 points, Wesley Johnson had 12 points and 7 rebounds, Antetokounmpo had 11 points, 10 rebounds and 5 assists. Kaman was really slow, running too slowly and only got 3 points.

Marshall is really amazing. He knows nothing but assists, 0 points, 17 assists and 2 turnovers, 17 assists did not score even 1 point, and he created another historical record.

Winning the Celtics, the Lakers players, except Liu Ren, who was not bothered by scoring, everyone else happily took more than 70,000 yuan in cash to count the money.

There is a bonus tax for athletes, which ranges from 20 to 30 percent, depending on the amount.

The tax rate of the 100,000 bonus is 23%, which means that the actual purchase of 100,000 yuan is 70,000, and the rest has been paid to the tax bureau by Kupchak.

Americans dare not evade taxes.

What is the scariest thing about America?

Not the FBI, not the CIA, but the Tax Office.

The U.S. Revenue Service has its own armed forces. It can directly convict the tax evaders they identify without going through the courts and police stations, and directly deprive the tax evaders at the cheapest price for auction. Even if they go to court, just confirm With evidence of tax evasion, the auction is valid!

This system guarantees taxation in the United States. All of those tax bureaus are diehards who have been separated from the political arena by mainstream politicians. It is the best system for senior US officials.

Once the NBA had teams that gave players Yin and Yang contracts, on the surface they gave players a cheap contract to avoid the luxury tax, and secretly gave players more salaries. This move was not only fined by the league for draft picks, but also forced to auction the team by the tax bureau and transferred cheaply.

This incident has sounded a wake-up call for the NBA teams, and even taught the four major leagues in the United States a great lesson. They dare not arbitrarily go beyond the mine pool with regard to salary matters.

Liu Ren is still worried about being cut off in double figures in 43 consecutive games. As for the 70,000 dollars? Liu Ren wasn't there at all... he still cared. He borrowed a cash counter from a shop in the North Shore Garden Arena and counted it several times. It was all his pocket money.

Now Chen Hanni divides the money Liu Ren earned into two parts, the first is salary, and the second is endorsement fee.

The salary is all in the hands of Liu Ren. Of course, bonuses and other things are also in it. Liu Ren pays for the house, car, etc., and the endorsement fee is included in the public funds. Although the bank card is still in Liu Ren's hands, But you must get the consent of the little girl to spend.

After all, the money earned by the two of these things cannot be spent lavishly by Liu Ren. It must be used for investment and planning after retirement. Even if a player can play again, it will be 20 years later. Most players even if they are superstars. A lot of them have retired after twelve or three years. Ordinary players have only two to three to seven or eight years of life. Liu Ren agrees with this matter. Having such a wife is simply too profitable. Although he knew that without his mobile money machine, Chen Hanni's unskilled business ability would look mediocre if replaced by other players, but this wife may have time to exercise, but it is really principled.

There are not many people who have principles these days.

Therefore, now Liu Ren has tight money and has advanced half of his salary. Now the monthly salary he can receive is about the same as last season. This situation will continue until the summer of 2016. To build a training hall to please Chen Hanni, the iron cock.

The Celtics are not the Lakers' main opponent in this six-game losing streak in the Eastern Conference. The Celtics have lost 7 consecutive games before they played against the Lakers. The Lakers' main opponents are the next three.

Bulls, Raptors, Heat.

These three teams are now rare strong teams in the East, and this is the brutal schedule in the six consecutive away.

After playing the Celtics the second day, the Lakers set off for the city of God-Chicago. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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