Super Sacred Knight

Chapter 181 Battlefield

There was no match for the Scarlet Rose. The match was a tribal team composed of scattered people.

It is easy to distinguish between individual teams and non-individual teams. Non-individual teams can establish a team name, and Li Yunze established the name "Fearless" for the fearless mercenary team.

"It's not a bloody rose, it's boring."

"This is a casual team, you can hang them with your eyes closed."

"Boss, how do you fight on the battlefield? Can you just go straight up and do it."

There was no match for Scarlet Rose, and everyone was very disappointed. An individual team couldn't bring up everyone's fighting blood at all.

After entering the battlefield, there will be 5 minutes of preparation time, which is to allow the individual players to have time to communicate.

Since everyone has never played Warsong Canyon, Li Yunze used the time of preparation to explain to everyone how to play Warsong Canyon.

Li Yunze walked to the Alliance flag behind him: "There is a flag in the main bases of both sides. Whoever first resists the other's flag back to its own base will win. The time of a battle is limited to three hours. When it arrives, neither side has returned the other's flag to the base, and the victory or defeat will be determined according to the kill ratio."

The rules of Warsong Canyon are very simple, that is, go to the opponent's base to capture the flag, and take the opponent's flag back to your own base and you will win.

If the battle situation is too anxious, the winner will be judged based on the kill ratio in the end, and the party with the more kills will win.

The two rules create different ways of playing. Some teams don't want to win too quickly, but if they just want to kill, they will block the opponent's resurrection point and kill until the end of the three-hour period.

Li Yunze added: "The reward for winning the flag is higher. If you can win the flag, try your best to win the flag."

It is not a deep hatred, and generally will not block the resurrection for three hours. Excluding some psychopathic players, the situation is really better than the head, mostly because the strength of the two sides is too close, and the situation is in a deadlock.

The battlefield can only be lined up to the opponent camp player, plus some uncertain factors, the overall viewing is not as good as the arena. Therefore, the future professional league of "Glory" will adopt the arena mode instead of the battlefield.

The arena requires high technology, and the arena for ordinary players is the battlefield.

In his previous life, Li Yunze loved to fight on the battlefield, and he was very familiar with the battlefield of the game: "You are the one who fights against the flag."

Yufeng didn't expect to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and did not respond for a while: "Me?"

Li Yunze nodded: "When we enter the opposite base, you will be responsible for carrying the flag, and then we will escort you back."

The style of speech is not very confident: "Can I?"

Hanjiang Guying said: "It's better for me to fight, I can fly."

Li Yunze shook his head: "Flying is forbidden for the target of the anti-flag, and it is forbidden to ride on mounts. The wild druid in bear form is most suitable for anti-flag because of its many acceleration skills. Devil hunters who have no flying ability are not as fast as bears."

In other professions in the team, thieves are fast, but they are crispy and not suitable for being a flag bearer. Kuona's Lightforged Defense Officer does not have acceleration skills, so it is fine to break up the team. When encountering a powerful team, it will greatly increase the difficulty of resisting the flag.

The mvp of Warsong Canyon Anti-Banner is none other than the Druid of the Giant Bear. Druids have many acceleration skills and various control skills, which are hard and able to fight. The most important thing is that wild druids will sneak in, meet evenly matched opponents, and sneak in to steal the flag.

Li Yunze arranged for Yufeng to resist the flag, in order to train him into a professional anti-flag player. Only when facing the top team in the future can he deal with it calmly and increase the chances of winning.

Li Yunze reminded: "If those who resist the flag are attacked, the flag will fall. You must protect your language."

Runaway Barbecued Pork and said: "Don't worry, you guys, I will protect my speech style with my body. You can run as much as you like under my crotch."

Li Yunze said: "Although the opponent is a scattered team this time, I hope everyone will treat them as Scarlet Roses. Don't take it lightly, don't underestimate the enemy, and go all out. In the future, if you encounter Scarlet Roses, you can win their winning streak. To the end."

Li Yunze still hopes that he can match the Scarlet Rose and play against this future tribal side's No. 1 professional sports club in advance.

"The preparation time is over, the battle begins, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Five minutes passed very quickly. After Li Yunze and others added the buff (buff effect) and restored the state, the gate to leave the base opened.

There are three roads in Warsong Canyon, upper, middle and lower. In order to avoid being stolen by opponents, all three roads need to be manned.

Li Yunze allocated the team to ensure that each lane had an even number of people, and each lane had a profession to detect sneak targets.

The only ones that can detect stealth targets now are Yeying Meteor, Runaway Barbecued Pork Bun and Dong.

Yeying Meteor went to the top road, and the rushing barbecued pork bun was arranged for Hanjiang Guying's bottom road, while Dong followed Li Yunze to the middle road.

The upper, middle and lower three roads are all 6 people, and the small group and the following offenders are arranged to guard their homes.

There must be no few people guarding the home. In case the opponent has a special ability and touches the base, there is no one to guard the army flag.

Both the small group and the following offenders can sneak, and it is most suitable for them to sneak around the military flag and guard their home.

Li Yunze reminded: "Be careful of your opponent's concentration of forces to make a surprise attack all the way, and which way you encounter an attack by the opponent's large forces must be notified as soon as possible."

Since it is a battlefield, there will be a variety of tactics, such as concentrating troops to attack all the way. Or pretend to concentrate forces to attack all the way, but in fact go the other way. Or all guarding the house, after destroying the opponent's group, using Death requires 1 minute to resurrect and hit the resurrection time difference.

There are also some powerful teams that like to keep half of them to guard their homes, and the other half to directly crush their opponents to ensure 100% victory.

Individual teams don't need too many tactics. Li Yunze just wants everyone to be familiar with Warsong Canyon, so that in the future, facing a powerful team, he can have a higher chance of winning.

In fact, it was a good thing not to encounter Scarlet Rose right away this time. After all, the Fearless Mercenary Group had never fought Warsong Canyon, and it was easy to be defeated by the opponent tactics the first time they encountered it.

"We have met tribes here, only five."

"There are tribes in the bottom road, good guys, there are 10 of them."

The biggest drawback of the scattered team is that they don’t obey the command.

The rabble, encountering a professional team with command, is basically an instant collapse.

Under normal circumstances, most of the individual teams will be matched to the individual teams, and occasionally to the group team, they can only be blamed for their bad luck.

"Haha, there is a house here, I have taken it, and got a buff that increases the attack speed by 20%, so cool."

The terrain of Warsong Gulch is very simple. There are six houses in the middle area of ​​the map. After occupying them, you can gain the effect. These houses that can be buffed (buffing effect) greatly speed up the rhythm of the battlefield and make it difficult for all members to guard their homes.

Under normal circumstances, the team occupying these buff houses has a greater chance of winning. The buff house will become the core contention point of the battlefield, and the party who has the buff house has the initiative on the battlefield. The party who gets more buff houses will have more overall strength Ascension.

Li Yunze led people to the buff house in the middle of the battlefield, and tribes appeared in front of them. These tribes wanted to rush into the house to get the buff.

"Kill, don't keep one, I will go to the house on the left, you go to the right in all seasons, don't occupy any one for the other party."

Li Yunze flashed forward, not giving the opponent a chance to occupy the buff house.

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