Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 726 [Completely Different Experience]

Wang Jun pays attention to NBA games, and it is a completely different experience from playing on his own. Winning will bring a sense of accomplishment, and watching the game will bring the pleasure of gloating.

After seeing the Bulls eliminated in the first round, he can understand the thoughts of those retired veteran stars.

Without him, the Bulls are playing well and are still the favorites to win the championship. He will feel very unhappy and will not be able to show his strength.

On the contrary, he can complain happily.

Look, can't do without me?

Do you know who the boss is?

If you don't invite me back, the NBA will not be so interesting. You ignore me and just wait to accept the anger of the fans.

At the same time, Wang Jun is happy for Skiles, the coach proved that sentence, gold can shine everywhere. The Bucks can reach the second round, which is considered a rise.

On May 16th, encouraged by Theron, Wang Jun wanted to do something new and meet a special challenge. He went to Hollywood Hotel to audition for the role of hunter in the movie "Snow White and the Hunter".

The background of the original work is the European Middle Ages, similar to the era of the Knights of the Round Table. Those magics didn't come from fairy tales, they were simply changed to another land.

Now that the background has been changed, a hunter with a Chinese face is of course fine. This movie is a script that Theron has read, and she is looking for someone to cooperate with Disney. Letting Wang Jun audition is just a matter of words.

When they arrived at the audition site, Wang Jun and Theron attracted a lot of attention as soon as they entered the venue. Theron had already decided to play the queen, the second female lead, or the heroine.

Hunter's audition was at a meeting place, and next door was a group of children, all of whom came to compete for the role of "Gourd Baby". The setting is different, attracting more people, besides Zhengtai, there are also Lolita, and there are 7 children in the script, and there are two girls.

After Wang Jun entered the venue, he chatted with Theron and waited. A big blond man with "Snow White head" asked Wang Jun for his autograph.

This guy is more than 1.9 meters tall, and his voice is lazy and magnetic, just like Joey's "horeyoudoing" in Friends? A little bit of sexual emotion made Wang Jun get goosebumps all over his body.

After he finished signing, he took a few glances at this person, and the more he looked at him, the more familiar he looked. "Can I ask a question?"

"What?" The big man asked with a smile.

"Do you have Chinese ancestry? Do you have any Chinese relatives? For example, someone named Xu Jinjiang?"

"I'm from Australia..."

many years later,

This strong Australian man became famous. When he saw Xu Jinjiang's photo when he went to China to promote the film, he suddenly realized.

Wang Jun was brought here. He never thought he would actually be the protagonist in a movie, so he was more relaxed.

His only pressure comes from Theron. If she can't be selected, she will definitely be disappointed. This is a matter of commitment.

What Wang Jun didn't know was that just by standing here, he had already chilled the hearts of many strong men.

The movie queen brought Wang Jun to the audition. How had they ever seen such a situation before? If this person is not Wang Jun, they will feel that they have met the little boy in the entertainment industry who is being taken care of by an actress.

Being recruited by Theron, none of this group of people would refuse. They fought for the top, but unfortunately they didn't have a chance.

Theron has already handed in Wang Jun's resume, and he has made a bunch of popular YouTube short films, as well as guest appearances in "The Hangover" and "Spiritual Detective". These are all his acting qualifications. What's funny is that Wang Jun made more money from the video than all the other people who came to audition combined.

Popularity is the key.

The producers and investors are actually more inclined to let Wang Jun play this role, but it is a pity to use his popularity for publicity without paying him a high salary.

After waiting for half an hour, Wang Jun's name was finally called.

He walked into the hall with a bag on his back and a smile on his face, looking like an actor who has played leading roles in many movies.

He doesn't even need to cheer himself up from the bottom of his heart. The triathlon next month is all he cares about.

Theron likes Wang Jun like this, his mental outlook is always sunny, and he will try his best to do one thing without leaving any regrets.

The audition is divided into two parts: martial arts and literary.

In the script, the hunter has superpowers, and his martial arts skills are not vegetarian. He will use an ax to kill many soldiers who are chasing and killing the princess. In order to attract children into the theater, the fighting plot will not be designed to be particularly violent, and the hunter must give people a chic and elegant feeling.

This is very difficult, and no one who has auditioned so far has done it.

Many people simply want to be crooked. The hunter in their mind is dressed in messy dirty clothes, with disheveled hair and unshaven beard. When fighting, he roars, stretches his muscles and holds two axes and releases "whirlwind".

This is the hunter? This is the grandfather who can raise 7 children? Worse than the barbarians in Diablo.

There is no way, American fighting is basically muscle building, you punch me, occasionally a head hammer, a somersault is considered fancy, typical representatives are the governor and Stallone.

Therefore, Chinese martial arts instructors are generally invited for blockbuster films, so that they can be played beautifully. No one guides this during auditions.

Wang Jun didn't need guidance. When he was in Chicago, he really learned Bajiquan with Yang Zaishan for a period of time. Every move was full of strength, and it was very easy to play tricks. It was a combination of martial arts and strength.

Wang Jun took an ax as a prop, and played it more beautifully, with the demeanor of a unparalleled general. The judges were all shocked, and they collectively gave Wang Jun full marks for martial arts.

Just relying on his figure and movements, with a little design to take the violent and bloody route, it can make a lot of box office when it is made into an R-rated movie. Chinese Kung Fu is world-renowned, and they regard Wang Jun as the authentic Bajiquan.

Literary drama Wang Jun has an advantage, and he chose the section where he meets Queen Ravenna when he saves Snow White.

One of the two was full of love, and the other was gnashing his teeth, and the yelling was really wonderful. Wang Jun was more restrained, while Theron paid tribute to Ma Jingtao, adding arsenic and pepper, poisonous and spicy...

No one else has the opportunity to face this kind of scene with Theron, so they can only fumble and perform by themselves, which is naturally much worse.

The two are a couple in reality, and Wang Jun is playing himself, imagining what it would be like if the two had a disagreement and quarreled, it was very entertaining.

It's not that they haven't quarreled in reality, but it's not as exaggerated as in the movie.

The audition ended successfully, and the next thing was to wait for the news, and the two drove home.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Theron couldn't get enough, and said with a smile: "You performed so well, I think you will probably be selected."

"Are you sure? I have no acting experience."

"You don't need experience. In other films, they would want to use white and black actors. This one is an exception. Because there are Chinese elements in it." Theron explained.

In recent years, China's movie box office has been rising, and more and more people are watching movies. This is a big piece of cake.

Every year, a fixed number of blockbuster films are imported from Hollywood, and Wang Jun's appearance in the film will be an excellent publicity, and it may open up the market like "Kung Fu Panda".

In 1996, Jordan starred in "Cosmic Jam", which earned a box office of 90.41 million US dollars in North America and 230 million US dollars in the global box office. A superstar crossover film is likely to be successful.

After the revision of the script, the hunter is a recluse with temperament, like a chic knight. The others are playing the role of a down-and-out wilderness hunter who rolls in the mud. It has already been decided who will be chosen.

Wang Jun is also looking forward to the result, making an interesting commercial film will be an unforgettable memory in his life.

PS(to be continued.)

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