Super Invincible Battleship

Chapter 239: Hidden Fog Island Exposed

Here, a modern wharf has been built with the joint efforts of everyone. It has the ability to moor ships, get on and off passengers, and load and unload cargo. But strictly speaking, this is only the first phase of the wharf, and the berthing capacity of ships is still very limited. However, with the acceleration of the construction of Wuyin Island, the pier will be expanded in the next time to meet the berthing requirements of more ships. In the end, it will become a huge comprehensive terminal with super ship berthing and cargo unloading capabilities.

On the other side, the small thermal power plant was finally completed. At the same time, various power conversion equipment and pipelines for power transmission were also completed. These devices have all been debugged and ready to connect the power plant to the grid for power generation. As long as this small thermal power plant is in operation, the electricity it produces will be able to meet the needs of Wuyin Island's preliminary construction work and staff's daily life. In this way, the four diesel generators will be able to retire. It no longer consumes a lot of diesel for power generation every day, which can also save Yanfei a lot of money.

When the fleet of Dream Transport transported a ship of coal between China and Wuyin Island, the total weight reached 50,000 tons. This ship of coal has been transferred to the warehouse of the thermal power plant, and they will be used as fuel for the thermal power plant. However, coal-fired power plants have a very large demand for coal, and this coal alone cannot last long. So at night, Yan Fei sent the drone back to Huaxia quietly, and used the special ability of the general space to move the large amount of purchased coal to the warehouse of the power plant on Wuyin Island.

For the purpose of confidentiality, the coal warehouse of this thermal power plant is kept by Yan Fei alone, so no one knows how much coal is in the warehouse. Ships departing from China will transport 50,000 tons of coal to Wuyin Island each time, and the coal will also be transported to the warehouse of the thermal power plant. With sufficient coal as fuel for the thermal power plant, the thermal power plant will be able to continuously produce enough electricity to meet the early construction needs of Wuyin Island.

November 8, a very auspicious day. After Yan Fei gave an order, the small thermal power station officially started generating electricity. The power of the power plant is transported out through various pipelines, supporting the operation of various mechanical equipment on the island. It's just that although the electricity here has been guaranteed, there are also a lot of thick smoke emitted from the chimney of the thermal power plant above Wuyin Island. These thick smokes are destroying the air environment of Wuyin Island...

The official completion of the Wuyin Island wharf, coupled with the grid-connected power generation of the small thermal power plant, is a landmark event. development capabilities.

In the past two months, four large-scale extreme sandstorms have occurred in China's Western Regions Province. Taking advantage of the favorable opportunity of the sandstorm, Yan Fei dispatched the drone again to the Western Regions Province, looking for large sand dunes that could be transported. He spent a total of more than 20 days moving a large amount of yellow sand to Wuyin Island without sleep.

The yellow sand was used by Yan Fei to widen and heighten the yellow sand dam on Wuyin Island. After the yellow sand removal was completed, the height of the yellow sand embankment on Wuyin Island has become 12 meters, and the width has reached a terrifying 60 meters.

After the height of the Huangsha embankment was increased to 12 meters, the huge reinforced concrete prefabricated components were completely buried under the yellow sand. As long as you don't look for it on purpose, no one will find out that there is another world inside. The extra yellow sand embankment with a width of 30 meters was stacked by Yan Fei behind the huge reinforced concrete prefabricated components in the direction of the new land. In this way, the wave breakwater becomes the most central pillar, and 30 meters wide yellow sand is piled on both sides of it.

After the 30-meter-wide yellow sand was piled up on both sides, the force on the wave breakwater became more even, and it was difficult for the position to shift. In other words, after the heightening and widening of the embankment, the entire Huangsha embankment has become as stable as Mount Tai.

No longer afraid of being pushed down by the impact of waves. As long as there is no problem with the wave breakwater, Yan Fei can ensure the safety of the buildings on the new land.

In addition, Yan Fei also transported a large amount of yellow sand to the new land inside the yellow sand dam. Except for a few lakes in low-lying areas, the reefs in other places were covered with a layer of yellow silt. It's just that the thickness of these yellow sediments is very small, less than 5 centimeters on average, and they just cover up the reefs on the ground. But after having these silts, the new land has undergone a big change. There are yellow silts everywhere, which is quite different from the appearance of all the black reefs before.

After Lu Pingping visited Wuyin Island last time, she felt that Wuyin Island was too desolate and there was no vitality, so after returning to China, she began to buy seeds of various plants in China, especially those domestic grass species with strong wind and sand resistance. It is also her key acquisition target. In the shortest period of time, Lu Pingping collected 5,000 tons of various plant seeds, and then transported these seeds to Wuyin Island by Dream Transport's transport ship at the Modu Wharf.

After Yan Fei received the plant seeds brought by Lu Pingping, she put these seeds into the general space. The universal space was originally unable to collect items with vitality, but after the upgrade of the drone, this rule has been loosened a bit, and it can start to collect some items with very weak vitality, such as plant seeds, bacteria in water, etc. etc., but it still can't collect large items with strong vitality.

These plant seeds have been soaked in a nutrient solution to ensure that they will germinate. After night fell, Yan Fei flew the drone into the sky and flew at low altitude on Wuyin Island. While flying, it opened the general space from the air and began to throw plant seeds outward. Under the action of the wind, these plant seeds are scattered in the wind and evenly fall on the yellow sand on the ground.

The drone flew all the way, and small and uniform plant seeds appeared on the yellow sand below. Under the precise control of the auxiliary brain, the entire Wuyin Island was sprinkled with plant seeds, leaving no dead ends. However, when it met the lake, it was perfectly avoided, and the yellow sand embankment was the key throwing area for plant seeds.

In the morning, the 5,000 tons of plant seeds in the general space were all thrown out by the drone. After these plant seeds were placed on Wuyin Island, there was a heavy rain at noon that day. Under the action of the torrential rain, most of these freshly sprinkled plant seeds were buried by the yellow sand rolled up by the strong wind, or washed under the yellow sand by the rain. With the yellow sand as the soil, the rain as the water source, the seeds soaked in the nutrient solution, and the suitable temperature on Wuyin Island, when all the basic conditions for the birth of life are met, everything behind becomes It's a matter of course.

After half a month, the plant seeds in the soil began to germinate, and some green areas slowly appeared on the new land of Wuyin Island. It's just that these green areas are still very narrow and far apart from each other. But slowly, the area of ​​these green areas became larger and larger, but it would take a long time for them to be completely connected together and cover the entire Wuyin Island.

The workers who are doing construction on the island are also very happy that there are plants here. The work on Wuyin Island is very heavy, but for the generous salary, they are also working hard. It's just that when I was resting, I could see that there were yellow sand and sea water all around, and there were no plants, so I felt a little monotonous. Now seeing plants appearing here, their mood suddenly became happy. With green, it represents life and the future.

For Yan Fei, these plants not only bring vitality to Wuyin Island, they also have a more important role. These plants can provide sufficient food for herbivores, and can attract various seabirds to fly here to settle here, slowly forming a complete ecosystem here. On the other hand, these plants have well-developed root systems. With their existence, sand prevention and sand fixation can be carried out on Wuyin Island. After the plants cover the entire Wuyin Island, it will be difficult for the rainwater to take away the yellow sand on the ground when there is a heavy rain.

After having professional docks and unloading equipment, the speed at which Wuyin Island can obtain supplies from the outside world has increased significantly. However, this transportation capability was not taken seriously by Yan Fei at all. Compared with his general space transportation capability, the current maritime transportation capability and transportation speed are nothing at all.

But this maritime transport capability is essential because of the stable, sustainable nature of shipping supplies. As long as there are ships, as long as the weather conditions are suitable, materials can be transported to Wuyin Island in an endless stream. The key is that the cost of this transportation method is still very low. Now Yan Fei's sea transportation capacity is very weak, but he will buy more transport cargo ships to slowly improve his sea transportation capacity. When the scale of the cargo ship grows to a certain level, the shipping capacity of the cargo ship will reach a terrible level.

The transportation of materials in general space belongs to Yan Fei's unique ability. It has the ability to transport materials quickly and over long distances, can achieve unexpected effects, and has the ability to reverse the situation. However, although its transportation capacity is powerful and its cost is lower, it has uncontrollable characteristics. Once Yan Fei is delayed by something, or there is no time for material transportation, or the general space suddenly disappears due to some circumstances, then there will be big problems with the transportation of Wuyin Island.

Therefore, these two modes of transportation have their own characteristics and are indispensable. However, they complement each other and rely on each other. They combine to form the material transportation channel of Wuyin Island to the outside world, and are in charge of the life and death of Wuyin Island.

With the start of the construction of Wuyin Island, Dream Technology has purchased more and more materials from the market. A large number of materials gathered in the magic capital and then disappeared. This strange phenomenon finally attracted the attention of relevant departments in China, and they began to trace the flow of these materials. There are many loopholes left by Dream Technology, so when these people investigate, they find out about those newly established companies through the purchaser of materials, and finally find that these new companies are all trumpets that Dream Technology has just established. In other words, the large purchase of these materials is actually controlled by Dream Technology behind the scenes.

During the investigation, they also found that Dream Technology recruited a large number of workers, but these workers are completely out of reach now. After their families received a large amount of generous settlement allowances, they didn't know where their families went to work.

After discovering that there was something wrong with Dream Technology, the relevant domestic departments came to the door and asked about the final whereabouts of these materials and workers. Dream Technology has recently been the fastest-growing large company in China. They not only contributed a lot of taxes to the country, but also solved the employment problem of a large number of people in society, playing a pivotal role. Therefore, even the most mysterious relevant departments in the country did not dare to make too much of a fuss when they discovered that this matter involved fantasy technology, and could only come to the door to inquire first.

Lu Pingping personally interviewed the people who came to inquire, but did not answer their questions immediately, but adopted a delaying strategy. On the other side, Lu Pingping immediately notified Yan Fei of the latest situation in the country.

There is no telecommunication signal on Wuyin Island, and it is impossible to communicate with traditional communication methods. However, satellite signals can be searched here, so Yan Fei has long used the auxiliary brain to decipher the satellite signals here, connected to the online world, and always pays attention to his secret email account. So when Lu Pingping sent an email to this secret account, Yan Fei immediately knew the latest situation in the country. So Yan Fei took the drone back to the magic city overnight, first discussed with Lu Pingping, and then met with the personnel who came down from above to investigate the next day.

Yan Fei has long known that his actions to build Wuyin Island will be discovered by others. After all, the personnel and materials he has used are too large. As long as the country is not blind, it will naturally find out what is wrong inside and find out who is hiding behind the scenes. . The reason why he hid the fact that he was transforming Wuyin Island before was that he wanted to delay the time when the construction of Wuyin Island was discovered.

However, after more than three months of construction, the construction of Wuyin Island has begun to bear fruit, and Yan Fei has confidence in his heart. So even if the construction of Wuyin Island was discovered at this time, he didn't have to worry too much. What's more, when faced with this matter, Yan Fei and Lu Pingping had discussed it before, and they already had a specific response plan, so naturally they would not be afraid.

When Yan Fei was questioned by the investigators from above, he did not hide it, but chose to tell the truth. He admitted that he purchased a large amount of various materials, and now these materials have been transported by himself from the wharf of Shanghai to Wuyin Island for the development and construction of Wuyin Island. As for the employees recruited by the company from the society, they are currently under construction on Wuyin Island.

The investigators had also heard about Yan Fei's plan to develop Wuyin Island before, and because of Yan Fei's deliberate guidance, he thought it was a joke at the time. Now after listening to Yan Fei's explanation, I realized that this matter is actually true. The investigator suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked the biggest doubt in his heart——Wuyin Island is a deserted island that is sinking, why can Yan Fei develop this deserted island.

Naturally, Yan Fei could not tell the investigators the actual situation, but only said that he found that Wuyin Island had stopped sinking half a year ago and kept the current height unchanged. Since five months ago, the situation here has been reversed, and the sea area of ​​Wuyin Island has begun to rise rapidly. In the end, the sea area of ​​Wuyin Island actually formed a closed circle on the sea surface, surrounded by a natural embankment full of yellow sand.

Then the sea water inside this circle suddenly disappeared, exposing a large piece of reef inside, so Yan Fei obtained a large piece of new land in this way. And what he is building now is this new land.

In the past, Wuyin Island sank inexplicably, and no one knew what was going on. So Yan Fei also took out this reason, insisting that Wuyin Island suddenly stopped sinking, and then suddenly rose. Anyway, no one can tell the reason, let those scientists guess for themselves!

The investigator was originally here to investigate the disappearance of a large number of materials and personnel of Dream Technology, but he did not expect to hear this shocking news from Yan Fei. However, this matter was beyond the scope of his personal handling, so he hurriedly said goodbye and left, returned to the imperial capital, and fed back the news he heard from Yan Fei.

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