After creating the two scum.

Yun Che revoked the mind control of Sumari.

After freeing his consciousness, he, who was still sluggish, suddenly panicked again.

"What happened just now? What did you do to me..."

"Wait...Anderson?! Walker?! You...Aren't you dead?!"

Sumari, who was about to question what Yun Che had done to him, suddenly found two scums standing beside him.

And I knew it, the scum who died in the war with the female angel!

"No need to bark, they are not conscious at all."

Yun Che sneered.

These two are called Anderson and Walker's scum.

It was created by Yun Che based on Sumali’s memory, combining spiritual gems and reality gems.

To put it bluntly, their bodies are real.

But there is no self-awareness, a puppet who only wants to explode Sumari!

Of course, exploded Sumari's idea.

Yun Che arranged for them!

"14 is resurrected them?"

"Impossible...These two guys have been dead for so long, how can they be resurrected!"

Sumali's face was twisted, if he hadn't known that he was a pervert in the first place.

Yun Che and others might still think that he was frightened stupid and nervous!

"The next scene may be a bit spicy."

"If you can't accept it, you can cover your eyes first, or turn around."

I ignored Sumari, and didn't intend to explain too much to him.

Yun Che turned around and smiled at Kaisha and the others.

After all, it’s a bit...

Spicy eyes!

"I want to see! Such a delightful picture, I can't miss it!"

"I want to see too!"

"I want to witness the explosion of Sumali with my own eyes, so that he can also experience the feelings of the female compatriots back then!"

Morgana and Angel Yan, and Keisha.

They all showed that they were not afraid of hot eyes, and that they had to watch the scene of Sumari being exploded.

"What about you?" Yun Che looked at Lena and wanted to ask her what she thought.

after all......

This girl was so sick that she was retching just now.

"I...I want to watch too!"

After hesitating for a while, Lena also nodded firmly and said.

Although disgusting, what I saw just now was just a memory, something that happened in the past.

The strange development of the scum explosion...

Lena still wants to see a very exciting and exciting live broadcast version!

"Okay, then... let's get started!"

Yun Che nodded, then turned around and snapped his fingers at the two scum.

This is a signal.

Remind them that they can start to act!

Of course, Yun Che had already used the power of real gems in advance to put an alternative mosaic in a place where they could not be stated.

He didn't want these women behind him.

See that dirty gadget of someone else!

"What do you want to do? Hey! Don't touch Laozi! Get out! Fuck!"

Seeing that the two scumbags started to move their feet under Yun Che's instructions, Sumari suddenly shouted.

Now he has his limbs cut off by Yun Che.

There is only a torso, but no hands and feet, so he can't move at all!

Moreover, Sumari had vaguely guessed that Yun Che planned to let these two scums do to him!

"Stop it! Stop it! Laozi is the ancient slaughter god!"

Even if there is no moving capital, Sumari is still struggling.

"Oh, the ancient slaughter god? This title is actually pretty good!"

"It happens to be a pair with Hua Ye, who is known as the ancient evil god!"

Yun Che smiled with interest.

"Sumari, stop struggling, don't you like this kind of play?"

"Anyway, you and Hua Ye have played that perverted pervert, now playing with them is no big deal."

Morgana smirked.

"What?! You guys..."

Hearing this, how could Sumari didn't realize that Yun Che and the others had read their own memories by some means!

Reminiscent of his inexplicable absence before.

He knew that they knew about the things he played with Hua Ye during the Tiangong period!

"That's different! How can these two disgusting guys compare to Hua Ye!

"Laozi doesn't want to play with them!"

Sumali just finished talking, he was like a toilet clogged, and he needed a toilet plug to unclog.

Well, I understand everything I understand!

However, judging from what he just said...

Huh! Dare to love whether it is playing with others or being played by others.

Sumali always makes choices?

Just like ugly women and beauties, ugly men and handsome guys?

Although Hua Ye is also ugly, if you compare it with these two scum.


Hua Ye is really a handsome guy? !

No wonder, Sumali would rather play with Hua Ye than with the two of them!

"Tsk tusk! This picture is really TN's hot eyes!"

Morgana slapped her tongue, shook her head and laughed.

"This is the so-called rule of the human body."

"Yun Che, how about letting him die from exhaustion like this?"

Keisha suggested to Yun Che.

"Right on my mind!"

Yun Che nodded.

Killing Sumari by himself, Yun Che was disgusting. After all, this is a pervert who eats all men and women and likes to play.

So, just let him do what he likes most all the time.

In the end until you die!

Well, this can be regarded as Yun Che's alternative pity.

Although this pity, Sumari didn't want it.

After all, although he does not reject playing, he only accepts playing with Hua Ye.

If it is to play with others, then he would rather die and fall down!

"Oh...this is disgusting, I still don't watch it..."

After insisting on it for a while, I really couldn't stand this picture of spicy eyes.

Lena retched a few mouthfuls, then resolutely hid in Yun Che's arms, and stopped letting the exploding scene pollute her eyes.

"Don't watch if you can't watch it, lest you have nightmares at night."

Yun Che smiled, and then gently patted Lena on the back as a sign of comfort.

"I don't know how Hexi would react when he saw this?"

Kesha on the side had a whim.

She intends to record the scene of Sumari being exploded by two scum.

Then send it to her good friend Hexi to see.

After all, this guy is Hexi's killer of relatives and enemies, seeing him look like life is worse than death at this moment.

Presumably, Hak Hee will get revenge, right? .

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