"What about them? You won't be kidnapped and sold?"

Looking around, but did not find Lena and Qilin, Angel Yan laughed with interest.

Although the tone is like joking.


In her heart, she really hoped that Yun Che really sold Lena and Qilin!

"Am I like someone short of money?"

Although he knew that Angel Yan was joking, Yun Che still rolled his eyes silently.

"Moreover, even if I really want to sell, who do you think on earth would dare to take them both?"

Lena is the Queen of Lieyang, and Qilin is the super soldier of the Shenhe generation gene.

Ordinary earthlings who dare to accept them?

I'm afraid I didn't dig my own grave!

Don't talk about Reina, just as a long-range sniper, Qilin is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Although it is only the Kamikaze generation, it is also a super fighter!

"That's true, but... do you think the current Super Seminary would not want to return to them?"

After thinking for a while, Angel Yan raised his brows and asked.

Yun Che took away Lena and Qilin before Du Kao was in office.

And now, since the Super Seminary has changed its owner.

Angel Yan didn't think that the other party would not want to return the two of them.

After all, one is the light of the sun.

The other, although only the genes of the Shenhe generation, the rank is a sniper, and it also has a lot of value.

"They followed me voluntarily. If they want to go back, I won't stop them."

"However, if Ultra Theological Seminary dared to rob, I wouldn't mind going there again!"

Yun Che shook his head, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth.

If Super Theological Seminary really dares to mess with himself again, Yun Che can guarantee it.

This time it will never be as simple as changing the owner.

He will make the entire Super Seminary disappear completely in this universe!


Unlike Dukao, Lianfeng is a smart person, so Yun Che believes that she has self-knowledge and knows what she can do and what she can't do!

"I suddenly discovered that when you are against the enemy, you are very different from how you are in peace!"

Angel Yan raised his brows slightly. Yun Che is undoubtedly a normal person, but in some respects, he is not that normal.

how to say?

It seems a bit...double personality?

As far as Angel Yan knows, when facing enemies, Yun Che has to be cold-blooded and cold-blooded, and also very funny. He likes to hold the opponent's life in his own hands in the form of a game.

Normally, when facing the people around him.

Yun Che looked very close again, with a soft smile on his face almost always, making a few small jokes from time to time, just like the ordinary boy next door.

Comparing the former and the latter, they are completely different people!

"Treat different people and hold different attitudes. This is my rule." Yun Che chuckled lightly.

He has a very clear understanding of his own status. To this world, he is a passer-by, or a bystander.

Either war or evolution.

Without his intervention, no matter what happened in this world, he had nothing to do with him.

It’s time to eat, to sleep, to play, to have fun.

It's that simple!


Someone provokes him!

for example.

Just like the Super Theological Seminary some time ago, Yun Che had always maintained an indifferent attitude towards them.

However, Ducao angered himself.

Therefore, Yun Che's attitude towards him has changed from being indifferent to a must-killer.

Now, since the Super Seminary had changed its owner, the person who angered him was also dead.

Then, Yun Che's attitude towards Ultra Theological Seminary has returned to the original indifferent.

If Lianfeng is really a smart person and knows how to lower his posture and beg Yun Che, then Yun Che doesn't mind changing his indifferent attitude to a little friendly.

Treating different people with different attitudes is such a simple reason!

"Is that so? Then...I'm curious, what is your attitude toward our angels?"

Regardless of whether it was due to strength or personal factors, Angel Yan always thought that he didn't want Yun Che to be an enemy of the angel.

"Indifferent attitude."

Yun Che shrugged.

"You are you, and the angel is an angel. The two cannot be confused, and it is impossible for me to apply my attitude towards you to the entire angel civilization."

"You really are a kid with clear guidelines!" Angel Yan couldn't help but chuckle when he heard the words.

For Yun Che's answer, she was not satisfied, but also not dissatisfied.


She really appreciates Yun Che's attitude.

In Angel Yan's view, a person with clear guidelines is a trustworthy person compared to a person who has no bottom line.

"Damn! Why are you bitch here?!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the steps upstairs, interrupting the conversation between the two of them.

Morgana originally designed the interior in her room, but somehow, she smelled the smell of angels.

At first I thought it was an illusion, but it became stronger in the back.

Suspicious, she plans to go out and have a look.


This scene happened now!

"Huh? You are... Morgana?!"

Hearing the familiar word "Bi Chi", Angel Yan raised his head, and Morgana, who was staring at Liang Bing, frowned, and said coldly.

The term bitch was so familiar to all angel warriors that it couldn't be more familiar.

after all......

This is their mortal enemy, the Devil Queen Morgana, a word often used to insult them.

But to be honest.

At first glance, Angel Yan didn't really recognize her. After all, Morgana, who was in a devil's posture and an angel's posture, was too far apart in appearance or temperament.

If it weren't for the word bitch.

And her own understanding of the history of angel civilization.

Angel Yan would really treat her as an ordinary human...

"Yun Che, are you going to be in the same foul play with the devil?!"

Turning his head, Angel Yan looked at Yun Che, his tone was cold, and his eyes revealed unspeakable disappointment.

"How can the devil have the right to go with me? Moreover, she is now the Angel Cold Ice, not the demon Morgana."

Yun Che raised his eyebrows, Angel Yan's eyes made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's all the same! Angel Liangbing is Morgana who has fallen into a devil!"

Angel Yan said coldly, in her opinion, Liangbing is Morgana, and Morgana is Liangbing.

Although the name is different, the posture is different.

But one thing is the same...

That is the shame of angel civilization!

A king not only betrayed his own civilization, but even became a mortal enemy of civilization. Isn't this a shame?

"You better calm down first." Yun Che said lightly, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers at Angel Yan.

The power of reality gems directly wiped out all the power of Angel Yan.

Just like Lena, Angel Yan is now an ordinary woman!

"Lengbing, come down! I think you two need to talk."

Whether it is Angel Yan or Morgana at this time, Yun Che recognizes them and regards them as people who can be close to themselves in this world.


He didn't want these two women to fight.

The damage caused by the battle can be repaired, but the relationship is not easy to handle. .

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