Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 1522 Very Arrogant

Yang Xiao raised Le Ding excitedly, and then shouted to the five thousand guards in the square:

"Brothers, I, Yang Xiao, came back late and caused everyone to suffer. I'm sorry everyone.

I have heard Elder Feihu tell me about what happened in City of Hope, and I feel very sad and angry,

I, Yang Xiao, swear here,

No matter who, whether it is Yu Hai or Decepticon, as long as they are stained with the blood of my brothers, I will not let them go.

Blood for blood, I will make our enemies remember this lesson forever,

No matter who dares to touch my brothers and sisters of Yang Xiao, I will make him pay the price in blood. "

After Yang Xiao finished speaking, Feihu beside him immediately said loudly:

"Brothers, the boss met me in the dark forest today. I was fighting Feishatian from the Yuhai Allied Forces. I was surrounded by 2,000 people from Feishatian. I almost couldn't come back.

God hates me, the boss fell from the sky, and slapped Feishatian and his more than a thousand guards to death with one slap.

Brothers, the level of genetic evolution of the boss has been greatly improved, you just wait for the boss to avenge us! "

After hearing Feihu's words, everyone shouted excitedly:

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live the boss!"


Feihu and Le Ding led a team of guards, and immediately surrounded Yang Xiao and wanted to walk into the city.

Xing Zhe followed Yang Xiao, and smiled at Yang Xiao:

"Yang Xiao, I didn't expect that you are the boss of several cities, so low-key."

Yang Xiao chuckled lightly,

"It's just a few small cities. There's nothing worth mentioning. There were originally five cities. I didn't expect that four of them would be snatched away by the enemy without me."

Feihu turned his head and said to Xing Zhe:

"Brother Xing Zhe, our boss is the fifth overlord of Central Continent."

Xing Zhe immediately said:

"Disrespect, disrespect!"

Yang Xiao could only shake his head speechlessly.

After entering the City of Hope, Yang Xiao, Fei Hu and others walked.

Along the way, Le Ding and Fei Hu led the guards to loudly announce "The Boss is back" to boost everyone's morale.

The morale of the people and guards in the city was low, but when they heard that Yang Xiao had returned, they were all very excited.

Especially when they saw Yang Xiao with their own eyes, they were even more joyful and joyful.

In an instant, the whole city was spreading the word "Boss is back, we are saved!"

The people and guards almost blocked the street, and everyone rushed over just to have a look at Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao was also patient, waving to everyone, shaking hands and nodding.

Feihu saw that the scene was about to get out of control, so he immediately arranged for Le Ding and his bodyguards to open a trail in front, surrounded by Yang Xiao, and walked slowly.

Everyone cooperated very well and automatically gave way to a passage.


Qi Lao, Hei Mu, Suo Nan, Ma Kui, Fan Chen, Wan Yanbai, Chen Peng and others are holding a regular meeting in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Old Qi, our food is getting less and less. Now that the population is large, we can only support it for more than half a month. If we don't think about it, we may have big problems."

"Yu Hai has been sending small teams into the dark forest to harass us recently. I always feel that they may launch a general attack on the City of Hope."

"Now everyone's morale is low, and the combat power has dropped a lot. If this continues, City of Hope will definitely not be able to hold on."

"Can Mr. Big from the dark web still help us?"

"I guess it's difficult. I heard that the Decepticons are teaming up with the dragon and the pangolin to eradicate the dark net. Mr. Da is in trouble now, so how can he have the energy to help us?"


Old Qi sighed, in his heart, there was a deeper melancholy than others.

Both Yang Xiao and Qi Lao are from Wu Xing, and they are also responsible for the special mission of helping Wu Xing and dispelling the dwarf star's attack on Wu Xing.

Originally, Yang Xiao's development momentum in Central Continent was good, and Qi Lao and others saw a little hope.

No one expected that Yang Xiao would disappear, and in the end, everything would be lost.

The witch star has been deployed on the dwarf star for hundreds of years,

After a little bit of improvement, it is now back to the original point all of a sudden.

Can Old Qi not be sad in his heart?

"Hey, it seems that the city of our hope is really dead!"

"Without Yang Xiao, no one can support the development of City of Hope."


At this moment, there were faint shouts in everyone's ears:

"Boss is back!"

"Boss is back!"


Qi Lao and the others were taken aback for a moment, then calmed down and listened carefully, and the shouts became louder and louder.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone looked at each other.


The door was suddenly knocked open, and a guard rushed in like flying, shouting excitedly:

"Old Qi, the boss is back!"

Old Qi and the others were taken aback.

"Boss? Which boss?"

"Yang Xiao!"


Old Qi and the others all jumped up from their chairs.

Fan Chen and Wan Yanbai sat closest to the gate, and they rushed out.

Qilao, Heimu, Suonan, Ma Kui and more than a dozen people also rushed to the door at the same time.

However, this gate is not particularly wide, and it cannot accommodate more than a dozen people rushing out together.

No one slowed down and gave way, all of them wanted to see Yang Xiao as soon as possible.


a bang,

The entire gate was directly crushed by Qi Lao and others, and the walls on both sides were also crushed several meters.

Everyone couldn't care less about these trivial things anymore, they flew into the midair in a flash, teleported a few times, scrambling to fly forward.

Fan Chen and Wanyan ran in the front, and saw that the street in the distance was densely packed with people. Seen from mid-air, the streets of the whole city were full of people, and everyone shouted in unison.

"Boss is back!"

"We're saved."

"Revenge, kill them all!"

"Take back our city and drive them away."


Fan Chen and the two were so excited that they flew directly to the center of the crowd and landed on top of Yang Xiao.

However, Yang Xiao was surrounded by people all over, and the two couldn't find a place to stay for a while, so they could only be suspended in mid-air.

Feihu and Leding were on guard duty, so they had already seen Fan Chen and Wanyanbai.

Feihu smiled and said:

"Fan Chen, Wanyan Bai, are you happy? The boss is back, hehe, you two don't get down, just fly up there, there is no place for you when you get down, haha..."

Fan Chen and the two flew directly in front of Yang Xiao's head, and shouted loudly:

"Boss, boss..."

Yang Xiao raised his head and waved to the two of them.

The scene was already too hot, and Yang Xiao couldn't talk to the two of them.

In the next second, Qi Lao and others flew over, and everyone was very excited when they saw Yang Xiao.

Feihu saw Qilao and others approaching, and hurriedly let the crowd in front of him get out of the way.

Elder Qi and the others shouted excitedly:

"Boss, you are back."

"Miss me to death."

"Boss, if you don't come back, you won't see our old bones."


Qilao, Heimu and others actually burst into tears in front of everyone.

Qi Lao, Hei Mu, Suo Nan, Ma Kui and others are all extraordinary powerhouses in the imperial realm, and they are also the leadership core appointed by Yang Xiao. , did not shed a single tear.

Seeing Yang Xiao at this moment, crying in public, this emotion immediately infected the people around him.

Everyone remembered that they were hunted down and besieged by the Yuhai coalition forces in the past six months. Many people lost their brothers, parents, children, and the comfortable and happy life that everyone used to live, and they all burst into tears.

Some bereaved people simply burst into tears.

In an instant, the city of hope turned into a city of weeping.

A woman and an old man cried bitterly:

"City Lord Yang, you want to avenge us!"

"Kill those bad guys, drive them away, and take back our homeland."


Then, the whole city shouted in unison:





Yang Xiao was also very excited and jumped into the air.

"Brothers and sisters, elders and fellow citizens,"

The audience immediately fell silent.

"I, Yang Xiao, swear in front of everyone today that no matter who kills me, insults my brothers and compatriots, robs my city, and destroys my homeland, I, Yang Xiao, will kill them and avenge my brothers!"

Feihu stood beside Yang Xiao, and immediately raised his arms and shouted:

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live City of Hope!"

Tens of thousands of people around immediately shouted in unison:

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live City of Hope!"

Moments later, shouts echoed throughout the City of Hope, shaking the sky.

Guided by Qi Lao and the others, Yang Xiao came to the City Lord's Mansion.

Entering the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Yang Xiao saw that the gate was broken and the walls on both sides collapsed several meters, so he asked:

"Why, could it be that the enemy has already reached the City Lord's Mansion?"

Old Qi and the others laughed loudly and said:

"Boss, we were in a meeting just now, and when we heard that you were back, we all rushed out together, and in the end the door was crushed, haha..."

Yang Xiao also laughed, thinking of everyone's expectations and enthusiasm for him, he was very moved.

Yang Xiao immediately called Qi Lao and dozens of key members for a meeting.

Everyone sat down around the conference table, Yang Xiao sat in the first place, and Xing Zhe sat next to Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao pointed at Xing Zhe and introduced:

"This is Xing Zhe, a good friend I met at Promise Academy."

Everyone immediately stood up and gestured to Xing Zhe.

Xing Zhe hurriedly got up to return the salute.

Yang Xiao glanced at everyone and said:

"I have already learned the general situation from Feihu. How many fighters above the emperor level do we have?"

Old Qi replied:

"There are less than 50,000 warriors at the emperor level. Many brothers were lost in the previous battle, especially the warriors at the emperor level, who suffered heavy casualties."

"Where is Tyrannosaurus Rex, the leader of the Monster Beast Alliance?"

"The leader Tyrannosaurus rex has been leading this monster to lurk in the dark forest to help us stop the coalition forces in the sea."

"How about the loss of the monster?"

"More than half of the monsters at the emperor level have been lost. The opponent's coalition forces in more than 20 cities are much stronger than ours. Brothers are fighting desperately, but they still can't keep the city. Please punish the boss!"

Yang Xiao waved his hand and said:

"It's not your fault, it's pretty good that you can keep City of Hope,

By the way, the people on the dark web didn't help us? "

"The Decepticon heard that you were missing, and wanted to attack us immediately, but he was still worried about the power of the dark net, so he personally took five thousand guards to the headquarters of the dark net valley to meet Mr. Da, and threatened Mr. Da to stop us,

As a result, Mr. Big and the Decepticon had a duel. Mr. Big performed the magical power of freezing nine days and beheaded five thousand guards. The Decepticons were terrified, so they didn't attack us directly.

Otherwise, we'd be done for,

However, the Decepticons later teamed up with the Crossing Dragon and the Pangolin, and the three major demons wanted to join forces to eradicate the dark net. Mr. Da was forced to defend the dark net headquarters in the valley, and could not help us. "

Before leaving, Mr. Wu from the dark net communicated with Mr. Qi and conveyed Mr. Da's helplessness.

Yang Xiao listened, nodded, and said:

"It seems that Mr. Da is also kind and righteous, Mr. Qi, what are you going to do next?"

After hearing this, Elder Qi sighed immediately:

"Boss, we are at the end of our ropes. Hundreds of thousands of acres of food crops in the dark forest have been destroyed by the Yuhai coalition forces. The Flying Eagle Chamber of Commerce and the Decepticons jointly imposed an embargo on us. We cannot buy food from outside. Now the city's The remaining food is only enough for the city for about half a month, if you don't come back, we don't know what to do."

Everyone looked at Yang Xiao expectantly, and all pinned their hopes on Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao smiled lightly and said:

"Flying Eagle Chamber of Commerce, huh, they also want to add insult to injury, to avenge the hatred last time? Okay, this time I just clean it up together, so that there will be no future troubles.

Elder Qi, send an order to gather 50,000 guards tomorrow morning, follow me to recover Titan City, and then go to recover Shuizawa City, Fire Bird City, and Cold Wind Valley. If everything goes well, by afternoon, the four cities can be completely recovered . "

Old Qi and the others thumped in their hearts, and looked at Yang Xiao in bewilderment.

Yang Xiao actually wants to recover four cities in one day?

is it possible?

Among the crowd, only Feihu was smiling. He saw Yang Xiao's new strength with his own eyes.

Kuroki hesitated for a moment, coughed lightly, and said:

"Boss, you just came back, don't be in a hurry, get acquainted with the situation first, investigate it, and then make a decision before it's too late."

Suonan, Ma Kui and others also agreed.

"Yes, boss, you just came back, take a rest, don't worry."

Qi Lao said directly:

"Boss, Yu Hai's coalition forces are about 150,000 strong. How can we recover four cities in one day?"

Yang Xiao glanced at everyone and said with a smile:

"You don't believe me?"

"Boss, it's not that we don't believe you. We all believe in you. However, the strength of the Yuhai coalition is really strong. How about I accompany you to investigate on the spot tomorrow, can you make a decision?"

Old Qi was very worried that Yang Xiao would underestimate the enemy and accidentally cause heavy losses.

City of Hope is already too fragile to withstand any major losses, otherwise, the entire city will be ruined.

Heimu and the others also looked at Yang Xiao with concern. They hoped that Yang Xiao could create a miracle, but at the same time they were very worried. What if he failed?

Yang Xiao smiled and said:

"Do you have a map of more than 20 alliance cities in Yuhai?"

Elder Qi immediately said:


Immediately took out a map from the space ring, opened the three-dimensional map, and displayed the entire Central Continent in front of everyone.

Qi Lao marked more than 20 cities in the alliance on it.

Yang Xiao glanced at it and said coldly:

"Get ready. I plan to take over all these twenty cities directly. The work in the future will be tiring. You must take care of your health."


After hearing this, everyone stared at Yang Xiao dumbfounded, as if they saw a monster.

The boss has been in the Promise Academy for a year, and he seems to have become a little arrogant!

No, it is very arrogant!

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