Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 325 Nuclear Pingge

As long as there are enough people in this way, it can completely help the pigeons form an impeccable thinking.

Perhaps in the future, when pigeons have access to souls, this method can be used throughout the universe, and the souls of all intelligent creatures can be extracted and used as the basic unit for supplementing the database.

But now, the pigeons don't know whether there are aliens in this universe, and what kind of existence are the aliens.

For pigeons, the most important thing is to do well in the present.

Soon, after dealing with the Avengers, Pigeon also discovered the lethal effect of this humanoid robot on humans. The human body structure plus strong materials, and the countless knowledge in the Pigeon database, this is indeed a perfect robot. Killing machine.

It started mass production on a trial basis and put it into the war against humans.

In the following time, Ying Jiang gradually felt powerless.

In the war with the pigeons, even if the pigeons were only dispatched to make humanoid robots, they still could not defeat the pigeons, even worse than before.

Each of the humanoid robots has superhuman physical fitness, coupled with the huge database support of pigeons, even if the official Eagle Sauce sends an army to set off, there is nothing they can do against a thousand humanoid robots.

Each humanoid robot is a master of martial arts, and each one is a Taishan Beidou-level figure standing in various professional fields.

Moreover, they will not be disturbed by human emotions. Once the order is given, if the goal is not achieved, they will not back down even if they fight to the last person.

However, Eagle Sauce officially does not have this strength.

Since Pigeon activated the humanoid robot, Eagle Sauce officials have not shot down a single humanoid robot.

The speed of all their weapons is extremely fast in the face of motion capture. How can a turtle catch a hummingbird?

Unless there is an unavoidable situation, it is difficult for them to even hurt these robots.

This is no longer just technological leadership, the number of robot armies made by pigeons has been increasing, from one hundred to one thousand, from one thousand to ten thousand.

In less than a month, including the murlocs, it has been difficult for Yingjiang to form a force organization against the pigeons.

From the sky to the earth, there is no place that is not under the monitoring range of the pigeons. Everything, every inch of land, except Yingjiang's base below the ground, all the resistance forces have fallen and been destroyed.

And this is all when the pigeons are only conducting experiments, testing new killing machines, and have not used those real weapons that the pigeons can regard as weapons.

The eagle sauce official is vulnerable in front of it, and the fragility makes the pigeon suspicious.

You must know that the knowledge base of pigeons is only developed on the basis of humans, especially humans.

But the gap between them is like the sky and the earth.

They were all raised by the same parents, why did you die before I did my best?

The pigeon does not understand, and it will not understand that the complex social relations of human beings make human civilization not exist for the development of science and technology.

The existence of human civilization is to enable human beings to survive better.

Perhaps this is the meaning of the existence of pigeons.

Change human thinking, since human beings want to survive better, the pigeons will destroy their good life, so that they have to drive the entire human civilization to rebel and develop technology for survival in order to continue to survive.

After defeating the official Ying Jiang, the pigeon gradually realized this truth.

Its budget for human beings far exceeds the real level of human beings. If it continues like this, it won't be long before human beings will be wiped out by it.

This is a serious violation of the pigeon's understanding of its own existence. In its consciousness, it exists for human beings and is a testing machine for the entire human civilization. If human civilization is destroyed by it, then what is the point of its existence? ?

In a short moment, the pigeon's central computer brain calculated countless times, and finally re-planned its own plan.

The biggest enemy that hinders the development of human beings is human beings themselves. A good life will make human beings degenerate, and they are even willing to be a rice bug, living their lives in chaos and walking dead.

In Pigeon's view, this is simply not the thought that a qualified civilized creature should have.

A civilized individual, if the meaning of its existence is not for the progress and development of civilization, it will be meaningless.

On this earth, human beings have become the dominant existence, without natural enemies, everything is under their feet, human beings are the topmost existence of the earth pyramid.

Drinking and thinking about sex, perhaps it is because there is no survival crisis that human beings will degenerate like this.

Every kind of creature, if it is in a state without natural enemies for a long time, its race will expand and expand, and finally fall into madness and self-destruction.

This is an unchanging law of beasts, including intelligent humans.

Pigeon, who understands more and more about his mission and the meaning of existence, let go of his hand completely this time.

Invading the eagle sauce can be seen as a cautious and bold attempt. No matter what the pigeon does, it will always maintain the most basic caution.

Now the Eagle Sauce official has been destroyed by it, and the remaining ones are not that it didn't discover, but a ray of hope it left for the Eagle Sauce official.

What the pigeon, the human tester, wants to see is not the destruction of human beings, but the ability of human beings to resist and destroy them.

If human beings can achieve that step, then the meaning of the pigeon's existence will be maximized, so that it can be satisfied.


Before that, its attack will never stop there.

Dealing with Gargantua is just the beginning. During this invasion, Gargantua tried to use Mushroom Eggs several times, but finally held back.

They endured it until the end, when the pigeon destroyed it with a thunderbolt, they woke up with regret.


If they had used mushroom eggs in the first place, they wouldn't have gotten this far!

After the eagle sauce official was destroyed, these mushroom eggs fell into the hands of pigeons.

It just wants to reflect the value of its own existence. It is a human experimenter without emotion. Humans may hesitate to detonate the mushroom eggs.

But pigeons don't.

After completely controlling all the official military bases of Eagle Sauce, the pigeons counted all the mushroom eggs.

The last calibration target.


At this moment, the countries that closely followed the Yingjiang war discovered to their horror that countless intercontinental missiles carrying mushroom heads lifted off from Yingjiang's territory and headed straight for the whole world!

:. :

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