Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Chapter 450 The stunt learned from the game

"Isn't it Ultraman? No one is the same."

Xiao Xilin's slender jade hands held the glowing puppet.

Find the imprint on the sole of the foot and touch the Milky Way spark.

The next moment, the light came on.

People saw a bright star river emerge.

[Super Fusion! ]

[Ultraman Galaxy! ]

A white beam of light shot up into the sky.


Masaki Keigo made an unbelievable sound, and was bounced away by the spreading galaxy.


It didn't stop until it crashed into four buildings.


The people watching the live broadcast were speechless for a while.

"That is!"

In the command room of the victory team, Director Sawai, who came here, looked at the figure appearing on the big screen, and whispered softly: "The new giant of light!"

Dagu was dumbfounded.

Can you really become a giant?

Suzuki Satoru: "Damn it! It's really changed! @Lingyun, big brother, is this transformation device still available?! I want to pre-order it! I can exchange it for a magic weapon."

Bone King was completely excited.

He was a little skeptical at first, but after seeing Xiao Xilin turned into an Ultraman, he couldn't bear the trembling in his heart anymore.

The young heart is recovering!

King Power: "Need to be this crazy?"

Suzuki Satoru: "The ancients shut up, what do you know? This is called feelings!"

Kingship and hegemony: "."

Ling Yun: "Everyone has to understand, after all, it's very difficult for you to excite someone you don't have."

Suzuki Satoru: "."


Accompanied by a misplaced voice.

The corner of Bone King's mouth twitched.


"It turned out to be a new giant! It turns out that the gods are also good at using the power of giants?"

"This giant is so handsome!" Lina looked at the tall figure in amazement.

Countless people who eat melons are also shocked.

Especially the well-distributed crystals all over the body added a bit of mystery to this Ultraman.

"Impossible! This is impossible, why can you also become an Ultraman?!" Masaki Keigo seemed to be possessed.

After getting up from the ground, he asked loudly.

Sirin in the Ultraman Ginga felt the surrounding light and showed an expression of enjoyment.

"So, is this Ultraman? It's so warm."

After experiencing it for a while, Sirin opened her eyes and looked at Gaia in front of her.

"Next, let me deal with this clown!"

Hands up.

Clouds gathered in the sky.

Purple arcs flickered.

"Manipulating nature?! This has completely violated science!"

winning team

Ye Rui's pupils widened, and he shouted in disbelief.

This is the first time he has seen this situation!

Even Tiga never possessed such terrifying control power!

"This new Ultraman is stronger than everything we know!" Ju Jianhui said softly, looking at the red figure flickering under the thunder in the picture.

It was clear in her heart.

Dagu must be Dijia!

Especially after watching Sirin transform.

The next moment, a purple galaxy full of lightning spread slowly in the hands of the newly appeared Ultraman.

The blue plasma spark crystal on his body also instantly turned purple.


The roar of destruction came from the purple galaxy.

[Galaxy lightning strike! 】

In the next second, Ultraman Ginga turned the purple galaxy into a blade and threw it towards Gaia.

Masaki Keigo didn't dare to take it too seriously.

Energy is concentrated in the head.

Turned into a red light blade.

[Photon Ice Blade! 】


light collision

The photon ice blade was actually split into two by the purple lightning galaxy.


Accompanied by a scream.

'Gaia' was directly locked in the sky by the huge purple galaxy.

Benjo Feng: "By the way, don't you guys look familiar when you look at this Ultraman?"

Lisa: "It's a little bit like Lingyun's Ultraman."

Kevin: "??? What the hell? Why can't I understand why Ling Yun has become Ultraman again."

King Power Hegemony: "If you say something weakly, I don't understand..."

Dagu: "Because you didn't participate in that war with us."

Limulu: "I always feel like I missed something wonderful."

Ling Yun: "@利沙, worthy of praise, this is part of my imitation of the power of Ultraman Galactic Victory, the separated power, plus the energy of the plasma sparks in the Ultraman bracelet to finally create Ultraman Galactic."

Suzuki Satoru: "CREATE!!!"

The Bone King was terrified.

This shop, really, the water is too deep!

Ling Yun: "No fuss, I just made a container for light based on Dagu's spark prism, it's not a big deal."

Suzuki Satoru: "It's no big deal... Give it to me! You give it to me!"

Queen Honkai: "You are thinking about farts, this thing has long belonged to my queen."

Suzuki Satoru: "..."

Don't bully people like this.

Shalltear: "I always feel that Ainz-sama today is different from the one I usually know."

Suzuki Satoru: "Ahem, I'm so excited."

"The one below is."

Sirin in the galaxy thought for a while.

"Just choose this!"

A ray of light suddenly appeared on Yinhe's right hand and turned into a spear.

【Galaxy Spark Gun! 】

There is no way, Yinhe has too many skills, and Masaki Keigo is too weak, otherwise she really wants to try them one by one.

Masaki Keigo: ".I'll fuck you!"


Camila silently watched the chat content in the group live broadcast and group chat.

She did not choose to speak, but observed quietly.

She was also surprised.

This kind of powerful Ultraman was created by the administrator? !

Although she hasn't fought Yinhe head-on, she can still feel the oppressive strength from the screen.

At the same time, the woman's sixth sense is also telling her that this Ultraman is not something she can defeat at all!

Camilla looked at her own Camilla Spark, and then at the spark prism next to her, narrowing her eyes slightly: "What is this group chat about?"

[Galaxy acceleration! 】

He glanced at the figure imprisoned in mid-air.

next moment

Ultraman Ginga turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

"So fast!"

Dagu was surprised.

He knows how slow Ultraman is, because of his huge size, the battle is a bit slow.

It's not like he hasn't seen the fast one.

For example, Sero from Monster Ranch before.

But it's the first time I've seen him who is as fast as the Milky Way!

"I can't lose! I want to be the leader of mankind!"

Masaki Keigo roared unwillingly.

Red light diffuses from its body.

Gaia took on a new form.



Masaki Keigo, who had gained new power, broke free from the shackles of Zidian Xinghe.


A red light emerged from the fist, roaring furiously, he raised his fist and rushed towards the Milky Way.

"Do you still dare to rush up? It's just right, let you see the stunts I learned from the game in the store after practicing hard for a month!"

Dussilin in Yinhe was disdainful when she saw this scene.


Red flames emerge from the tip of the Galactic Sparkler.


Faintly, people heard a dragon roar.

The fiery red flame jumped up, spread the flame, and turned into a red fire dragon that enveloped the Milky Way.

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