Super Dimensional Exchange Group

375 Master's acting is amazing!\r

In the air-raid shelter north of the capital of the Eastern Ying Kingdom, the surviving people of the Eastern Ying Kingdom below all fell silent at this moment. One by one stared at a huge screen on the front wall of the bomb shelter.

What appeared on the screen was the figure of Wang Mo Bai.

At this moment, the existence of Wang Mo Bai is a god to these surviving East Ying nationals in the air-raid shelter. When they saw through the screen in front of them that the entire capital was occupied by the army of monsters, although they survived by hiding in the air-raid shelter, they were still in despair after seeing that the capital had fallen!

Although the people of the East Ying Kingdom are polytheists, at this moment, all the people of the East Ying Kingdom who survived by chance have only one god of faith, and that is the king Mo Bai who came by the dragon when they needed it most.


"We are finally saved, it is the gods who have come down to save us-!"

Suddenly, in the deadly air-raid shelter, someone suddenly made a sound, and then, the entire air-raid shelter exploded instantly.

"No, he's not a god. He's China's blood-clothed dragon rider!

"How could China's blood-clothed dragon rider come to save us?"

"He is not a dragon rider in blood, I have seen his videos online. He is China's salted fish sword fairy!

"Isn't that black dragon the mount of the blood-clothed dragon?"

"Could it be that China's most mysterious blood-clothed dragon rider is Mo Bai, the sword fairy king?"

"We believe in Amaterasu god-tier, but when we need help most, it is China's Sword Immortal who comes to save us.

An old man in a kimono walked forward tremblingly, and then knelt down on his knees towards King Mo Bai, who was standing proudly on the black dragon on the screen, choked and said loudly: "Master Sword Immortal, from now on, we will It is your most devout people, please accept the worship of your most devout people. Also please help us drive away the evil, and drive these monsters who destroyed my home and killed my relatives back to their world .please!"

As the old man's voice fell, all the people of the East Ying Kingdom who were lucky enough to survive in the air-raid shelter immediately knelt down in unison. "Lord Sword Immortal, please accept your worship from your most devout people."

boom boom boom…

At this moment, a violent crash suddenly came, and then, the entire air-raid shelter trembled violently.

Outside the air-raid shelter, an army of orcs that kept retreating because of the blood river that was spreading wildly and unscrupulously devoured all life in the city came out of the air-raid shelter.

"General. Your Majesty is dead!"

A leopard man standing outside the air raid shelter looked at the blood river that spread wildly not far away, and looked at the creepy resurrected orc warrior in the blood river, and said with a pale face: "From now on, you are us. New king, please order!""

Standing beside the leopard man was a werewolf holding a trident.

As soon as the leopard man's voice fell, the werewolf general immediately took a step forward and gave the leader decisively and simply: "This air-raid shelter can let us escape the bloody river! Pass my order, and knock this air-raid shelter for me at all costs. , otherwise everyone will die!


The werewolf general gave an order, and all the orc warriors immediately responded in unison. Immediately, the densely packed orc warriors rushed towards the gate of the bomb shelter.

Accompanied by the shocking sound of impact one after another, the orc warriors, with their unparalleled power, just knocked out a hole in the thick door of the air-raid shelter.

Survivors in the dugout who were bowing to the figure of Wang Mo Bai who appeared on the screen saw that the door of the dugout was knocked open with a crack. The soldiers who were responsible for protecting these survivors who came to the dugout immediately stood up and rushed towards the door of the dugout. go up.

"Fight them!"

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor! 99

"Long live the Sword Immortal!

The soldiers who came to the gate of the bomb shelter shouted slogans and watched the gate of the bomb shelter that was constantly being cracked.


Finally, the gate of the air-raid shelter couldn't bear the impact of the orc warriors and fell down.


As soon as the gate fell, the soldiers who had been in front of the gate simply pulled the trigger. In an instant, the densely packed bullets shrouded the army of orcs outside the door like a torrential rain.

...... Ask for flowers...

The orc army who broke through the door of the air-raid shelter was stunned when they saw that there were still humans in the air-raid shelter, and then their eyes flashed red, and they burst into the air-raid shelter in the face of the hail of bullets.

Although there are soldiers from the East Ying Kingdom guarding the air-raid shelter, their bullets pose no threat to the orc army at all. With the first group of orc warriors rushing into the dugout, a one-sided massacre begins!

at the same time.

The river of blood that spread from the capital of the Eastern Ying Kingdom also rolled up a monstrous wave of blood and went straight to the air-raid shelter.

In the monstrous river of blood, a few beasts that looked like they came out of the ancient battlefield, led the army of resurrected orcs, and rushed into the air-raid shelter along the river of blood.

As the blood river surged into the air-raid shelter, whether it was the army of orcs who had just rushed into the air-raid shelter, or the citizens of the Eastern Ying Kingdom hiding in the air-raid shelter, they all made desperate voices at the same time.

But soon, the citizens of the East Ying Kingdom became surprisingly quiet, and then under the leadership of the old man, they no longer fled in embarrassment, and all sat cross-legged on the ground, welcoming the arrival of the blood river.


In the sky above the Kingdom of Eastern Ying Kingdom, Icarus, who was quietly hovering beside Wang Mo Bai, suddenly frowned, and said with some surprise, "Some human vital signs have just been detected."

Wang Mo Bai was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are there still people alive?"

"Well, it's gone now!"

Icarus blinked blankly, "Strange, it was there just now, why did it suddenly disappear?

"It is estimated that he was killed by the army of orcs!""

Wang Mo Bai said with some regret: "It's a pity, if I had discovered it earlier, they could have been rescued a little."35

Hearing this, Icarus covered his face with one hand and couldn't help but spit out: "Master, your blood river should attack indiscriminately! Maybe these survivors who escaped the orc army were drowned by the blood river.


Wang Mo Bai's eyes widened instantly, "Then, what to do then?"

Seeing Wang Mo Bai's reaction, Icarus simply gave a thumbs up, "The master's acting is amazing! 35

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