Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1081: Small harvest

With a lot of concerns, Ray's appeal to Frank failed several times, and Ray chose to die.

But he was afraid to do anything in the army.

Of those players, everyone has been saved by Frank, many more than once.

He dared to reveal a little bit of sorrow, and was likely to be killed by Frank in turn.

Frank is such a simple and rude man. He will shoot without hesitation towards the enemy, even if Ray is his boss for many years.

He can only wait until Frank retires to return home.

Early planning, Ray chose to move his hands when Frank and his family were out.

He knew that only then would Frank the wolf on the battlefield relax his vigilance, sacrifice himself, and protect his family.

Therefore, the three-way dogfight in the park was initially set up to kill Frank.

The first shot that fired was also an undercover of Ray in Cartel, Mexico.

In fact, Frank and his family were the first targets to attack. When they were shot, no gangster was injured.

In a sense, the three gangs were the funeral of the Franks.

The Reyes inspection was a bad luck that she hit the door herself. The police officer she sent appeared only after the start of the melee in order to control the situation.

The truth finally came to light.

The real enemies of the Franks are Ray and his undercover in Cartel, Mexico.

The undercover person was long ago killed by Frank's revenge operation, and Ray's mastermind also had his head blooming tonight, and things were considered to be over.

Originally, it was not so easy to expose Ray as a blacksmith.

In order to keep his colonel's identity secret, he was careful in everything he did.

It is a pity that this guy, Robert, is thick and thin, and is not as good at killing Frank as Frank, but he has thrown him eight streets away. He knew that Ray's "private business" was very large and told Luke about this.

Luke's clues here are as follows:

Ray has a deep relationship with Frank.

The death of the blacksmith and Frank's family was huge.

Blacksmiths are smuggling a large number of illegal drugs, and the channels are mysterious.

Ray is also smuggling a large number of illegal drugs, and the channels are military aircraft that are difficult to detect.

Coincidentally, with so many conditions, how could Luke pass thunder.

If he made a mistake, it would be Frank to apologize to the old comrade-in-arms. Ray must understand the old comrades' vengeance and impulse.

Anyway, Ray had also been saved by Frank, and at best he was treated as a human being.

If the speculation is correct, it will be all right.


There is certainly not so much in the video of Frank interrogating Ray.

The whole story is going on and on, Luke is still investigating from previous investigations and speculating in the notebook just now, but it is generally correct.

Over there, Frank finally recovered slightly from his revenge.

Without a word, he turned and walked outwards.

Luke scratched his head helpless: It's time for me to wash the floor again?

Call Robert tomorrow and be sure to tell him that Frank's fellowship has been repaid and he will never be washed again. A small police detective was angry.

Ray's body disappeared, all traces of their entry were cleared, and Luke quietly exited the room.

When he got into the car more than 100 meters away, he asked, "Where are you going?"

Frank: "Forty-Fifth Street, the building behind the Chinese supermarket."

Luke drove silently, arrived, and watched Frank go underground without a word, and walked into the building.

He then started the car again and drove into an unmonitored area.

A moment later, a small pedal pulled a burly guy out from the other end of the area and headed straight for a pier in the southwest corner of Brooklyn.

Ray died, and Frank forgot to ask where his goods were.

Fortunately, Luke found a clue from his notebook and determined that the latest shipment was stored in a ship in this dock area. A conservative estimate is not less than one ton.

Except for weeds, Luke has never destroyed tons of illegal drugs in his life.

In the past, he destroyed a few kilograms of white crystals, and the traffickers that he cleaned up together, also mixed up with thousands of experience points.

How many experience points does this ton of laundry worth? He couldn't wait to verify it.


More than two hours later, Luke returned home contentedly.

Facing Selina's questioning look, he just smiled: "Well, don't you want to have supper? How about Chinese-style skewers? You also have grilled eggplants."

Selena and the bullion are indispensable.

Someone is in a good mood and take the initiative to do supper, which is a rare thing to eat, just eat.

Luke moved the oven directly to the rooftop.

This is the Clinton area and the roof of the building at night.

Selina whispered at the coveted bullion dog ears and whispered: "He seems to be in a good mood, too good, better than any female CEO or painter he has ever seen."

Bullion: "Oh!"

"You agree to fart!" Selina: "I was asking you, knowing why he was in such a good mood?"

The bullion shook his dog's head. He really didn't know it and didn't want to die.

The devil's ears are super spirited!

Selina relied on the devil to spoil her, and she wouldn't say a little bit about it, and she wouldn't be unlucky, but she didn't do that.

But Selina spoiled it, and she didn't dislike it if she was stupid.

Seeing nothing but hearing nothing, this is Ben Wang's life-saving recipe. The gold nuggets are as stable as old, with a glimmer of light in their hearts. In their eyes, only the barbecue is about to be released. They will not accompany a woman to death.

It has a shallow understanding of these two famous sayings, but it is extremely skilled in use and the effect is immediate.

Recently, the big devil rarely finds its stubble. Dogs are naturally good, not small.

Selina threw away the dog's head boringly.

Of course she knew the idea of ​​gold nuggets, and it couldn't hide her during the symbiosis.

It can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

I wanted to tease the gold nugget and see it was packed by Luke, which was also quite fun.

Now this guy likes to learn Luke's routine, which is hard to make fun of.

Luke also heard Selina talking to the nuggets, but ignored them.

He was in such a good mood that he didn't need to hide at home.

System: Kill the trafficker leader "Blacksmith" Ray Skunov and complete the mission.

Total task experience 20000, points 20000

The task contribution rate is 70%, gaining 14000 experience and 14000 points.

Obviously, it was Luke's credit to find the true identity of the blacksmith.

Frank just killed Ray in the end, and also contributed 30% of the contribution rate, which is not small.

But this is just a small head.

System: The core members of the gang of blacksmiths destroyed a large number of prohibited drugs and the task was completed.

Total task experience 80,000, points 80,000.

The mission contribution rate is ~ ~ gaining 80,000 experience points and 80,000 points.

This is the big head.

At this moment the system shows that the host experience is 151500/300000.

Points 179200.

This is by far the biggest upgrade experience Luke has gained.

The 300,000 experience needed for the next upgrade also satisfies half of it.

He had expected this, but far from expecting so much experience.

It can only be said that this smuggling and trafficking gang of Ray-Skunov has a huge sales volume and a long time, which can be described as wicked, and will produce so many experience points.

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