Super Dad: The System Lets Me Take the Baby

Chapter 350: Participate in the parent meeting (part 1)

However, when Xiao Chusheng was participating in the event, he unexpectedly discovered that very few parents came. Most of them were mothers, some were grandparents, and a few were home nanny.

After learning about this situation, the teacher was very angry. The reason for arranging this parent meeting is to let the parents know the children’s performance in school clearly, let the parents understand the children’s bad habits, and make improvements at the same time. And let parents understand some of their children’s behaviors when they get along with others at school, as well as their dining habits at school.

The school took great pains to do this, but there are still a few parents who have not come, so the teacher is quite a play, there is a girl next to Xiao Tuantuan who has a particularly bad temper. Because her parents don't have time, the drivers who pick her up are often the drivers, which makes the little girl's personality very introverted, and this parent meeting is also the housekeeper of her family.

The children don't like to play with this girl, because this girl doesn't like to talk at all, she always likes to sit in a daze, and then watch the children around playing. Xiao Tuantuan's character is very outgoing, always talking to this little girl, but helplessly, this little girl often ignores it.

Parents who come will not affect their children’s learning, but in another classroom, through the big screen, you can clearly see the performance of each child in class. This time the parent meeting lasted for two hours and stared at the screen. Then analyze the children's habits with the substitute teacher.

Their seats also correspond to children's seats, and each seat has a corresponding child's name. The tablemate of the small group is called Shui Yiyue. This name is very immortal, and the child's temperament is also very consistent with this name. Always playing alone and in a daze, the teacher has a very headache.

Xiao Tuantuan is sitting in the middle, and there is a child who is at the same table as her. This little boy has a very good personality and is polite. At first glance, he is a particularly educated child. Just like the two moms and dads next to Xiao Chusheng, they are all temperamental people, and they are very good.

Presumably, this couple has invested so much in their children that they can teach such a sensible little boy. On the screen, Xiao Chusheng could see that Xiao Tuantuan played more with little boys, and occasionally brought little girls. The little boy always protects these two little girls, especially Xiao Tuantuan, because Xiao Tuantuan is a bit naughty.

The little boy's name was Xuan Hongda, and he looked like an adult among the children.

Because Shui Yiyue came to attend as a housekeeper, she didn't pay much attention to the child at all. She kept playing with her mobile phone, and she didn't know how the little girl's parents liked such a nanny. Xiao Chusheng was very worried about this little girl, but also worried that this little girl would affect Xiao Tuantuan's growth.

On the whole, Xiao Tuantuan's performance in school is still very good. Because of its outgoing personality, it is especially gregarious and can always smile at others. There will always be small fights between children, but Xiao Tuantuan behaves very angry, as long as you apologize, this girl will forgive you.

Sometimes too many advantages can turn into disadvantages. The only disadvantage of Xiaotangtang is that it is a bit naughty and too cheerful. The teacher explained that this is the child’s nature, but this girl is very clever and only needs to teach anything once. I did, and I didn't listen to the class well, so I said I did.

When the teacher was commenting on the small group, all the parents looked at Xiao Chusheng. Such Xiao Chusheng was very embarrassed and smiled embarrassingly: "I will go back to educate my children and will not let this girl disturb other children in class. ."

Each class will always have a few children from other people's families, and they are particularly strong in all aspects. Xiao Tuantuan is one of them. No matter what aspect, she belongs to the group of talents and intelligence.

"Hello, parents and friends! I am the class leader or any teacher in this class. Our class is led by me and several other teachers. First of all, thank you for your trust and entrust your children to me. Thank you for your busy schedule. I took time to come to school and learn about the lives of the babies in school. This way, our school’s work has been carried out a lot."

The teacher waited for a while, and about two minutes passed: "Next is our meal time. The babies are punctual at school. They eat and sleep, and they all behave very well. Some children are seriously picky eaters, hope Mom and Dad can help their children to correct this bad habit. Picky eating can lead to malnutrition."

Xiao Chusheng looked at the big screen. There were children sitting there, all only a little bit old, and the oldest was only two and a half years old. They were all treasures in the palm of the house at home. At school, I sat upright on my seat, waiting for the teacher to bring the food.

After the food came, the head teacher cleared his throat. Continue to say: "The children in our class are generally relatively young. When a few children first came, they didn’t know how to eat by themselves. Now they have all learned. It’s still great to eat. Sometimes I look at them as teachers. I feel so happy."

Seeing the big screen, the food is mainly light, meat, fruits, and vegetables are all available, and the other tableware are all cartoons, especially cute. Each tableware is customized with the name of the child, and each time it uses its own thing, which is both hygienic and safe.

Today’s dishes include Kung Pao chicken and green vegetables, as well as green peppers and red peppers. They are all sweet, but there are still a few children who refuse them in particular and put them aside.

With regard to eating, Xiao Chusheng, as Xiao Tuantuan's father, is particularly relieved. Because this girl is hardly picky eaters, eats everything, she is a foodie.

Xiao Chusheng pinned his gaze tightly on his baby daughter, watching the small groups ate their food, although they ate quickly, they did not fall on the table. It may be because the girl’s grandparents said that girls can’t lose rice when they eat. They must eat very clean to grow beautiful. Occasionally, a piece of meat is dropped. This girl also grabbed it and stuffed it into her mouth. NS. Although this seems to be a health problem, she knows that it is good not to waste food.

At this time, the teacher gave a close-up shot to Xiao Tuantuan: "This kid, Xiao Yizhi, is the most serious eating in our class. He looks lively and cute. He always uses his own actions to drive the people around him. You see, this girl Is it delicious to eat?"

Xiao Tuantuan was named again. Although there were a lot of gazes this time, Xiao Chusheng did not feel embarrassed, but rather proud. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a smile, and quietly looked at his baby girl.

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