Super Chief

Chapter 738: 1st African colony

The beating stone bears of Europeans are the clearest. Europeans can abandon everything for profit, even if they have no time to take care of other places, but this does not mean that they will give up their coveting of the American continent. Therefore, first repairing one's own nest to be stronger is also a deterrent to those Europeans.

  Of course, building a huge coastal defense gun system will inevitably use a lot of raw materials such as steel and cement. In addition, land transportation and shipping are also indispensable. So this huge project is also an excellent way to stimulate domestic demand.

   Another important project that stimulates domestic demand is railways.

   With the efforts of many scientists from the Yanhuang Institute of Science and Technology, the Empire has successfully developed the first generation of steam engine locomotives. Although the horsepower is not very large, the trains can already be promoted in the Empire.

  In this era, once railways begin to be promoted in China, the significance is undoubtedly extremely significant.

   The railroad tracks require a lot of time, and the construction of the railway requires a lot of labor. Once the railway is completed, the domestic transportation capacity will be greatly improved.

  The increase in the strength of the United States in later generations actually started with the construction of railways.

   So the empire is now also preparing to build a railway from Shangjing to the four major capitals.

   In addition, the imperial United Overseas Bank has been established for several years, and currency issuance has also proceeded extremely smoothly. Especially after the recovery of Mexico, the large amount of silver and gold produced from San Luis Potosí and the gold produced from the Rocky Mountains have made a huge contribution to the gold and silver reserves of UOB.

  There is a large amount of gold and silver as reserves. The gold, silver and copper coins issued by the empire have extremely high reputation and value. Shi Xiong has not issued banknotes for the time being because it is not yet the right time to issue banknotes. After the empire’s economic foundation is strengthened and developed in the Pacific, it will not be too late to issue banknotes.

   The current financial system adopted by the empire is the gold standard. That is, it stipulates the exchange ratio of silver and gold, with gold as a reserve, and currency made of silver and brass as the currency in circulation. Although there are also gold coins on the market, there are very few gold coins in circulation. Even if they appear in circulation, they are mostly gold coins of large denominations, which are mostly used for large-value transactions.

   In addition, Shixiong also started mining silver and gold mines in Canada. The stone bear whose soul comes from the future is very clear that Canada’s gold reserves are also extremely rich, so temporarily opening up gold mining in Canada will not only allow the empire to have more gold reserves, but also attract more European gold prospectors. America.

   Compared to the silver and gold mines in the Rocky Mountains, Canada’s gold mining conditions are undoubtedly more difficult. After all, most of Canada's silver and gold mines are north of the Great Lakes. Poor mining conditions actually have an advantage, that is, it allows those gold prospectors to stay longer in the Americas.

   In addition, since the empire has regained Havana, the former Royal Astrillo Shipyard of the Kingdom of Spain, which was originally established in the Havana Bay, naturally cannot give up. And Cuba produces cedar, which is a better shipbuilding material than European oak.

  Before the current breakthrough technological progress of steel warships, sailing warships had to be used to sail across the ocean.

When Havana was regained, none of the engineers and shipbuilders in the Astrillo shipyard could escape, and Shixiong did not intend to release them back to China, and honestly built ships for Laozi in Havana. Right!

   Ishikuma believes that the steel battleship will not be able to sail across the ocean within fifteen or sixteen years at least, but now many unowned overseas places have a strong appeal, attracting Ishiguma who can’t wait to conquer.

  For example, near Johannesburg in the northeast of South Africa, such as Australia, such as the iron four corners of Brazil

   Some of these places have become colonies of other countries, but some are still landless. But as far as Shi Xiong is concerned, it doesn't matter whether he has the owner or the owner, as long as I am interested in it, and he doesn't say anything, just grab it.

   Although South Africa is now occupied by the Netherlands, if the stone bears really want to grab it, the Netherlands is really not one. Besides, Stone Bear doesn’t want to grab Cape Town. What Stone Bear wants to grab is only the northeast of South Africa. Of course, by the way, it’s not difficult to grab Maputo, which belongs to Portugal, to build a port.

   Thinking of the Rand gold mine near Johannesburg, which has more than 50,000 tons of mineable reserves, Shi Xiong felt that his mouth would be filled with some liquid involuntarily.

   Australia is also rich in gold reserves. Australia is still a landless land, just grab it.

   As for the iron four corners of Brazil, the high-grade iron ore with reserves of more than 100 billion tons is also exciting.

  Why are Europeans keen to **** colonies? Very simple, one is human resources, and the other more important is the mineral resources of the colony.

   Now that the Great China Empire also has the strength to open up colonies overseas, if it doesn’t take advantage of this time to **** it wildly, will it have to wait until the 20th century to **** it?

   Therefore, using galleons to open up colonies is also an important task for the empire.

   In terms of the strength of the Grim Bear Army, one battalion is enough to **** a colony of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

   Still that sentence, dissatisfied? If you are not satisfied, let's say it!

   Under this guiding ideology, the empire began to vigorously develop its internal affairs, while building a coastal defense artillery system on the east coast, and at the same time it began to send a small group of troops to open up colonies.

   In this era, looking at the colonies all over the world, with the exception of North Africa, West Africa, India and South America, most of the other colonies are concentrated near the coastline. Even in the colonies of South America, most of the colonists lived near the coastline.

   Africa can be said to be the earliest colonies established by Europeans, but after hundreds of years of development, most of the colonists in Africa also live near the coastline. Some colonies that went deep into the interior belonged to a certain European country in name only, but the actual control power of those European countries was very In this case, the first branch sent out by the empire to open up The colony’s team goal is South Africa.

   In September 1792, a squadron consisting of seven galleons of the Imperial West Indies fleet successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean and went south along the west coast of Africa, bypassing the Cape of Good Hope, and landed in Maputo.

   At this time, Maputo was only the site of a local aboriginal tribe, and it had not become a city at all. The empire's fleet quickly conquered this black tribe. After a short break, some people stayed and started to build the port with the help of Maputo Bay. Others recruited local guides and started all the way to the west, preparing to conquer the west. That barren land about four hundred kilometers away.

The prosperous Johannesburg in the later generations is still a barren area. The soldiers of the Great China Empire did not know why they had to cross the oceans and then came to such a ghost place where the birds don’t **** and the chickens don’t lay their eggs to establish a base. His Majesty ordered it personally, so no one would object to this seemingly “laborious” plan.

   Don't look at the Dutch occupation of South Africa at this time, but most of the land occupied by the Netherlands is coastal areas, especially near Cape Town. Like this barren area more than a thousand kilometers away from Cape Town, there is no trace of the Dutch at all.

   So this large area was declared a colony of the empire by the Great China Empire.

  Well, whoever dares to come and ask for trouble, the heavily armed Grim Bear soldiers will surely punch out Ah's shit!

   The first colony of the empire on the African continent was thus established.

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