Super Chief

Chapter 682: Bright muscles

In fact, with the strength of the Grim Bear Army, it would only take two or three days to resolve the US military and the high-level American Confederation trapped in these three port cities. As for the difficulty, it is no different from crushing an ant to death.


  Because most of the U.S. military and high-level officials of the U.S. Commonwealth were driven to these three port cities, the residents who originally lived in these three cities began to flee from these three cities.


   The brutality of the violent bear army has spread to the ears of these residents. Now they have witnessed their own army being driven here like ducks. Does anyone not understand that the general situation is irreversible?


   In fact, at this time, regardless of the fact that the United States won the War of Independence, but because the Shesi Uprising did not break out, the United States is now an extremely loose political and economic alliance, not even a single country.


   So the citizens of the American Union at this time did not have much sense of belonging to the Union. For these people, it makes no difference whether they accept the rule of the British King before or now accept the rule of the American Federation. Anyway, no matter who you are under the rule, you will have to pay taxes, and you will not have enough food or clothing...


   I want these residents to work for the American Commonwealth. Tsk tsk, let’s rest where it’s cool.


   Therefore, more than ten days after the top leaders of the U.S. Union and the U.S. military were driven to these three cities by the Grim Bear army, more than 80% of the residents in these three cities have fled with their families.


   No one wants to accompany the senior officials of the American Union and the yawning American soldiers to death in the city.


   It is precisely because these residents continue to flee these three cities that Stone Bear ordered the Grim Bear Army not to attack these three port cities for the time being. Of course, this reason alone is not enough, there are more important reasons why Shi Xiong retains these three cities.


   Otherwise, the United States would have disappeared more than ten days before the combined fleet of Britain, France and Spain arrived in Boston.


   In fact, they just signed the "Paris Peace Treaty" and are immersed in the joy of the independence of the American Federation. They were also deceived by Shixiong's fierce operation. They really don't understand why this indigenous tribe wants to do this.


  At first, when they received the document, they thought they could withstand the attack of the Yanhuang tribe with the federal army, but the result was beautiful! gorgeous! You guys think so beautifully!


   Later in the process of continuous retreat, the top federal leaders, those politicians who were enthusiastically called the "Father of the Nation" by the Americans in later generations were also constantly trying to contact the legendary Chief Chief, the Son of God, to try to negotiate. But Shi Xiong simply ignored this.


  Since you have torn your face and started, don't bb, just take it to the death!


  Negotiating? Why do you want that stuff? The Yanhuang tribe and the Grim Bear Army don’t need that stuff!


   Compared to fake gentleman sitting at the negotiating table in a formal dress, Ishiguma prefers to roll up his sleeves and do it directly! He prefers this way of killing chickens and monkeys, knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger.


   Yes, for the future of the tribe, Yanhuang tribe needs a chicken to brighten its muscles! Otherwise, because of the virtues of the European powers, they will definitely keep asking for trouble.


  The truth will always only exist within the range of the naval gun!


   Or in other words, big fists these years are the last word!


   Your own fists are big. You know you can’t. You have to let others see how big your fists are.


It’s like the braid dynasty on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. It looks very powerful, but in fact it’s nothing. Even if the master Qianlong is in charge now, the braid dynasty’s fists just look big but in reality. Very soft-like a large glove.


Otherwise, after more than 50 years, the British would not start the Opium War. They stripped off their gloves and exposed their fists, which were smaller than the hands of a baby, and finally gave them to those who have been standing on the top of the world for thousands of years. China has brought a history of more than a century of humiliation.


   Shixiong didn't want his own foundation to become a braid dynasty, so he must now show the big fists of the Yanhuang tribe to the European powers.


   The top U.S. federal leaders who were driven to the three port cities of Boston, New York, and Charleston, and the tens of thousands of U.S. troops, are undoubtedly the best props. They are now the chicken in the horror!


Of course, since they want to scare the monkeys, they have to let the monkeys see how the chicken was beheaded. Therefore, since the senior leaders of the United States of America and the tens of thousands of U.S. troops were driven to these three port cities, Stone Bear has Began to stand still. When the European fleet comes, Shi Xiong will raise his fist, and then bludgeon the chicken in front of the Europeans!


   Yes, I don't want to kill the chicken with a knife, I will use the most brutal way to kill the chicken with his fist!


   How else can I show Lao Tzu's unparalleled fist?


The combined fleet of Britain, France and West never appeared in the original historical time and space, but in this time and space, under the strong pressure of the Yan and Huang tribes, these three naval powers formed a huge combined fleet across the Atlantic to give them. Supported by his new brother.


  The commander of the combined fleet is the British Admiral Mariotte Abbasnot. This earl, who has just been promoted to admiral, led the Royal Navy’s North American fleet in several battles in the War of Independence. The most famous battle was to cooperate with the commander-in-chief of the British Army in North America, Colinton and Convo. The battle of Liss against Charleston.


   When the Battle of Charleston broke out, Earl Abbasnot was only a lieutenant admiral, and now he is an admiral.


  The Anglo-French-Spanish combined fleet consists of ten second-tier sailing battleships, thirty-two third-tier sailing battleships, 47 cruisers, and twenty-five auxiliary ships, a total of 114 battleships.


  There are as many as forty-two battleships!


   Such a fleet is undoubtedly very powerful, especially since this fleet is still formed by the three countries of Britain, France and Spain, which means that this fleet has no rivals at all in the entire Atlantic Ocean.


   Therefore, when the fleet arrived in New York with a swagger, the Earl of Cirencester, who was sent by George III as the chief negotiator, was ready to start mediating the sudden outbreak of war.


   The Earl of Cirencester has another identity, that is, the adjutant of King George III. His appointment is now the Prime Minister of the British Cabinet, Lord Snow.


   was able to serve as a deputy of the King of England for fifteen years, which is enough to prove the King's trust in the Earl of Cirencester.


But unfortunately, when all the ships of the fleet docked in the port of Boston, and the Earl of Cirencester was about to inform the Yanhuang tribe to mediate, the combined fleet saw eleven ships coming from outside the bay. The strange ship of smoke...



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