Super Chief

Chapter 192: Tep

"This method of you really works." Hong Yun looked at the little bear cub who greedily arched into the bitch's arms and ate her breasts, and said with a smile to the stone bear standing beside him.

"Of course it works. As long as the bitch's urine and milk cover the breath of the bear cub, then for this bitch, the bear cub is not a natural enemy but its child. Well, although the child is tall It’s a bit big, but Mother Dog will still accept it. You see how happy this little guy eats."

"It's very happy, but the other puppies are uncomfortable. The other children of the mother dog have no place to breastfeed."

Shi Xiong also chuckled softly.

The scene before me is indeed full of comedy. This bitch, which can be called a meritorious mother, gave birth to seven pups in a litter. This number is absolutely high-yielding. It is estimated that this mother dog is a young **** and can give birth to so many puppies in a litter.

The newborn puppies are not as big as no one’s slap. These puppies have not even opened their eyes. They are squeezing into their mother’s arms to feed happily. As a result, a "behemoth" suddenly squeezed in, and then three arches. Two arches took all the puppies to one side, occupied the arms of the mother dog by himself, and then began to greedily **** the delicious milk.

This "monster" is naturally the baby bear. Although this little bear cub was just born not long ago, its body length is close to 30 centimeters. For those puppies who are not slap-sized, this bear cub is naturally a giant.

And this guy deserves to be the descendant of the top predator, his personality is called a solitary-when I am breast-feeding, no one can fight with me, otherwise I will take you all out!

Fortunately, those puppies should have been full before, so even though they were inexplicably arched out, the seven little furry **** still clumped together and closed their eyes blindly.

The mother dog doesn't care about this, she lie on the ground contentedly, enjoying the sucking of the "children", but she doesn't know that her biological baby has been occupied by a foreign baby magpie's nest.

Of course Bai Yun understood this, and said with a smile: "This little bear cub is really not a gadget. He is so alone now, and it will be even more serious when he grows up."

Shi Xiong shook his head and retorted: "You are wrong to say that. Don't forget that this is a bear, the top predator. As a bear, it should have this kind of personality, otherwise, how to suppress others? prey?"

Bai Yun heard the meaning of Shi Xiong's words, gently took one of Shi Xiong's arm, and whispered: "Do you want to raise this little guy because you like his character? Well, you don't need to answer. , I can actually see it. Your name is Great Bear, and you are now striding towards the direction of the top predator. I know that sooner or later you will become the man standing on top of everyone. It's like This little guy will stand on top of all animals when he grows up."

Shi Xiong was stunned by Bai Yun's words, but then he smiled and touched the girl's soft long hair affectionately, without squeaking.

With this meritorious dog mother, it is finally possible to guarantee that this little bear cub will not be starved to death. At least before the stone bear returns to the Gaoshu tribe, with this dog's mother's milk, this greedy little guy will not starve to death.

The only problem is that this little bear cub is too good to eat, and the mother dog’s own milk is good enough for this guy. In addition, this guy is stronger than other dogs, so the mother dog’s seven biological dogs The baby can't breastfeed.

So in desperation, Shi Xiong could only send the seven baby dogs to another dog's mother who had just given birth, and let the dog's mother feed on her behalf.

This is also impossible. The dogs raised by the Chekasas and Cherokee are the native New World dogs. In the words of later generations, the scientific name of this dog should be called the Protter Hound.

This hound is a kind of dog generally kept by Indians living near the Appalachian Mountains. It is a large hunting dog. But even though it is a large hunting dog, it can't stand the milking method of an edible bear cub.

So in the end the mother dog could only feed the little bear cub alone.

For the dog’s mother, Shixiong gave the dog’s owner two steel knives, fifteen bags of corn, two bags of refined salt, and a large roll of cotton cloth. He brought the dog’s mother with him. This little bear cub's exclusive nurse.

And because of this little bear cub, the original plan of Stone Bear to leave the Xiaohe tribe on the next day was also disrupted. He had to stay in the Xiaohe tribe for two more days before finally be regarded as finalizing the "exclusive nanny" matter. .

On this day, the weather was fine. The inland armed transport ship that docked on the Haworthy River outside the valley of the Xiaohe tribe was surrounded by people. Many people from the Xiaohe tribe took the initiative to walk out of the valley to serve as the Cherokee Kabru high priest. The guardian sees off.

The people of the Xiaohe tribe already knew that the eldest princess of the tribe would become a family with this mighty man in the future, and Baiyun’s popularity in the Xiaohe tribe was obviously very high. The tribe members liked this quiet and beautiful place. princess.

Although many young men in the Xiaohe tribe are very unconvinced with the big man, they can only express their dissatisfaction in their hearts, because through Thunder Eagle and Dashan's mouth, almost everyone in the tribe knows this big man. It's not just a scary body, this guy's force is really so high.

Don't talk about heads-up, you are an elite warrior when you are dispatched. In all likelihood, you will be beaten by gangs—the ten warriors are beaten by this big man and a crowd!

No one dared to doubt this. At least Dashan, the most powerful warrior in the tribe, had personally said it no less than ten times - there were ten warriors like me, and that was the result of being beaten by Master Guardian.

Since you can't stop this big man from taking away the most beautiful princess in the tribe, then just try to get this big head together. After all, this big man is really outrageous. For precious things like ironware, cotton cloth, grain, and salt, people say that if you give it away without blinking, there are a lot of them, without the slightest stinginess.

Such a bold and generous person, who would not want to make friends?

So when the Shixiong was about to leave the Xiaohe tribe, a large group of people came to see him off.

When Shi Xiong came, he pulled a ship full of things, and when he left, the ship’s cabin was also full.

The soybeans and some saltpeters that the stone bears were coming from on the boat were all specialty products of the Xiaohe tribe.

Although he was very reluctant when he was separated, Shi Xiong knew that this is not the time for his children to love each other. Spring is coming soon, and things in Gaoshu tribe will become many, many things. Shi Xiong didn't dare to indulge himself at this time, he needed to command the tribe to do everything well.

"When will you come back next time?" Bai Yun also knows that his lover has a lot to do when he goes back. He can't keep him, but reluctant to give up is reluctant. For a girl in love, she can do it at this time. Be self-willed.

"I will come back to see you as soon as possible. I will have some free time when the tribe's affairs are arranged, and I will see you again."

The sister-in-law of the future who is almost exactly the same as Baiyun on the side interrupted and said: "Dali Xiong, when you come again, remember to bring me some good things, or I won't let my sister go with you."

What the girl said was called a straightforward, stomping white cloud.

Shi Xiong smiled and said: "Okay, I will try my best to bring you what good things you want, but you have to tell me what you want first, or how can I bring you things?"

With a single word, the Green Skylark was speechless. She just said casually, where did she ever think about what she wants with this future brother-in-law.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhengtai, who was standing on the other side of Baiyun, said very formally: "Brother Dali Xiong, can you bring me a big bow when you come next time? Well, the smaller one, I'm not that big. Pull away your big bow with great strength. Yesterday Uncle Da Shan said that you would make a big bow for him, so I want a big bow too."

"Haha, this is okay." Shi Xiong glanced at his sister-in-law, "Stone, as long as you say what you I will definitely bring you over."

These words made the Green Skylark choked and rolled his eyes again, and then the girl was furious and stopped paying attention to the stone bear.

Bai Yun looked at the wooden box that Shi Xiong was holding in his hand. The box was covered with some hay, and the little bear cub was sleeping in it.

"When you come next time, will this little guy open his eyes?" Bai Yun carefully touched the little guy's head with his fingers, but did not wake up the sleeping bear cub.

"Well, I should be able to open my eyes. This thing can only open my eyes about half a month after birth. When I come next time, it will be able to see you."

Bai Yun nodded happily, and then asked: "Since you have decided to raise this little guy, have you thought of a name for it?"

"Name?" Shi Xiong was stunned, and then scratched his scalp in distress. To be honest, he was not very clever at naming names.

But when Shi Xiong's gaze fell on the little guy with the light yellow fluff, a person suddenly flashed in his mind.

In the previous life, this guy was really famous, and there are probably not many people in the world who don't know this guy's name.

The guy was tall, fat, and had a golden hair, the color of which was similar to the hair on this little bear cub. The most important thing is that this okay guy who likes to tweet and holds a lot of power is also a very powerful and domineering guy, who can be called the rogue leader in the world.

In some ways, the guy in the previous life seemed to have many similarities with the little guy in front of him.

So Shi Xiong's evil taste suddenly appeared again, he smiled and said: "This little guy will be called Tep from now on!"

"Tepp?" The three brothers and sisters of Baiyun are all confused...

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