Super Chief

Chapter 174: Arrogant

Five of these twenty-odd people are obviously different in their dresses from the others, and Shi Xiong can clearly distinguish their differences no matter their manners or demeanor.

   Obviously, these five people wearing clean and tidy clothes should be the spokespersons of the French aristocrats in this military fortress that Alfons just mentioned.

   Although this is not the time when Europeans first came to the New World to establish colonies more than a hundred years ago, the colonies are still very important to European colonists. And a military fortress means a colony, let alone a military fortress with a larger control range.

   Therefore, in these military fortresses built by the French along the Mi River and the Russian River, there are spokespersons or enforcers of domestic nobles.

A military fortress represents the harvest of food, fur, tobacco and other materials within a radius of hundreds of miles. Once these things arrive in Europe, they usually represent great profits. Therefore, those French aristocrats on the other side of the ocean must Will not let go of these fortresses.

   They arranged numerous spokespersons in these fortresses according to their abilities and influence, and then used these spokespersons to make huge profits for them in the New World.

   If the New World is a huge treasure, then the channels behind these spokespersons are the gateways to the treasure.

Those nobles continuously transported some valuable materials and resources needed by the Native Indians to the New World, and then with the help of military fortresses or military fortresses, their spokespersons exchanged various furs, precious metals, gems and some precious materials with the native Native Americans. Crops.

Once in and out, huge profits fell into the hands of these nobles so easily, so that these nobles can continue to enjoy the extravagant, drunken life, even if their country is in decline. Even if their country just lost to the British, it still cannot stop these nobles from going their own way.

   There are obviously different French nobles behind these five people. Perhaps the boss behind someone is a baron, or the boss behind someone is a duke.

   But no matter what kind of aristocracy the boss behind them is, they are here, in this small military fortress, that no one dares to provoke. Even Major Armand was helpless with them.

   These people can show enough respect for Major Armand, but they usually ignore Major Armand’s orders. Because they know very well that although Major Chretien Armand is the supreme officer of this military fortress, he is not a nobleman. They have not been canonized by the great French king, nor are they a long-standing nobleman, so, In the eyes of their master, this Major Armand was a lowly asshole!

   They showed respect for Major Armand, it was respect for Armand’s official title, not for Armand himself, nothing more.

   Therefore, when they saw the current acting city lord of the fortress and the adjutant of Major Armand, Pieno, accompanied by a group of Native Americans, entered the fortress, their faces showed a look of disgust.

   When can these native Indians enter this fortress so swaggeringly? Is that guy Armand crazy?

   This is the same thought of these five people. Even if the five of them are just slaves to their master, in this fortress, the five of them are still unparalleled. Because what they represent here is the face of the master behind them.

   "Lieutenant Alphonse, how can these natives enter the fortress casually?"

   "Yes, Alfons, these natives also entered the fortress with weapons. Have you forgotten the rules of the fortress?"

   "What do these natives swagger into the fortress for? Why don't you let our soldiers stop them? Have you forgotten your responsibility as the acting lord?"

   "I want to write down these things and report them to General Claire!"

   A series of reproaches rushed towards him, and Alphonse's face suddenly became flushed. The stone bear standing behind Alfons can clearly see Alfons' hands clenched and trembling slightly because of anger.

   However, this young lieutenant was able to be favored by Major Armand, he naturally has some unusual skills, such as the tolerance of humiliation.

   But after this scene fell in Shi Xiong's eyes, Shi Xiong nodded his head thoughtfully, and the corners of his mouth twitched upward.

   It’s good to have contradictions. Only when there are contradictions can you have the opportunity to make trouble

Alfons took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, it's not that I have to bring the Great Bear Chief and his fighters in. It is the Great Bear Chief who entered the fortress on the order of Major Armand. "

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the few people on the opposite side were stunned for a moment. They did not expect that this amazingly physique big man turned out to be the chief of a tribe, but how could such a young man with a slightly green face become a tribe. Where's the chief?

Alfons ignored the surprise of these people. He continued, "Captain Pieno has returned. According to the information brought back by Captain Pieno, our Major Armand and Captain Constantine are in urgent need of support. Times"

"Support? What danger has Major Armand encountered? Also, it has been nearly a month since he left, why did he suddenly send someone back to ask for support? Why didn't Armand come back in person?" A white man with a big belly is very unhappy. He interrupted Alfons politely, and asked a series of questions. Obviously, this fat white man with a big belly is a very powerful figure, at least among these five people, his status should be quite high.

Alfons turned his head and smiled bitterly at Captain Pieno and shook his head. Captain Pieno knew what it meant immediately, so he said, "Mr. Honoré, Major Armand will take the initiative to attack with the Chekasha tribe this time. The tribe where the Cherokee’s Kabru High Priest had been wiped out according to the predetermined plan has caused great harm to the Cherokee. However, Major Armand found a very geographical location near that tribe. An important pass, so he led his subordinates to capture that pass. The major said that as long as we occupy this pass, then our power can extend directly to the hinterland of the Great South Fork. Moreover, the major intends to occupy this pass and ask Claire. The general applied for the establishment of a fortress or fortress there, so as to ensure that our forces will not be violated there."

   As soon as these words were spoken, the faces of the five people changed again. But this time it became a little more relaxed, and it was obvious that they were also very interested in being able to extend their power eastward by a few hundred miles.

Pieno continued, "But that pass is also very important to the Cherokees, so when we captured the pass, the Cherokees made a crazy counterattack. If it wasn't for Captain Constantine's ship, With enough gunpowder and the raw materials to make gunpowder, the major may not be able to sustain it. Fortunately, the major persevered. Now the pass is completely in our hands. However, although we have the advantage in force, we still have the advantage. We don’t have enough food, so Chief Strong Bear and I were ordered by Major Armand to return to the fort to collect food. Mr. Honoré, I have a food collection order signed by Major Armand here. You can see it. one look."

   Stone Bear naturally had no intention of negotiating with these five noble minions. He had been holding his arms to watch Pieno and Alphonse negotiating with these minions, and the tribal warriors behind him were also watching.

   It’s just that Shi Xiong was a little puzzled. Before entering the fortress, Alfons said that there were a total of six nobles in this fortress, but how come there were only five in front of him?

   While Ishikuma was thinking about it, the fat white man named Honoré took the order written by Armand himself from Captain Pieno.

   The fat white man just glanced twice, then took a breath, showing an incredible expression on his face.

   The other four people also leaned forward, and the five heads gathered together. After a while, the other four people began to breathe in cold air.

   A tall and thin middle-aged man couldn't help shouting, "Twenty-five thousand pounds of food! Damn, where is there so much food in the entire Okron Fortress? Is Armand kidding?"

   Another man also shouted, "This is impossible, this is impossible! How could this fellow Armand give such an order? This will hollow out the entire fortress!"

   The five noble minions raised their heads and looked at Pieno angrily. They were not even afraid of Armand, let alone the honest Pieno merchants.

Pieno shrugged and said, "Gentlemen, this is really no way. We will lead our soldiers to fight to the death with the natives hundreds of miles away. The major and the soldiers need food, otherwise we You won’t be able to occupy that pass. Gentlemen, don’t you want our power to expand hundreds of miles eastward? Don’t forget, there is the hinterland of the Appalachian Mountains, and the resources there are more abundant than here."

After a pause, Pieno continued, "Especially as it is close to the British territory. If we can have a fortress that guards the throat there, then we don't have to worry that the British can drive straight to the Mississippi River. This Isn't it the result you want? So, we must take away the grain today. If there is no grain, the major can only give up the pass."

   Pieno's words calmed the five people. Although they didn't see the pass, they certainly hoped that their power could extend eastward for hundreds of miles. The expansion of the territory means the increase of the harvest, and the increase of the harvest means that their status in the eyes of their masters is improved!

   Between food and expansion, they hesitated.

Pieno hit the railroad while it was hot. "Everyone, you know how difficult it is to open a new situation in this new world. We failed on the European battlefield. His Majesty was forced to sign the "Paris Peace Treaty" and New France in the north of the New World was ceded. It was given to the British, but as noble Frenchmen, do we admit that this war was completely defeated? If we admit defeat, why do we continue to hold on to the Mi River and the Russian River Basin? Our Claire Why does the general stick to New Orleans?"

"Everyone, the failure of our motherland is only a temporary failure. Those of us who are soldiers always think that our motherland will regain its glory and defeat the British again. It is for this reason that Major Armand will not hesitate to lead the troops to the battle. . And this time we played, we also got a great opportunity, that is the pass. As long as we win the pass, then we have the best way to assault those **** British guys from land. Although. We can’t fight the Brits now, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t defeat the Brits again in the future. The key to all this is to guard the pass. So, I hope you can help us gather some food, and then Add a portion of the food surplus in the fortress, so that our soldiers who are far away in that pass can eat their stomachs."

   "The front line is very dangerous. Our soldiers are fighting with their lives, and you only need to pay 25,000 pounds of food without worrying about your lives. Isn't this a fair thing?"

Pieno’s voice was directly interrupted by a cold voice, "Twenty-five thousand pounds of food, is Armand crazy? Who gave him the power to send his adjutant and a **** native to collect food. Will Armand not come back to pull the grain himself?"

   As soon as this voice appeared, the faces of the five people showed a touch of ease, and the faces of Pieno and Alfons instantly became helpless.

As soon as Shi Xiong looked up, his eyes were like two sharp knives rushing directly to the source of the sound, and he saw the door of the big house behind these people on the opposite side open, and a man with a big belly also walked with an unhappy expression. Came out.

   "Hello, Mr. Fernan."

   "Hello, Mr. Fernan."

   A series of greetings rang, and a smile appeared on the face of the potbellied man.

   Shi Xiong realized that this guy who just came out should be the sixth noble slave.

   However, judging from the manner in which these people treat Fernan, this guy's identity is obviously not as simple as a slave, and this guy's identity seems to be higher.

Fernan nodded at the other five people. UU read as a greeting, and then walked straight to Pieno, first glanced at the stone bear and the soldiers behind the stone bear with guns. , And then withdrew his gaze, slightly lowered his head to look at Captain Pieno, whose eyes were a little dissociated.

This guy is not only fat, but also quite tall. Shixiong estimated that this guy should be at least 1.85 meters tall. In contrast, Captain Pieno, who is only about 1.75 meters tall, is much shorter than him. head.

"Pieno, don’t look at you holding the order signed by Armand, but I don’t take that order seriously. And I can tell you very clearly that your idea of ​​collecting food should not hit me in the head Come on, otherwise I will let you understand how terrible the anger of a nobleman is."

   After saying this, this arrogant guy turned away without looking back. Obviously, this guy didn't plan to take out food.

But after two steps, this guy stopped and said without looking back, "You can go back and tell Armand, just say that Fernan said that he fought his war, but don’t share the cost of the war on us. The few of us don’t have the obligation to cooperate with Armand in the war. Well, also, you'd better hurry out of these **** natives. This is the French military fortress. Why can these natives carry guns? Enter the fortress?"

   After finishing this sentence, the arrogant big fat man beckoned to several other people and said, "Go, let's go in for some tea. My fleet just sent me some good tea yesterday."

  Ps Thank you "I can't change it in this life" for the reward of 100.


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