Super Chief

Chapter 170: Alcron Fortress

"It's about ten miles away from the Fortress of Okron, and you can see Fortress of Okron when you turn the corner ahead." Major Armand said lightly.

   Since the river began to widen, he was lifted out of the cabin by the stone bear, and stood with the stone bear on the bow of the ship and endured the cold north wind.

   The role of Major Armand is to tell the position of the Stone Bear fleet in time.

   Of course, it is impossible for the fleet to take all the prisoners to the Okron Fortress together, so doing it is definitely looking for death, even if the soldiers of the Gaoshu tribe have a hundred muskets and ship-mounted artillery.

  Okron Fortress is the first military fortress on the Ohio River, and the defense is extremely tight. According to Major Armand’s confession, there are usually more than 200 soldiers stationed in this fortress. Although this time we went out to attack the Gaoshu tribe and took away a hundred musketeers, more than a hundred soldiers remained in the fortress. And the French people living in the fortress are not good people. They don't have the identity of a soldier, but they dare to cross the Atlantic to come to the New World, which is enough to prove the sturdiness of these people.

   These people are usually civilians, but once they pick up a gun, they are even tougher than the French soldiers!

   The most important thing is that this fortress is built on the top of a small hill. Although the area is not large, this fortress has four 24-pounder guns, which are 155 mm caliber Valere fortress guns.

Although this fortress cannon cannot fire blooming rounds, this 24-pound fortress cannon has a range of up to three kilometers. Although the projectiles fired are not much larger than a big apple, if you let this type of shells hit, The inland armed transport ship that Shixiong and the others took is in danger of capsizing.

   The projectiles fired by this fortress cannon can easily penetrate this ship!

   In a military fortress with four fortress artillery garrisoned, if there are not a thousand or eight hundred men and a large-caliber infantry artillery active attack, such a fortress is almost impossible to defeat.

   So Shi Xiong would never even think about taking this fortress.

   Why did you take down this fortress? It’s far, far away from the Cherokee base camp, surrounded by Indians from other tribes. What's the use of taking down this fortress?

   Do you want to send someone to garrison it?

  If someone is stationed there, there must be such a person in the Cherokee. But the question is, what should we do if we want to be stationed in this fortress that hangs alone outside the territory of the Cherokee tribe?

   Do you expect the Indians of other tribes around to take the initiative to supply you?

   wake up, dreaming is not done like this

   This kind of fortress is a chicken rib for the Cherokee tribe. At the very least, it is a tasteless stone bear.

   Therefore, Stone Bear has no other requirements when he comes to the Okron Fortress this time. It is ok to pull the food back to the tribe safely.

   But it is not so easy to obtain the food safely. At least Major Chretien Armand, the highest commander of the Alcron Fortress, could not put him back first.

  Ghost knows what this guy thinks. What if he doesn't care about the rest of these people after putting this guy back in the fortress?

   After all, in the eyes of these officers, the lives of these soldiers are far from comparable to more than 20,000 pounds of food.

   The soldiers died when they died, and the big deal is that they were killed in a sneak attack by Native Indians. But without so much food, it is not easy to explain, and the lack of food will greatly affect the stability of the entire Okron Fortress.

   So Shixiong can be sure that if Major Armand is sent back to raise food, this guy will definitely give up the remaining captives.

   Therefore, Stone Bear ordered the fleet to dock after determining the distance from the Alcron Fortress.

After the    fleet landed, all the prisoners were driven off the ship, shaking in the cold wind. Guarding them were forty soldiers of the High Tree tribe wrapped in thick animal skins, armed with muskets and steel knives.

Shi Xiong didn’t worry about the prisoners running away, because after disembarking, the guys not only tied their hands behind their backs, but also tied their feet with thick ropes. The length of the ropes was only long enough for the prisoners to walk no more than 30 cm. .

Moreover, the captives were also fitted with a noose around their necks. A long rope was worn on the noose. This long rope connected all the prisoners together. If anyone wanted to run, they would break the rope and escape. Otherwise, these forty prisoners ran together.

   Only sixty soldiers who sailed and Captain Pieno, the adjutant of Major Armand, remained in the fleet.

   That's right, the person in charge of raising food for the Okron Fortress this time is Captain Pieno.

   Major Armand and Captain Constantine stay here, with Major Armand pressing down, and Captain Pieno dare not abandon his immediate superior. The most important thing is that through interrogation, Shixiong has long learned that Captain Pieno has a high status in Fort Ocron. He is usually responsible for logistics. The food storage in the fortress passes through him. Hand handled.

  With him, Shi Xiong believes that the food in Alcron Fortress can be easily gathered.

   After the captives were guarded, Ishikuma led the fleet and escorted Captain Pieno to move on.

   Sure enough, after turning the big bend in front, the river in front became wider, and further away, a wider river could be seen faintly.

   Stone Bear knows that the wider river is the Ohio River. The irritable Tennessee River merges into the Ohio River near Fort Ocron, and after the two rivers merge, it flows downstream for about 60 kilometers, and finally merges into the Mississippi River, the largest river in North America.

   At this time, there are mostly flat areas on both sides of the Tennessee River, but occasionally a few small hills can be seen.

   To the west of the confluence of the two rivers, there is a small hill about thirty or forty meters high. And on the top of this small hill, there stands a castle that does not seem to be tall but looks unusually strong.

   Even if there are miles away, the stone bear can still feel the strength of the castle.

   This small hill is surrounded by water on both sides, with the wide Ohio River to the north and the Tennessee River to the east. With these two natural moats, it is almost impossible for the enemy to attack from these two directions.

   On the west and south, there are large swamps, which also eliminates the possibility of large-scale enemy attacks.

   deserves to be a military fortress meticulously built by the French. With this solidity coupled with this almost insoluble terrain, such a military fortress is almost indestructible.

   This fortress made Shi Xiong look at it, too.

   The fleet slowly moved down the river. When there was about two kilometers away from the Okron Fortress, a turbulent river merged into the Tennessee River. The Stone Bear knew that this river was the Cumberland River.

  The Cumberland River originates in the Cumberland Heights northwest of Knoxville, and the Cumberland Heights is called the "Great South Fork" in the Cherokee language.

   Seeing this river, Shi Xiong suddenly realized how the Chekashas bypassed the Great South Fork and attacked the Longhair Cow Tribe.

   It is almost impossible to bypass the Great South Fork by land. Although the Great South Fork is not as high as the Great Smoky Mountain, the height is not small. The most important thing is that the width of the Great South Fork is very wide. If you want to go to the larger South Fork, it is impossible unless you go through some key passes. Over this vast expanse of lofty mountains.

And there are Cherokee tribes near the key pass in the Great South Fork, so if the Chekashas want to pass the Great South Fork into the hinterland of the Cherokee tribe, there is only one way. -Upstream along the Cumberland River!

   Because the Cumberland River originated in the hinterland of Great South Fork. Although the upper area of ​​the Cumberland River cannot be driven by large boats, small sampans or canoes are absolutely fine. Even a small sampan or a canoe can’t travel, and it’s always okay to walk along the river valley.

   If it weren't for seeing the Cumberland River that flows into the Tennessee River, Stone Bear would still not be able to figure out how the Chekasha fighters bypassed the Great South Fork.

   Now he finally figured it out.

  The Cumberland River in later generations also merged into the Ohio River, and the distance from the area where the Tennessee River merged into Ohio was only more than ten kilometers.

   But now, the Cumberland River does not merge into the Ohio River, but directly into the Tennessee River, and then into the Ohio River together. Moreover, the place where the current Tennessee River and the Ohio River meet is not in Paducah, but is about ten kilometers east of Paducah.

   Later generations of Americans built the famous Kentucky dam at the lowest point of the Tennessee River, and then created Kentucky Lake, one of the largest artificial lakes on the planet.

  Kentucky Dam intercepted the main channel of the Tennessee River, and then formed Kentucky Lake upstream of the dam. But at a position only three kilometers away from the Kentucky Dam in a straight line, the Americans built the Barkley Dam. This dam blocked the Cumberland River and formed the Buck in the upstream area of ​​the Barkley Dam. Lee Lake.

   Between these two large-scale artificial reservoirs is a piece of land about 10 kilometers wide and more than 60 kilometers long. This land was later designated by the Americans as the "Land in the Lake National Forest Park."

   Because of the interception of the Kentucky Dam and the Barkley Dam, the local topography has undergone tremendous changes, and even the inlet positions of the Tennessee River and the Cumberland River have undergone tremendous changes.

   But in this era, there is no Kentucky dam, no Barkley dam, no Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake, only the wide river surface where the two rivers meet and the swamps on both sides of the river.

   This is definitely a pure wilderness in the original ecology!

   Standing on the bow of the ship, the stone bear can't help but sigh the changes that technology has brought to the world. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that this arrogant wilderness and these two violent rivers would be subdued by human beings using technological means in the next two hundred years. ?

   Seeing this majestic man standing in the bow of the ship, Captain Pieno cautiously leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "Guardian-sir, do you have anything else to say? I'm afraid there is something missing, so"

Shi Xiong turned his head to look at the messy-bearded Captain, smiled and said, "Captain Pieno, you don't need to be so nervous. I've told you everything that should be said, and you should remember what I taught you. Words. So don’t be nervous now, especially after you get to the fortress for a while, otherwise your expression will be bad."

   "Yes, yes, Master Guardian, I will not be nervous."

Shi Xiong nodded, "Captain Pieno, in fact, you really don’t need to be so nervous. I won’t take your life, otherwise I won’t pull you here. I can kill you in the tribe. ."

   "Yes, yes!" Pieno turned into a kowtow worm.

"Your attitude is not right. Don't forget, you are the captain of Alkron Fortress. In the entire Alkron Fortress, your position is second only to Major Armand. And we are natives. After you arrive at the fortress, you will be a thousand years later. You must not show such an attitude. You have to show your pride. Yes, raise your head and look diagonally upward forty-five degrees."

   For this captain officer, Shi Xiong is also somewhat helpless. No wonder this guy is older than Armand Major and seniority is also older than Armand, but his rank is not as high as Armand.

   When I interrogated Constantine, Shixiong knew that this Captain Pieno was a cautious guy who worked very firmly, but it also restricted his development in the French army.

   According to Constantine, this guy had been promoted to captain when he came to the New World five years ago, but after five years, he was still a captain.

This suffices to show that Pieno's mixing in Fort Ocron is not If it were not for Major Armand to watch him work steadily and his mouth is very tight, he would not be allowed to be himself. The adjutant, let him manage the logistics of the fortress.

   But this happened to allow Shi Xiong to find the best guide to enter the fortress.

   This Captain Pieno is cautious, and this character usually also represents greed for life and fear of death.

  Sure enough, as soon as Shixiong frightened him before coming, this Captain Pieno immediately agreed to play a play with Shixiong and the others.

   This kind of person, Shi Xiong, who is greedy for life and fear of death, is the most reassuring. If he is replaced by Armand or Constantine, he will not dare to use them for acting.

Shixiong only performed a throwing axe in front of Pieno, and after telling him "I can kill a bison with a throwing axe within 30 meters", Captain Pieno was completely honest. Up.

He knew very well that what the big man said was true. He saw the throwing axe that was thrown 30 meters away and finally smashed into the trunk, and he personally tried to pull the throwing axe off, but the result was like a quagmire. The tree, he couldn't pull out the throwing axe that was deep in the trunk.

   How powerful is this big man throwing axe?

   If such a throwing axe slashes on oneself, then can't it slash oneself to the heart?

   Pieno is holding such an idea and dare not disobey any orders of this big man


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