With a series of orders issued, the federal special police rushed over and surrounded the entire White House.

Such a huge battle surprised the media from all sides.

What happened to the White House? Big news, big news!

"Whoever has a clue, our USA Today newspaper is willing to pay a lot of money to buy it!"

"So do we at The Wall Street Journal!"

White House kitchen.

At this time, surrounded by inner security agents with cold expressions, all the cooks stayed in place tremblingly, not daring to move. In the eyes of these White House attendants, these agents have been expressionless for many years, extremely ruthless, and are almost the same as executioners.

"Who made the watermelon at the dinner party today?"

An agent asked in a very soft and calm voice, but it put a lot of pressure on the pastry chef.

The dessert chef was sweating on his forehead, and said tremblingly: "Yes...I did it. I assure God, I have carefully checked all the watermelons tonight, and there is no problem! I have served in the White House for 11 years, and I ..."

The agent suddenly raised his hand to stop the dessert chef from continuing to speak.

They don't care how old your qualifications are.

"Tonight's watermelon, including the residue, is all here, right?" The agent asked, pointing to several dinner plates on the kitchen table.

"Yes, yes!" The dessert chef was sweating profusely.

After receiving an affirmative answer, the agent waved his hand, and several professionals immediately moved out the equipment to check the residue.

"Report: No chemical agents left!"

"Report: No Nerve Agent Remains!"


The agent waited patiently.

According to the order, his main task is not to screen suspects, but to cooperate with the White House medical team to find out the cause of No. 1 (Ike)'s illness.

Because the life of the little prodigy is the most important, other issues can be postponed.

After a while, the results came out.

"Report: According to the test, the food is non-toxic."

Hearing this, all the chefs breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, at least it wasn't a problem with their part.

The agent frowned. If there was nothing wrong with the food, then what went wrong?

Just then, suddenly!

A pastry chef's phone vibrated and what appeared to be a text message had been sent to his phone.

At this moment, the agents all looked at the pastry chef with cold eyes.

The pastry chef was shocked.

Damn, who is this texting me and it's killing me. How did I forget to turn it off. God, it's over this time!

The agent stared at the pastry chef, a callused hand stretched out.

The meaning is very straightforward - hand over the phone, otherwise...

The pastry chef didn't say any nonsense about invading privacy, and quickly took out his mobile phone, handed it to Mr. Agent, and anxiously argued:

"I don't know who sent the text message. I was too busy today, so I forgot to turn off the phone. Really, I didn't mean it, and I didn't intend to harm the little prodigy. Sir, please believe me, please..."

A gun was pressed against his head, and at the same time there was a cold voice: "Password!"

The agent is asking for the code to unlock the phone.

The pastry chef quickly spoke out his password.

With the code unlocked, the agent opened the mysterious text message. A text message is a voice message.

It turned out to be a voice message? !

The agent was shocked, and gently clicked on the voice playback button. Suddenly, a mysterious man's voice resounded throughout the kitchen:

"500,000 dollars, you know!"

When the sound fell, the pastry chef spat out a mouthful of blood, I know Nima!

The faces of the inner guard agents changed, and so did the faces of the rest of the chefs.

If you don't check, you don't know, just check and jump. Is there really a ghost in the White House? Someone bought the pastry chef for $500,000? !

"take away!"

"No, I was wronged, I was wronged!"

No one paid any attention to the pastry chef's grievances and struggles, the agents directly dragged the pastry chef out of the kitchen...

Temporary interrogation room.

Hughes and the assistant to the president hurried over, both angry and looking forward to it.

Angry, the White House kitchen that signed the non-disclosure agreement actually has an insider.

What I look forward to is that now the doctors can't find out the cause of the disease, maybe everyone will have to find the answer from the pastry chef.

"Tell me, who is the other party? What do you want?"

Hughes asked coldly.

The pastry chef was silent, and he finally remembered who the other party was.

"Why? Don't tell me, right?"

Hughes has never been very patient, his voice is extremely cold, with hidden murderous intent.

Hearing this, the pastry chef shuddered.

"I said, I said! He is the personal assistant of Mr. Murdoch, Chairman of News Corporation."

What? Murkdo!

Yeah, when did he start playing chess pieces in the White House? What on earth is he trying to do?

At this time, the pastry chef said the answer.

"He wants to buy the scoop on the dinner party! Sir, I have no intention of harming the prodigy, please believe me, I am just making some pocket money. Sir, I promise there will be no next time, please don't fire me! Really, really ..."

Hughes was silent, and he quickly thought about the solution to this incident in his heart.

After a moment, Hughes spoke.

"Send him a message and say: Child prodigy is critically ill!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone paid attention, including the assistant to the president.

"Immediately, immediately!"

"Yes Yes!"

The pastry chef hastily complied.

As this exclusive news was sent out, Hughes immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call to Mr. Secretary of State who was in charge of foreign affairs.

The assistant to the president watched all this silently, he couldn't figure out what Hughes was doing.


Ike Housing.

The doctors are still busy, and Obama and a group of senior officials are also waiting anxiously outside the door.

"No! Antibiotics are not effective, and the body temperature is still rising, 41.5 degrees!"

"It can't be delayed any longer, it needs to be sent to the hospital immediately!"

"Inject a sedative and put him to sleep!"


The little guy finally stopped trembling. A doctor hurried out of the room and applied to Mr. President to transfer the patient.

Boom boom boom!

The helicopter rotated rapidly, carrying the little guy and the doctors soaring into the sky, and flew to Washington St. Anthony's Hospital, the largest hospital in Washington.

Meanwhile, News Corp., which got the scoop, was overjoyed.

Even though it is already 2 o'clock in the morning, various TV stations under News Corporation, including: Fox TV in the United States, Sky TV in the UK, Phoenix TV in Hong Kong, Asia Satellite TV...

All the TV stations have interrupted this urgent news:

The world's top hacker "Watermelon", the American prodigy "Ike", suddenly became seriously ill at 12:30 a.m. US time today. He was sent to Washington St. Anthony's Hospital for treatment. He is currently in critical condition...

As soon as the news came out, netizens from all over the world were once again shocked.

American netizen: God, please bless our little child prodigy, and we must get through this difficult time.

British netizen: People are doing it, but the sky is watching. It's not that I didn't report, the time has not yet come. God, let the thunder strike this evildoer to death!

Chinese netizen: I came out to make soy sauce!


In the age of eyeballs, whether it's good news or bad news, it's all about popularity.

With the attention of netizens around the world, the energy harvested by the light sphere skyrocketed again.

2.9 billion... 3 billion... 3.1 billion...

Ike's sea of ​​souls, the originally bright ball of light once again shines brilliantly, bursting out with thousands of rays of light...

Could it be that the old driver is about to rise up?

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