Super Almighty Student

Chapter 3204: Emperor Ji

"How did Uncle find such a skinless and shameless thing?" What Ye Hao didn't expect was that the woman even said such a thing.

"How do you say it?" Ye Hao said angrily, "Come here with you."

"I'm fighting in the ninth domain. How can I come to the first domain?" The woman sneered. "Only you like this will come to the first domain to adapt to this world."

"No way, this is my master sent me." Ye Hao shrugged.

"Don't push everything to your master." The woman sneered, "What are you doing, do you think I don't know?"

"After saying so much, I don't know your name yet?" Ye Hao changed the subject.

"Di Ji." The woman said indifferently.

"Emperor Ji? This name is pretty good." Ye Hao said with a smile, "So what if I am Emperor?"

"Just you?" Diji chuckled, "I'm waiting for you in the ninth domain."

"I believe this day will not be long." Ye Hao said lightly.

After Diji left, Ye Hao fell silent.

The reason why he hasn't traveled to the ninth domain slowly is that besides adapting to this side of the world, he also has to practice his Dao fruit of the Nine Heavens.

The other half of him has been on the Avenue of Enlightenment.

The new one is already obsolete.

It's impossible to do anything big in this life.

So Ye Hao now puts his hope on the Dao fruit of his nine-day system.

The Dao Guo of the Nine Heavens System will certainly not comprehend the Avenue like the new self, but its speed of improvement is still extremely rapid.

It stands to reason that this ascension will have sequelae.

But the New Me has already gone through a path. Before he came to the Soul Sky Galaxy, the New Me has given him all his insights on the Avenue.

It can be said that he now has an insight that dominates all.

He is dormant.

Is also transforming.

From the Jiutian galaxy, he was forced to leave, Ye Hao didn't want to leave all the time.

But he can't.

The situation of the Jiutian Galaxy is complicated.

In addition to the nine masters on the bright side, there are the capital, reincarnation, and even heaven.

Of course, he also knows that the situation of Soul Sky Galaxy will not be so simple?

This is why Ye Hao didn't kill the ninth domain in the first place?

But what he didn't think was whether he was discovered and designed by Emperor Ji and Ji Fenghuang.

In fact, it is not counted.

The reason why the other party pays attention to him is also because he is Jiang Chongming's apprentice.

That's all.

Diji's words were already clear.

If Ye Hao could not come to the ninth domain, then Emperor Ji would never notice him again.

Emperor Ji appeared today because he wanted to see Ye Hao.

"What a proud woman." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Are you talking about my deity?" Xu Yuanyuan asked softly.

"Yes, if your deity is not unexpected, it should be the strongest of the younger generation of Soul Sky Galaxy." Ye Hao looked at Xu Yuanyuan and nodded gently.

"Soul sky galaxy?"


"So what is she doing now?"

"It must be the past."

"Past Realm?" Hearing Xu Yuanyuan's face revealing self-deprecation, "This is a realm I never dared to expect."

"Your deity is attained, it also means that you are attained."

"Do you think so too?" Xu Yuanyuan looked at Ye Haodao.

"You were originally a part of Emperor Ji." Ye Hao said lightly. "She gave you the ability to think independently, just to make you stronger, not to think of you as a feeder."

"But I think I am a complete individual now." Xu Yuanyuan stared at Ye Hao Road.

"You just stand in your own position."

"Should I not stand on my own ground?" Xu Yuanyuan's words made Ye Hao silent.

"You think I was wrong?" Xu Yuanyuan asked immediately.

Ye Hao is still silent.

"Forget it." Xu Yuanyuan said with some interest.

And at this time a middle-aged woman came in.

"Yuanyuan, what are you rubbing? Why are you still not coming out?"

The middle-aged woman noticed Ye Hao only when she said this.

"Who are you? How are you here?"

Ye Hao glanced at the middle-aged woman and said, "I'm only here by accident."

"Accident? Do you think I might believe your words?" The middle-aged woman said to the old lady standing behind her, "Grab him for me."

"Comply," the old woman said hoarsely.

She rushed towards Ye Hao as she said.

"No." Xu Yuanyuan shouted busy.

The next moment the old woman suddenly settled in the air, she was bound by an invisible force.

She struggled desperately.

But to no avail.

Ye Hao looked at the old lady and said lightly, "Dare to shoot me?"

When he talked about this, the old lady's body showed fine blood.

Her eyes were almost staring out.

How painful does that look?

"Stop it," the middle-aged woman shouted busy.

Ye Hao was unmoved.

"Please," Xu Yuanyuan said pleadingly at this time.

Ye Hao was silent for a while and let the old lady go.

The old lady, like a dog in the water, gasped heavily.

"How are you?"

"Miss, I'm fine." The old woman said with a smile on her face.

The middle-aged woman checked the old woman's injury, and she was relieved.

"Yuanyuan, is this...?" the middle-aged woman asked softly.

"I don't know how to introduce him." Xu Yuanyuan thought and smiled bitterly.

How to introduce.

She knew nothing about it.

"I just passed by." Ye Hao said lightly, "Okay, I'm leaving."

"Yuanyuan contests her son-in-law, don't you try it?" The middle-aged woman moved.

"Not interested." Ye Hao shook his head without thinking.

"Even if you are not interested, please be a guest in my devil's palace."

"I said I was not interested." Ye Hao said impatiently.

"Young Master, Baihua Continent will come to Wanlei Continent in three days to recruit disciples. I believe you may be interested.

"Hundred Flowers Continent?" Ye Hao asked curiously, "Top Continent?"

"Yeah, Baihua Continent chose to recruit talented disciples in our Devil's Palace throughout the continent this time." The middle-aged woman looked at Ye Hao and said, "I heard that Paeonia lactiflora will also come when he arrives."

"What's the difference between peony fairy?"

"Paeonia lactiflora is now known as the first beauty of Baihua Continent and the first person of the younger generation of Baihua Continent. I think you may be interested in your son." The middle-aged woman said wisely.

"The first person of the younger generation?" Ye Hao Mo heard a chin here, "It would be nice to see you like this."

I don’t know why Ye Hao thought there might be something about Paeonia lactiflora.

Anyway, he has nothing to do now, it is better to take a look here.

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