Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2806: Blood domain

"Book spine." Mo Xuan summoned the master of Dan Momen the first time.

"Patriarch, hurry to call, but there is something important?" Dan Momen said softly.

"Zong Men may face a life and death crisis." Mo Xuan solemnly said, "Immediately start Zong Men's first-level combat readiness."

"What?" Shuji's face changed wildly.

The first-level combat readiness is the highest-level combat readiness of the sect.

"At the same time when starting the first-level combat readiness, the seeds of Zongmen were sent away immediately." Mo Xuan continued.

"Now?" the spine said in surprise.

"Yes, immediately, immediately." Mo Xuan almost shouted.

Looking at the ancestor's anxious spine, his face became uneasy.

Four servants appeared beside him as soon as he moved.

"Spring Moon, you hold my token to transfer the seeds of Zongmen." Shuji looked at the first woman and said.

The woman was taken aback, but still ordered to leave.

"Xia He, your task now is to leave Zongmen and completely cut off all contact with Zongmen. You can only show up when the situation is clear." Shuji looked at the second disciple and said, "Your task is to integrate Zongmen." The remaining strength of the door, you know?" said the book spine and handed Xia He his own seal.

"Master, what happened?" Xia He discolored.

The book spine told them the story of the story with Shennian.

"Okay, please leave quickly." The spine urged immediately.

"Autumn rain, you hold my token and go to the barracks." Shuji just said that there was a great panic for no reason.

Mo Xuan's eyes even burst into two glamours.

And when he saw the scene of the distant sky, his eyes were almost staring out.


The entire Dan Yu was alarmed.

No one thought that Dan Momen, who had the taboo pinnacle of power, would be destroyed in an instant.



There is no sign!

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Dan Momen has the taboo pinnacle of existence?"

"In addition to Mo Xuan, there are several taboo strong men in Dan Momen, even if it is the existence of detachment, it cannot be easily destroyed?"

Experts from all forces came to Dan Momen.

They want to investigate what happened.

But what scared everyone was that no matter who they were, if they set foot within 100 kilometers of Dan Momen, they would lose contact.

This is true whether it is a master of the God Emperor level or a strong person of the taboo level.

Forbidden land!

After hundreds of masters were missing, Dan Momen became a forbidden place.

No one dared to get close.

"Xiaoling, don't be impulsive." Zhuo Xiaoling, the contemporary successor of Dan Momen, came to Dan Momen immediately after hearing the news behind closed doors, but was stopped by Dan Ling and others.

"If you are sisters, don't stop me." Zhuo Xiaoling said with red eyes.

"Because we are sisters, we have to stop you." Ru Yixian grabbed Zhuo Xiaoling's arm and said.

"I must go back and see now." Zhuo Xiaoling's face showed pain.

"Dammon's headquarters has been destroyed. At this time, all you have to do is cheer up." Dan Ling said solemnly. "I believe that you are still in the outside world. Only you can make Danmomen. The power of reorganization."

Zhuo Xiaoling was shocked.

"If you fall again, Dan Momen will really fall apart." Ru Yixian said busyly.

"One of my guards is already waiting at the door of Dandao College, and they will obey your assignment." Dan Ling continued.

"Thank you." Zhuo Xiaoling cheered up after a few days.

"Go, if you need to use ours, you can just say it." Zhu Yayu's eyes showed pity.

"it is good."

Dandao College!

In the Dean's Office!

Wang Zhou looked solemnly at the ghost in front of him.

"Who is the murderer behind Dan Momen?"


"Blood Field?" Hearing a disturbed look on the face of this famous taboo Wang Zhou.

"I'm not an opponent of the Blood Domain Master, this is where an entrance is opened."

"Then what should I do now?" Wang Zhou said worriedly.

"Only against the blood domain with the power of the Dan domain." The group of virtual shadows said for a long time.

"Wouldn't it be necessary to paint the souls?" Wang Zhou's face changed greatly.

"This is also no way." The group of virtual shadows sighed in surprise. "The domain master of the blood domain has reached an unimaginable level. In order to prevent the blood domain master from burning most of its origins, this was only briefly. The owner of the blood domain is trapped."

"Blood Domain Master is trapped?"

"It's temporary to be trapped."

"Would you like me to help?" Wang Zhou was thinking of himself as a superpower.

"Your task is to deal with Mo Xuan, the ancestor of Dan Momen."

"What?" Wang Zhou was startled.

"Mo Xuan has been bred into a surpassing blood corpse." The group of ghosts said leisurely, "Now he is still constantly transforming."

"No wonder my quay near Dan Momen feels terrified?" Wang Zhou finally realized what.

"Okay, I have to take back this ray of thought." The group of ghosts said at once, "The blood domain master is so strong, I have to suppress it with all my strength." That said, the ghosts disappeared.

Wang Zhou groaned for a while and then shouted to an elder from the Dao Dao Academy, "Elder Lian, you are now rushing to Dan Momen, and no monk is allowed to approach Baili."


"Remember, don't try it out, you know?"

The elder company hesitated for a moment and asked, "President, I don't know what Dan Momen has?"

"A **** corpse lurking in Dan Momen." Wang Zhou's words made Elder Lien's face wildly change.


"Go." Wang Zhou waved his hand.

The elder company bowed away.

Then Wang Zhou summoned all the high-level students of the college into his study.

"To summon you today, I want to tell you something." Wang Zhou said that his face was full of dignity.

The breath of the high-level audience suddenly rushed.

"A catastrophe is about to sweep the entire Dan Yu."

After narrating the incident, Wang Zhou asked the senior management of the college to prepare for the upcoming war.

Later, Wang Zhou personally met with the sovereigns of many great forces in Danyu.

After the great powers' masters learned that they were all scared, their faces were green.

The first thing to come back to Zongmen is to come up with various resources to frantically manufacture various combat equipment, etc. At the same time, mainly based on Dandao College, supplemented by major top forces, and jointly formed an army.

The goal of this army is clear.

Bloody army.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

three year had passed.

In the fourth year, the direction of Dan Momen suddenly heard a horrifying roar.

When this roar sounded, Wang Zhou, who was sitting near Dan Momen, opened his eyes instantly.

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