Super Almighty Student

Chapter 2778: You know the master

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Shi Yin looked at Ye Hao angrily.

If there are two to three places in the Quotient of God Territory, would she even fight Yan Huangzong so much?

"Because I'm not as selfish as you." Ye Hao said lightly.

"If there is only one free place, I don't think you will give it to me." Shi Yin sneered when he heard Ye Hao say this.

This is detached!

Who will give up?

"I never thought about occupying the quota of God Realm." Ye Hao looked at Shi Yin and shook his head slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"You will know in the future." Ye Hao did not talk too much to Shi Yin.

Ye Hao absorbed a lot of celestial mortar this time.

In addition, Ye Hao got the Xiaolidao reincarnation, and Tiandao couldn't restrain his breakthrough.

This is why Ye Hao does not value it.

"Ye Hao, do you know why I have to seek detachment?" When Shi Yin said this, Ye Hao found that the surrounding space had been isolated.


"Because the army in the underworld has already been waiting for it, it may lead hundreds of millions of troops to attack the **** realm at any time." At this point, the poem sounds paused, "and the existence of transcendence is sitting in the underworld."

"Think for God Realm this way?" Ye Hao chuckled.

"Godland is my root no matter what."

"Why didn't you shoot when the fire area attacked Yan Huangzong?"

"Do you think I don't know the details of Yan Huangzong?" Shi Yin stared at Ye Haodao. "Yan Huangzong didn't break much at all these days."

It is also wrong to say that there is no loss.

Yan Huangzong has damaged many masters these days, but those masters are warships and puppets.

But the consumption is the foundation of Yanhuangzong.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you will shoot again during the Yanhuangzong crisis, right? You will be able to grab more benefits then, right?"

"Ye Hao, am I just so nasty in your heart?"

"Since the day I entered the city of the sky, have you been designing me?" Ye Hao laughed.

Poetic sound is silent.

"Now it's boring to say these grandiose words." Ye Hao turned around and left.

After Ye Hao left, Shi Yin stood staring blankly.

It took a long sigh before leaving here.

Yan Huangzong!

The appearance of Ye Hao made the entire Yanhuang Zong cheer up and down.

In fact, when Yan Huangzong was under siege, Yan Huangzong's soldiers did not have much fear.

Because they know the details of Yan Huangzong.

Where is this?

According to the current consumption of Yan Zong, there is no problem for three or fifty years.

But can the Expeditionary Force in the Fire Domain persist for so long?

Ye Hao appeased Junxin and heard the call of Gou Zun.

Ye Hao smiled and ignored him.

He had long known that Gou Zun would not be able to sit still, but what Ye Hao did not expect was that Gou Zun would not be able to sit so quickly.


"Husband, I miss you so much."

"Husband, hug."

After arriving at the study, Kong Ying'er and others rushed towards Ye Hao.

Tang Pianping also wanted to rush over.

But on this occasion she was embarrassed to be the same as Ling Yao and others.

After Ye Hao and Ling Yao and others stayed together for a while, they waved towards Tang Pian.


Tang Pian's ears are all red, "I'm not going?"

With a gentle power, Ye Hao imprisoned Tang Pian in her arms, and his big hand naturally smeared Tang Pian's uprightness, "Looks bigger?"

Tang Pian blushed bashfully, "What are you talking about?"

"I'll check it." Ye Hao said he was about to get started, and Tang Pian ran away quickly.

"Sister, I'm shy." Qiluo laughed.

"Qi Luo, you will sleep with me tonight." Tang Pian ran to the side and stared at Qi Luo, "Yes, stay with me for a month."

"Ah." Qi Luo's small face suddenly collapsed.

She still wants to accompany Ye Hao at night?

This time, there is no chance.

"Who made you tease me?" Tang Pian hummed coldly.

"Qi Luo, you leave my door at night." Ye Hao blinked at Qi Luo.

Qi Luo suddenly understood the meaning of Ye Hao, hehe laughed.

"Okay, we should go to the small world, otherwise Gou Zun will be anxious." Ye Hao said with a smile.

After arriving in the small world, Ye Hao discovered that Gou Zun had been waiting there.

"Ye Hao, your golden body--?" Gou Zun rushed to Ye Hao and asked with some excitement.

"This is what I prepared for you." Ye Hao said that a jade bottle appeared in front of everyone.

"What's this?" Zun Zun opened in confusion.

At the next moment, the fabulous danxiang diffused in all directions.

"This-is this the legendary celestial mortar?" Goo Zun said excitedly.

"Yeah." Ye Hao nodded. "The things I prepared for you should be enough for you to break through to the peak."

"Heaven and Earth Danjiang?" Gou Zun looked at the drop of slurry in the jade bottle, and his face showed a very excited look.

"Heaven and earth mortar can enhance our heritage." Qi Luo seemed to realize what.

"Qi Luo, your current upper limit is the middle taboo. After taking this bottle of Tiandi Danjiang, your future upper limit is the later taboo." Ye Hao said softly.

"Later taboo?" Qi Luo's eyes brightened.

"Besides this, I will give you this too." Ye Hao said and handed Qiluo another jade bottle.

"What is this?" After Qiluo opened the jade bottle, Liu Daoguang rushed out instantly.

These six rays of radiance turned into six deep channels, each channel blooming mysteriously.

Gou Zun's eyes suddenly dignified.

"what is this?"

"Six Liu Dao reincarnation pill that the master Liu Dao gave me." Ye Hao's words made Dog Zun stunned on the spot.

"What did you say? The Master Liu Dao gave it to you?" Gou Zun stepped forward and grabbed Ye Hao's collar with a shocked expression.


"How can you get the favor of the master?" Zunzun really didn't know what to say at this time.

That's the master!

A truly supreme existence between heaven and earth!

"Maybe it's because I look handsome." Ye Hao grinned.

Gou Zun gave Ye Hao a deep look.

"What is the effect of Xiaoliu Daohui Dan?" Qi Luo asked curiously.

"Xiaoliu Daohui Dan is said to be able to shape the strongest imperial foundation." Ye Hao looked at Qiluo and said softly, "After you take it, you will be truly invincible in the taboo."

"Can you shock the escape?" Qiluo said expectantly.

She knew that the realm of taboo was very unstable.

She wants to break through this state quickly to a higher state.

"I think it's qualified to shock." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Then I will work hard at that time." Qi Luogang just thought of what came to mind here again, "Yes, how many do you have in Xiaoliu Daodao?"

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