Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 99 Chromosomes

2:00PM, in Dr. Halsey's lab;

At this time, Halsey was holding a medium-sized test tube filled with a viscous gray 'liquid', and said to Kent: "Boy, I cracked all the technology of that equipment, let me show you .”

Kent took the test tube and asked suspiciously, "Isn't it doctor, just such a can of... um... sticky water?"

"Boy." Halsey still looked at Kent like a fool, and said with disdain:

"The core technology of the individual equipment you gave me is the nano-coating in your hands. With it, you can smear any combat uniform made of cloth, but it is adsorbed on the cloth.

Of course, this is a consumable item and needs to be reapplied after about 200 hours of use, but it's easy to produce and you don't have to worry about running out of it. "

Listening to Halsey's explanation, Kent said a little excitedly: " are so timely! With this, the next action will be much more convenient!"

"Next action?"

Kent didn't answer Halsey's question, but turned to Carlos who was wiping his gun, and said loudly:

"Carlos! You go get a few more bottles of this (pointing to the test tube) and apply it to our equipment. Remember to treat the helmet, this thing can only be adsorbed on the fabric!"

When Carlos heard the order, he swung the M90X in his hand, stood up and saluted: "Yes! Commander!"

Immediately afterwards, Carlos walked between Kent and Halsey, took the seven test tubes in the storage box, and went to refurbish their equipment.

Kent then turned his head and said to Halsey: "Doctor, don't you watch the news?"

"News?" Halsey was taken aback, then slightly closed his eyes and spread his hands, "I don't have time to read that."

"Okay." Kent shook his head helplessly, and said, "We are going to rescue our partners detained in the London Police Station, so it is timely for you to crack the nano-coating."

"Oh?" Halsey didn't show too much surprise, as if she didn't care about science except that it could arouse her interest.

But after half a second of silence, Halsey suddenly raised his eyebrows and said: Are you trying to kill the police? Or do you want to save people without harming their lives? "

"This, it's best not to hurt your life." Kent smiled wryly.

Kent doesn't want to fight against a country. Although it is a coalition government now, each country still has a certain degree of autonomy. They completely ignore the shackles of other coalition countries and can directly issue killing orders.

He didn't want to be hunted down by a country just a few months after he arrived in this world.

"That's it..." Halsey seemed a little upset when she heard Kent's answer, but she still walked to another room and said, "Come with me."

When Kent heard the words, he followed Halsey obediently, entered the room, and found Ares lying on a bed with various tubes inserted into his body.

Halsey went to the refrigerator on the wall, opened it and took out a very well-sealed tubular container, and said to Kent: "I've figured out what's going on with this guy.

He is human from the genetic level, but he... has one more pair of chromosomes than us ordinary humans, which means he has 24 pairs of chromosomes. "

"Huh?" Kent was surprised: "This guy is also that means..."

"That's right!" Halsey interrupted Kent, and said in a deep voice:

"Humans did not evolve by evolution, or for the time being, humans did not evolve on the earth. In fact, I don't believe in the theory of evolution, and there are too many loopholes."

"Then why... why did the high-level government say it was a virus, and those zombies on Mars were also infected by chromosomes?" Kent asked.

"No, human beings don't understand,

and non-cellular life are collectively referred to as viruses.

Moreover, viruses are very small and simple in structure, usually containing only one nucleic acid. "Halsey said calmly.

"..." Kent was a little confused.

Asking him to analyze the situation on the battlefield, how to save his life, or how to deceive people is a good hand, but he is completely ignorant of these, so he had to look like a dead fish, and said in a long voice: "Doctor, please speak English (speak in human language)."

"Hehe." Halsey also guessed that Kent would react in this way, so she raised the container in her hand and said:

"The nucleic acid of a virus can also be said to be DNA or RNA, and there is a DNA molecule on a chromosome. This... thing in his body contains two nucleic acids. After my research, I found that it is a pair of chromosomes.

So those zombies couldn't bear the erosion of a pair of new chromosomes, and turned into walking dead.

We must know that human beings can theoretically become a "superman" with an extra pair of chromosomes.

As for the people who can bear it directly, not one in ten billion, but one in five billion, it can be said that there are almost none. "

"Then... the Spartan plan is impossible to realize?" Kent was a little disappointed.

"No." Halsey shook his head lightly, and said, "Ordinary people can still become super soldiers as long as they accept my specialized surgery. Success is success, but failure...the best result is disability."

Hearing what Halsey said, Kent knew that even if the super soldier had a 'virus' or the addition of the twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes, the steps would still be the same as those in the second phase of Sparta.

In "Halo", there are more than 70 children who were selected from an early age, and they began to transform when they were around 14 years old. In the end, more than 30 people succeeded. It can be said that the success rate is half and half.

At this moment, Halsey ignored Kent's silence and said, "Forget it, I know from your expression that your operation is urgent and you don't have time to complete the operation.

Since this is the case, I will continue to be busy, and improve the chances of successful surgery now. "

"Okay, Doctor, go ahead." After Kent finished speaking, he also walked out of the room and sat down on a sofa in the hall.

After watching other people busy with their own affairs, Kent closed his eyes and said to the system:

'System, I want to buy equipment now! '

【receive. 】

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