Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 72 S+ Rank Character

"Hoo!" A very fast white light shot straight at Wesker.

"!" Wesker dodged in a hurry to escape the fatal blow.

[It is detected that Nova's sniper stunt is launched, there is a 70% chance of one-hit kill, and the target is Albert Wesker.

Failed to activate, target Albert Wesker survived. 】

I saw a girl squatting behind Kent and the others. She was holding a giant sniper rifle in her hand, and the gun was still emitting green smoke. The white light that was shot at Wesker just now was shot out of this giant rifle. of.

She was wearing a white close-fitting combat uniform, outlining a near-perfect figure. The combat uniform was covered with black armor for protection. She wore a single ponytail and her hair was also naturally blond.

Seeing Wesker dodge the blow just now, he opened his mouth wide and sighed, "Ah, this guy can actually dodge it?"

This girl is Nova summoned by Kent through the S+ level summoning card. ———————————————————

When Wesker and Zero Point were fighting at close range just now, Kent used the system to scan Wesker, and the result made him deeply desperate.

【Albert Wesker

Level: BOSS level characters, higher than S+ level characters.

Shooting: 1xx

Response: 1xx

Fighting: 1xx

Luck: 93


① Speed ​​of sound: Because its body has been modified by viruses, it can perform actions close to the speed of sound.

② Juli: The lifting force is 10 tons, and the limit is unknown.

The remaining attributes cannot be detected unless the relationship between the host and Albert Wesker reaches a level of trust. 】

Listening to the system's introduction, Kent has no way to deal with this non-human Wesker. In the face of absolute strength, all strategies are useless.

Especially except for Wesker's luck, all other statistics are over 100.

'This... there is no way! "

Kent sighed inwardly while shooting at Wesker.

At the same time, he asked the system: 'System! Wesker has so many broken hundreds! Are there any legendary missions! '

[Returning to the host, the data of BOSS-level characters and S+-level characters exceeds 100, and will not bring legendary tasks to the host.

This system is a friendly reminder that most of the basic data of all BOSS-level characters and S+-level characters are over 100. 】

"Ah!" Zero screamed.

"Crack!" The sound of the body breaking into pieces.

"Crap!" Kent couldn't help cursing when he saw and heard the system confirm the tragic death at zero o'clock.

Although he is not very familiar with Zero Point, he is still at the upper-middle level among all 141 special service members, and he feels distressed when he loses one person.

But after discovering that Leng Feng and Wesker could fight each other and back and forth with each other, Kent had a flash of inspiration and asked the system:

'system! To join Wesker's forces, is there a specific scope requirement? How to join Wesker's forces? one day? One hour? Does one second count? '

After the question was asked, the system did not answer quickly as usual, but was silent for a moment before saying:

[Back to the host, as long as Albert Wesker says that the host and its mercenary group become his subordinates, the legendary mission can be completed. 】

Kent looked at Wesker who was standing on the top of the small pyramid, and said with great joy in his heart: 'Ha! That's easy! '

Just as Kent was thinking about what to say in his mind, the cold voice of the system sounded again:

[Host, this system is the same body as the host, which means that this system can detect what the host thinks.

Therefore, this system knows that the host wants to take advantage of the loophole of this legendary mission. Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, this system will not pursue it, and this loophole will not appear again when other legendary missions are issued in the future. 】

Listening to the cold sound of the system,

Kent was a little grateful and said: 'Thank you. '

And the system actually said something unprecedented:


Immediately afterwards, the scene where Kent sneered at Wesker just now took place.

When Kent said those words, everyone except Simon looked at Kent with shocked faces.

And there was a series of disgusting reminders, most of which came from members of Special Service 141, but Lyon, Leng Feng and Carlos did not express their views.

But when Wesker said the word "employment", Kent knew that even if he was misunderstood, it was worth it.


[It is detected that the host has completed the legendary task, killed or joined Albert Wesker's forces.

The host will be rewarded with an S+ level lottery card, may I use it now]

"Hmph!" Kent looked at the high-ranking Wesker, twitched his mouth, and said to the system: "Of course! '

Suddenly, a red lottery card with golden lines appeared in front of Kent.

In an emergency, the cards began to vibrate violently, accompanied by the sound of the slot machine rollers.

With a sound of "Ding!", a big headshot of a beautiful woman blowing kisses appeared in front of Kent.

'Nova? ? '

[Congratulations to the host for winning the hero character of the "StarCraft" series, Nova, who has no code name yet.

Shots: 116

Spirit power: 120 (Due to the special character, there will be no response item.)

Fighting: 94

Luck: 107


① Psychic energy: It has the ability to surpass ordinary humans. When necessary, it can burst out psychic energy, destroying any hostile troops with a radius of 5 meters from it as the center, and has no effect on friendly troops.

②Ghost Agent: You can use the tactical stealth suit for stealth, and the shooting and fighting data will increase by 5 in the case of assassination.

③ Sniping: Super long-distance sniping is possible, with 70% one-hit kills.

④Flash; short-distance teleportation is possible. Limit: once every 5 minutes.

⑤Bait: It can release holographic images to lure the enemy. Restriction: once per hour. 】


Kent looked at the data suspended in the air, and Kent almost widened his eyes.

'This is so gorgeous! '

At this time, the system's reminder sounded again.

[Nova's implanted identity is the niece of Quell Hills, named Nova Hills.

Previously, Nova had been silently following behind the host and others, silently protecting her uncle, and only showed up after finding that Wesker was extremely difficult to deal with.

As for the equipment on Nova's body, it was all given by this system, and people in this world would not question it, just like the future soldier's individual equipment exchanged by the host before. 】

"Whew!" Nova fired a shot at Wesker after the system finished speaking.

Of course, this turned out to be a failure, and failed to kill Wesker.

Seeing this, Kent immediately shouted: "Everyone! Focus on Nova (pointing to Nova) and protect her from sniping!"

Everyone was taken aback, this sudden change made these unknowing special service members a little confused.

But Simon didn't care about that, he moved first, rushed not far in front of Nova, and shot Wesker with the ACR-HT in his hand.

Then Lyon, Leng Feng and Carlos also came back to their senses, and led all 141 secret service members to protect Nova in a semicircle formation.

As for Kent? He ran to Nova's side as early as the first time, after all, he has thighs to hug!

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