Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 41 Purchase of firearms and equipment I

In the early morning of August 7th, 23 days have passed since the outbreak of the zombie crisis on Mars and the imposition of martial law, and 21 days have passed since Kent came to this world.

At this time, he was wearing the casual clothes of the future soldier individual combat system, discussing matters with Simon, Laura, Irene and others in the living room of their rented villa.

Kent looked at Laura and said in a serious voice: "Laura, you will definitely not be able to go to the Seventh University in Phoenix, and Mars can't live forever. I am going to take you to the earth. There are countless famous schools on the earth. Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm..." Laura tilted her head, and after thinking for a moment, said:

"Brother, I talked to Professor Quayle, and he said that my grades can go to Oxford University. Although the registration period has passed, he can still admit me as a special student."

When Kent heard that his younger sister was able to go to school, and that it was a prestigious old school for centuries, Oxford University, he smoothed his hand on his chest, and said comfortably: "It's not for nothing to save Professor Quayle, haha!"

But Laura didn't show joy, her eyes hurt a little bit, and then she turned back to Kent with firm eyes, and said to Kent: "Brother, I don't need to go, there are good universities in the south of Mars, right?"

"Why?" Kent and Simon asked in unison.

Even Irene, who had the shortest relationship with Laura, was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter, Sister Laura?"

"Hey..." Laura sighed like a little adult: "The main reason is that the tuition fee at Oxford is too expensive. I declare that the main subject is information technology, and the tuition fee for one year is 40,000...not to mention the living expenses , It is said that the cost on Earth is also very high."

"No." Kent resolutely said: "You are a student now, you don't need to worry about money, and now there are more than 500,000 yuan, you go to school for me, do you hear me?"

At this time, Simon echoed: "Laura, you have to listen to your brother. Now except for the earth, other planets are in turmoil. Since Oxford is willing to admit you, then you should seize the opportunity."

Irene also persuaded: "That's right, Sister Laura, you have to believe that your brother and our blue mercenary group will definitely make a lot of money. It's really not good...I won't ask your brother for salary."

Seeing that everyone agrees that she should go to Oxford to study, Laura nodded and said, "Well, I will definitely study hard, not for myself, even for my brother, Simon, and sister Irene. Work hard!"

"Hehe." Kent smiled gratifiedly, but his face changed, looked at Irene and Simon, and said in a deep voice:

"Guys, don't get too excited, because my sister is blocked from going to Oxford and this orbital defense gun, now Mars cannot enter or exit.

Leon contacted me yesterday. In two days at most, the Martian government will organize large-scale mercenaries to go to the ruins of Sidonia. "

Simon squeezed his chin with one hand and said, "The previous ammunition has been exhausted, and the AK-12 has been damaged and can no longer be used. Besides, Irene doesn't have her own weapon. Let's go buy ammunition this afternoon."

"Okay~" Irene shouted, as a girl, she doesn't like any brand-name bags, but likes all kinds of weapons and equipment.

"Hmm." Ken nodded, and said in a deep voice, "The mercenary group is the fund for the purchase of weapons, so I should pay for the purchase."

"Ha~" Irene patted Kent's shoulder playfully and said, "The boss is rich~"

Kent just glanced at Irene, and said in a low voice: "Don't be too happy, all your weapons and equipment belong to the mercenary group. If any of you leave the job, I will take it back. As for the damage, you can spend your own money to repair it." .”

"Tch, cheapskate." Irene stayed away from Kent in 'disgust', and finally wiped Kent's hand with a tissue.

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Both Irene and Simon served in the Special Forces under the Special Command,

But Irene is a unit on the bright side, while the characteristics of Simon's unit are more inclined to covert missions, and the troop level is higher than that of Irene's STG, and they often carry out 'black operations'.

The so-called "black action" refers to the special forces doing ulterior "dirty work" for the government, such as kidnapping, assassinating political opponents of the authorities, or conducting various espionage operations.

It is generally difficult to obtain military support for such operations, and the government usually adopts a policy of abandoning children after captives, denying any connection with their operatives, and will not rescue them.

(For example, after Simon was captured, the military did not have any rescue operations at all, and could only escape by himself.)

Due to the particularity of Simon's army, he will come into contact with many characters in the 'underground world', such as various arms dealers, intelligence dealers, and so on.


At this time, Kent and others were in the slums of Boriska City. Simon drove the pickup truck through the crowded streets, turned left and turned right, and came to a seemingly dilapidated low-rise residential building.

However, on the street in front of the residential building, there were no beggars in ragged clothes, no street girls making poses, and there were not even many vehicles.

Because there are many armed men with live ammunition on the street, standing blatantly around the residential buildings.

Anyone who wants to get close to this residential building will be stopped by these armed men for interrogation.

Simon parked the pickup truck by the side of the street, turned off the engine, and told Kent and Irene: "Follow me later, don't talk."

"Okay." Kent and Irene responded.

The three got out of the car and carried backpacks full of cash, and Simon led the way slowly towards the residential building.

When the distance was less than 30 meters, a person with a gun reached out and stopped the three of them, asking, "What do you want to do?"

Simon just glanced at the man and said expressionlessly, "I'm here to buy a guy."

The man just nodded, and after searching the three of Kent, he led them into the residential building.

Entering the hall, there were still six armed guards. After passing through a fence door, the three of Kent were taken into the elevator.

The elevator only came to the second floor, and they were taken out of the elevator.

When he came to the second floor, Kent realized that the dilapidated exterior was just an illusion. The entire residential building was opened up inside, and the interior space can be said to be very huge.

What shocked Kent was that the hall was full of shelves of various firearms, as well as boxes of loose bullets that seemed free of money, and two main battle tanks of which he did not know the model.

But these are just side dishes. The most eye-catching thing is that a space shuttle, yes, a space shuttle, commonly known as a spaceship, is placed brightly in the center of the building.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked up to Kent and the others, smiled and said, "Everyone, I am Nikolai Victor Oglevsky, what can I do for you? "

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