Summoner of the Fairy Tail

Chapter 342: See You Finally

When Calvin brought the seven dragons to the completely destroyed forest, the scene had become quiet.

Undoubtedly, Akunologia succeeded in slaying the dragon again before they arrived.

Looking at the two damaged dragon corpses, Calvin felt an indescribable sadness. The strength of the other party was getting stronger day by day. Calvin also knew the two dragons, Forros and Kyle. He also knew the strength of the two dragons joining forces, but he was still easily killed.

Berserion also said in a deep voice: "That human's strength has grown too fast, far beyond common sense, even Irene is far behind, and other dragon slayers are even more incomparable."

After all, he glanced over at Calvin, wondering if Calvin could beat him.

Calvin's eyes were serious, and he didn't speak any more. He and the other dragons packed up and buried the dragon's corpse.

At this moment, Calvin spoke.

"Bercellion, have you thought of a solution to Irene's dragon transformation problem?"

"I already have an idea. As long as the dragon enters the body of the dragon slayer, it can suppress the growth of the dragon species in the body. After seven or eight years in the body of the dragon slayer, the dragon species will be completely suppressed." Berserion replied.

"Seven or eight years! How long does it take?" Calvin said in surprise.

"It may not be a short time for you humans, but in the long life of our dragon race, this is the time to take a nap." Berserion replied nonchalantly.

Calvin was speechless, the cognition of time between the two species is not in the same dimension at all...

After returning without success again, Calvin couldn't say how disappointed he was, he was used to it anyway, but the urgency in his heart deepened again. Akunologia became stronger too fast, even though he also had Prepared, but the summoned beasts of the three phantom gods he longed for the most still had no progress.

Even in front of Irene and Anna, he still showed an indifferent look, but how could the three of them get along day and night, so how could they fail to discover the worries hidden in Calvin's heart? However, the two had no choice. After all, Calvin's current strength They can all be regarded as the strongest in the world, and the strongest in this world is still counted including dragons.

The two of them could only try to relax Calvin at night.

In the next month, Calvin and Akunorokia were still playing this game of hide and seek. Akunorokia was very talented in this game, and he was never caught by Calvin. ,

And during this time, he was even able to hunt and kill three dragons at the same time.

At this point, Calvin didn't dare to let the dragons disperse to find Akunologia. If he was not careful, the ghost-catching dragon would become caught.

And being able to find the place where the dragon exists so easily, Akunologia obviously not only has the sense of smell of the dragon, but also has a high sensitivity to high-concentration magic power, and the so-called high-concentration magic power, only dragons and Calvin can have it, and Irene is at most half of it.

This morning, Calvin was riding a real red-eyed black dragon, looking at the sky and wondering what he was thinking.

"Fetrill, do you want to continue like this? We can't even touch Akunologia's hair, and many dragons have already begun to have resentment." Berserion walked to Calvin, urging Said.

"I understand, that guy won't be stupid enough to face me and so many dragons at the same time." Calvin nodded and said calmly.

"All, what do you decide to do?"

"You guys stay in Guradonov, I can do the next move by myself."

"Are you really all right? We're just guessing what that guy's current strength is, anyway, he won't be lower than the level of the Dragon King." Berserion's voice was a little strange. The so-called dragon king refers to the dragon that is recognized as the strongest in a certain attribute. The most famous one is the fire dragon king Ignilu. However, not all attributes will give birth to a dragon king. How could the rest of Long's convincing strength be recognized?

One of the titles of Akunologia in the later generations is the Dragon King, but the difference is that the Dragon King has no attributes before, because he is the king of all dragons, and those who refuse to accept it are already dead.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I still have a chance to defeat him. After a while, I'm afraid we won't be opponents even if we rush forward." Calvin smiled lightly, with a sense of freedom in his tone.

Facing the increasingly urgent sense of tension, Calvin finally realized that he might never be able to catch Akunologia's ass running after him like he is now, so he decided to change his strategy and wait on the sidelines.

Just yesterday, Calvin developed a card that can hide his magic power and aura.

Calvin planned to find a dragon acting alone, followed behind to hide himself, and waited quietly for Akunologia to attack him. At that time, it would be the final battle.

Anyway, this time he was planning to go all out, if he didn't succeed, he would be benevolent.

"Fetrill, after everything is over, I will enter Irene's body to suppress the dragon species." Before Calvin was about to leave, Berserion said suddenly.

Calvin understood Berserion's meaning, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and made the red-eyed black dragon raise its wings without answering.

In the eyes of Irene, Anna, Berserion and many dragons, Calvin flew away from Guradonov.

For Calvin, it was not too difficult to find a dragon. It didn't take long for him to find an ice dragon that had frozen himself to sleep in a frozen lake.

Calvin was very speechless about this situation. In Ishgar, some dragons remained neutral. They didn't have any liking or disgust for humans, and they didn't want to be dragged into the war, so they hid and expressed their unwillingness to get involved. As for your crap, in fact they don't hide very carefully, but the dragons who find them also understand what the other party is expressing, and generally don't bother.

It's a pity that there is a wonderful Akunorokia. I am afraid that most of the dragons killed by him are these "hidden dragons".

And these "hidden world dragons" might not even know that the war between the Western Continent and Ishgar has ended, let alone Akunologia, an anti-dragon guy, who has no defense at all.

Not intending to harass the sleeping ice dragon, Calvin found a remote place, activated the card in his hand that could hide magic power and aura, and waited quietly.

Calvin didn't like to wait, especially when he didn't know how long it would take. He always felt that he had endured it for a long time, but when he looked up at the sky, it wasn't dark yet.

"Hey~ When I was waiting for Mira on a date, I wasn't as uneasy as I am now..."

Night fell quietly, and the moon on the night was big and round, and the silvery-white light always gave people a sense of tranquility. Looking at the moonlight, Calvin fell asleep unconsciously.

Without any preparation, vigil, fell asleep.

The night came and went gently, the sky began to glow, and the big and round sun slowly rose from the horizon. Calvin suddenly woke up with a jolt, and immediately wiped the corners of his mouth subconsciously, Nothing was rubbed off.

"I wipe it, I just fell asleep like this..."

"It seems that I've been under a lot of pressure recently, this bastard Heitanlong, finding him is more tiring than finding his first love."

The resentment towards Akunologia made Calvin couldn't help murmuring, at this moment, in his perception of magic power, a huge and dark magic power approached quickly.

Calvin shut his mouth immediately, his eyes became sharp and cold, and he clasped seven cards in his hand.

"Lucky, I'll be waiting for you soon."


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