Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 854 Superfluous

"What are you doing?"

The door was suddenly opened, and a cold air from outside poured into the warm yellow room. Isobel, who was holding a book, walked in. She closed the door with her backhand and looked up at the two people who were whispering together at the table, towards the fireplace. He walked to the small round table next to him, put his head over Albert's shoulder, and looked at the photo album on the table.

"Tom's picture."

Albert glanced sideways at Isobel, who rested her chin on his shoulder, and pointed to several photos that had just been treated with the invisible potion. In the photos, the fat cat was being rubbed back and forth on the carpet.

"Tom's getting fatter!"

Isobel smiled and pressed her face against it, so cold that Albert couldn't help but shiver.

"Tom was actually very thin when he was little. Since I came to Hogwarts, no one has taken care of him. His lifestyle and diet became unhealthy, and he turned into a little fat cat." Albert extended his left hand to Isobel He kept warm while turning the photo album to the front with his right hand. It was a photo taken when Albert had just adopted Tom, a small British shorthair cat. It was hard to imagine that he would change drastically when he grew up.

"The changes are indeed huge." Isobel said softly: "It's hard to tell that those photos are of the same cat."

As she said that, she let go of Albert's left hand, took out the wand from her pocket and waved it lightly, causing the copper kettle by the fireplace to be refilled with water and hung on the fireplace to boil.

Hogwarts is very cold in winter, so the two of them are used to drinking a cup of hot tea to warm their bodies.

"Are you going back for Christmas vacation this year?" Albert pushed the photo album to Katrina and reached for the letter in his pocket.

"With that kind of thing happening this year, probably not many students are willing to stay in school for the Christmas vacation." Isobel waved her wand again to create a tea set, preparing to make a cup of instant milk tea for the three of them.


Katrina closed the photo album, reached out to take the tea cup handed by Isobel, took a sip of the hot milk tea and said, "Uncle Mog sent us a letter a while ago, inviting us to spend the Christmas vacation at his manor. Are you going to the manor this year for the Christmas holidays too?"

"I haven't decided whether to go or not. I have received Mr. Mogg's invitation before."

"Actually, I don't understand why Uncle Mog invites you to the manor for vacation every year. Does he really want to bring you and your sister together?" Katrina looked at Albert up and down and muttered in confusion.

She never understood why her uncle was so keen on doing this kind of thing.

Katrina was really surprised when she saw Albert in the manor.

However, what Katrina didn't know was that the manor was almost surnamed Anderson, and even the house elves had officially pledged allegiance to Albert. Isobel was also an insider on this matter, only Katrina was kept in the dark.

However, neither Albert nor Isobel told the truth to avoid Katrina being embarrassed when she found out.

There is no way, she is just incidental.

Albert actually had no plans to go to the manor for the Christmas vacation. His family wrote to him telling him that the whole family would spend the winter abroad together during the Christmas vacation.

Uncle Charlie's bubble milk tea was a hit and made a lot of money. He generously gave Albert a large share. After seeking Albert's advice, Daisy decided to spend some pounds to supplement travel expenses.

So, the whole family went to Italy to spend the Christmas vacation and taste authentic Italian food.

Many British people love to travel.

Albert also wanted to invite Isobel to go with him, but considering that Katrina was still here, he planned to mention it another day.

However, whether Isobel agrees to participate is still unknown.

Isobel saw that Albert had something to say to her, but it seemed that Katrina was nearby, so he didn't say it directly.

However, even if Albert didn't plan to say anything now, she still had a way to know what the other person was thinking in the first place.

As a master of telepathy, Isobel could see what Albert was thinking at a glance without his mind being guarded.

She was quite happy that Albert invited her to travel to the Muggle world and planned to introduce her to his family, but the girl did not agree immediately.

She hesitated!

It's not that she's worried about not being able to get along well with Albert's family. As a telepathic master, she can easily read other people's thoughts. She can easily find ways to get along with other people just by using her brain.

However, she still doesn't worry about her family.

Mrs. McDougal has been very busy. Since the death of her husband, Mr. Blair, almost half of her energy has been devoted to treating patients, especially after both sisters went to Hogwarts.

Christmas is a rare reunion, and Isobel doesn't want to miss it.

Albert was a little disappointed with Isobel's polite refusal. He originally wanted to take Isobel to visit the Muggle world, but now he could only give up this idea temporarily.

Looking at the two people looking at each other affectionately, Katrina felt that the atmosphere around her was inexplicably awkward. She quietly packed up the books and parchments on the table and quickly left the Room of Requirement, leaving the place to the two of them.

Surprising things always happen.

That night, Albert received a tired gray owl. Miss Louise from France actually sent him an invitation letter, or rather an invitation from Mr. Delacour, whose son Hebrew To get married, invite Albert to the wedding.

To be honest, when Albert found out that this was a wedding invitation, he was actually a little confused. He had only met Mr. Delacour of France a few times. Although the two parties had communicated several times, That's all, barely an acquaintance, not even a friend.

He and Louise only maintain a pen pal relationship, and they have been busy with the basilisk thing recently, so Albert's contact with other wizards has also decreased.

Moreover, it is not easy for an underage wizard to attend a wizard's wedding across the country alone. It is difficult to say whether he will be able to find a specific location by then.

Of course, Mr. Delacour is obviously aware of this. Among all the invited people, Albert is the most special one. He is not yet a minor and cannot use magic at will. He also invites other people with whom he has good relations. The companion is an invited guest.

Therefore, he had already arranged things for Albert.

This matter is actually very simple, because many "old friends" that Albert knows have received invitations, and they can go with them when the time comes.

Albert had no intention of attending the wedding because the two parties were not familiar with each other, not to mention that he had already planned to go to Italy with his family for Christmas vacation.

However, Mog and others seemed to have anticipated his thoughts and hoped that Albert could attend the wedding. Mr. Delacour is also a famous potion master and is very influential in the French magic world. There will definitely be many people there by then. By going back to attend the wedding, Albert could take the opportunity to expand his network of contacts, and they also planned to find opportunities to gradually push Albert to the forefront.

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