Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 228 The End

Winter nights come very early, and at five o'clock in the evening, the sky quickly becomes dark.

However, there is something special about Hogwarts today. The Quidditch pitch is still brightly lit, and in order to allow the game to continue, Hogwarts professors light torches around the pitch.

In the stands, Albert tightened his thick cloak to resist the rapidly falling low temperature at night. Compared with Albert's situation, the situation of other spectators around him was even worse. They were already hungry without lunch.

However, the audience still endured hunger and cold with an enthusiasm that Albert could not understand, and continued to sit in the stands and watch the Quidditch match.

However, the audience was not the worst person at the scene. The players who were still flying in the sky were already messy in the cold wind.

The wind at high altitude is very cold, and it gets even colder after nightfall, especially for the new players who were nervous in the morning and didn't eat much. Their remaining physical strength has long been drained by the cold, and now they are hungry, thirsty and cold.

The commentator Lee Jordan, who was originally in high spirits, had lost his initial enthusiasm at this moment. His voice became hoarse due to the continuous explanation. With the help of Professor McGonagall, he had to use the loud voice magic to continue. This pair of It is undoubtedly a severe test for Lee Jordan, who is a first-time commentator.

"Look, they all found the Golden Snitch and chased after him!" Lee Jordan shouted in the stands. "Currently, the score between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw is 210 to 270. Ravenclaw Temporarily leading, but the two sides have not completely widened the gap. No matter who catches the Golden Snitch, he can bring victory to his team."

A battle for the Golden Snitch is raging above the pitch, and the Seekers on both sides can't wait to end this long game.

There was no way, it lasted for several hours, and all the players were very tired.

"Both sides are speeding up and diving. Oh, they are going to hit the ground. Oh my God, they hit the ground. I hope they are okay." Lee Jordan shouted in horror. "Wait, oops, Ravenclaw's Seeker caught the Golden Snitch."

No one cared what Lee Jordan had just said, because the stadium had already erupted with rounds of cheers, and people were cheering for the victory of this game.

Albert and other Gryffindor spectators rushed onto the court, and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw players were already surrounding Charlie.

The situation of the two seekers was a bit bad. They both suffered injuries and were eventually taken to the school hospital on a stretcher by Professor McGonagall who rushed over.

"Don't worry, Charlie will be fine." Albert comforted the twin brothers softly. The two of them were not in good condition either. They were shivering from the cold wind above and seemed to be showing signs of weakness.

"Eat some candy first." Albert took out the candy and handed it to the twins, while taking out his wand to remove the dampness and coldness on their bodies.

"Thank you, thank you!" Fred said slightly tiredly. He did not refuse Albert's support. In fact, he was almost out of strength.

"I didn't expect this game to last this long."

The four of them hurried back to the castle, sat at the crowded dining table, and drank a bowl of steaming corn soup before they could think of talking about other things.

"I remember you said that the game would last a long time." Lee Jordan suddenly looked up at Albert and said while eating a piece of fried potatoes.

"I never said that, so don't blame me." Albert rolled his eyes at Lee Jordan angrily, "I just asked them to eat more so that they won't have the strength to compete."

"The meaning is the same." Lee Jordan said.

"In the end, we still lost." George's tone was a little heavy. They trained so hard, but they still lost the game.

"Charlie has tried his best." Albert said.

"I know, he just has bad luck." Fred was a little depressed. Ravenclaw won the game because he was just lucky. At that time, the opponent's seeker and Charlie dived together, and neither party had any intention of slowing down. When it hit the ground, the opponent actually caught the Golden Snitch.

Speaking of luck, several people looked at Albert. This guy is lucky enough. If...

They didn't think about it any further, there was no what if.

After eating something, Albert went to the school hospital with the Gryffindor players to visit the injured Charlie. The captain had been treated by Madam Pomfrey. His condition was not very good and he needed to stay overnight in the school hospital for observation. .

However, Charlie is not alone, because there is someone accompanying him. The only regret is that the person is not a girl, but a lucky Seeker from Ravenclaw who has the same problem as Charlie.

Just after leaving the campus hospital, the four of them met Professor Smith in the corridor.

"Albert, I just have something to ask you." Professor Smith friendly greeted Albert to his Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

"This is what I said last time." He handed a piece of parchment to Albert, which contained what Albert saw in the Room of Requirement today.

Sure enough, Professor Smith also went in there.

"This is the history of the creation of Hogwarts." Albert said after taking a moment to read the contents on the parchment.

"I know." Professor Smith nodded, "Do you think there's anything special about him?"

"Special?" Albert thought for a moment and said, "Nothing special. This is just a piece of history, similar to what I saw in the library."

Professor Smith seemed a little disappointed, even though Albert got the same results as he did.

"If I insist on saying something strange..." Albert hesitated for a while, but still asked, "Was the situation of wizards in ancient times really bad?"

Whether it's bad or not, Albert naturally knows it. He is just diverting Professor Smith's attention.

"It's not good." Professor Smith explained, "In that era, the knowledge of magic was not summarized and summarized like ours. Wizards just crossed the river by feeling the stones. Knowledge is very precious, and a parchment may be worth The income of a barony for a year or more. At that time, many wizards did not master many types of magic, especially those wizards from Muggles. They were in a very bad situation. Apart from their magical power, they had no formal magic. Neither."

Without a wand, and not knowing how to use magic, it is undoubtedly bad to have magical power. Muggles are very afraid of this kind of power. Once discovered, they will be regarded as monsters, and the end can be imagined. If someone like Tom explores on his own and After all, there are only a few people who use magic crudely.

"The four founders of Hogwarts are undoubtedly great, but there are only a few wizards as powerful as them, and even fewer are willing to share their knowledge with others selflessly like them." Professor Smith sighed.

"I thought it was a prosperous era of magic." Albert muttered, "The ancient and powerful magic at Hogwarts..."

"You are right. In that era, there were indeed many magical and powerful magics. Although traces of those ancient magics can still be found today, no one has the chance to use them... Maybe Dumbledore will Some ancient magic, but such cases are only a few after all." Professor Smith frowned slightly. He was actually aware of some problems, but he couldn't figure out where they were for a moment.

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