Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 363 Gaining Knowledge

Lawrence and Nora exhausted all their conventional means to examine this emerald that seemed to contain a lot of vitality. But after spending more than half an hour, they had to admit that their knowledge was still far from enough, so that they couldn't see what the thing in front of them was.

[Appraisal Technique] After checking repeatedly and finding that there was really no clue, Lawrence could only use his bottom-pressing skills. But this time using the identification technique was completely different from the previous spellcasting. He felt that there was a kind of power on this green gemstone that was resisting the magic and perceiving various information from himself.

"Hey, that's really interesting." After realizing that things didn't go as he had imagined, Lawrence became even more interested. He began to inject more magic power into the spell, and further activated Bai Ze's blood. Nora even saw the blue and white light in Lawrence's eyes.

The identification technique blessed with more magic power, especially the magic power with Bai Ze's power, is suddenly much stronger than before. Then this group of magic power manifested in front of Lawrence a phantom of a single-horned white light composed of blue and white light, and then plunged into the emerald green gemstone held in Nora's hand.

And a translucent magic protective cover, like pieces of emerald green leaves, appeared on the gemstone to withstand the phantom of the Bai Ze unicorn, and then the two were at a stalemate in the air. On the extremely tiny contact surface between the two sides, dots of star-like blue-green sparks burst out to the surroundings, just like beautiful fireworks at night.

"My lord, hold on a little longer." Nora also saw the green barrier at this time, and at the same time saw something from it that the two of them hadn't seen at all before. Staring at the green barrier, the little puppet made a few gestures. In an instant, a lot of silver and green starlight flickered inside the barrier.

When those flickers were completely stabilized, bunches of tiny rays of light descended from the sky, and then these rays of light began to move, focusing one by one on the contact point between the unicorn phantom of Bai Ze and the barrier of leaves emerging from the gem. . In front of the power of the planes and gods mobilized by Nora, the barrier on the gemstone began to flicker like the light cast by a malfunctioning projector, and at the same time, the place on the barrier that was in contact with Bai Ze's horn began to flicker slightly. sunken inwards.

Finally, this support reached its limit. After a sound like glass shattering came out, the magic barrier on the emerald completely shattered into countless green transparent leaves the size of small fingernails and disappeared into the space. Then, the phantom of Bai Ze's single horn pierced directly into the green gem.

At the same time, the phantom of Bai Ze's single horn that appeared in the air after the magic materialized before scattered into countless light spots. However, these light spots did not disappear like the barrier on the emerald just now, but all stuck to the emerald. Then, Lawrence used these light spots as a medium to communicate all the messages contained in this emerald.

In an instant, a huge amount of knowledge poured into Lawrence's mind from the emerald. This kind of knowledge shock is even enough to make an ordinary person lose his soul and become an idiot the first time he comes into contact with this knowledge. Fortunately, Lawrence has the help of Bai Ze's power, and can share a large amount of knowledge with Nora through the connection of the soul, so he barely bears the impact of the large amount of knowledge hidden in this gem.

But even so, the impact of this knowledge still caused some damage to Lawrence. He just felt a heat in the middle of his nose, and then two streams of nosebleeds flowed down the nasal cavity to his lips, then gathered on his chin and fell to the ground, forming several plum blossom-like red marks on the ground.

"Ah, my lord, you have a nosebleed." Nora exclaimed in a low voice after noticing this. As a puppet, she is different from flesh-and-blood creatures like Lawrence humans when she receives knowledge, but she is very suitable for the infusion of a large amount of knowledge now, so she can spare enough energy to care while receiving a large amount of knowledge and storing it in categories. Other things.

"It's okay." After adjusting the storage path of the information pouring into the brain and guiding it completely, Lawrence also regained the ability to act. Looking at the little puppet who took out a handkerchief and wiped his face nervously, he comforted him in a low voice. "It's just a sudden unpreparedness just now, and the capillaries in the nasal cavity burst. It's not a big problem."

In fact, Nora is only concerned about chaos. In fact, based on the spiritual connection between the two, Nora can clearly know what Lawrence's current physical condition is. It's just that because of the momentary nervousness just now, the little puppet was frightened all of a sudden.

With those issues dealt with, the two were finally able to check their own loot harvest. And the first time Lawrence saw the real situation of this gem, there was only one voice left in his mind: "It seems that all the hardships I suffered before are worth it, this time it is a big profit."

Because this gem is a bit similar to the storage tools such as the mobile hard disk in Lawrence's previous life, it stores a lot of information and materials about the previous dark elf tribe, and even includes some secrets of the elves. Although because of too long time, a lot of knowledge is not of much value. But just the tiny part that is less than 1/10 of the value can be regarded as invaluable.

"The four-element refining method of mithril, the purification method of fine gold—" For example, Lawrence found some magic metal smelting methods here. The method these dark elves used to record this knowledge was not the magic energy smelting method that Lawrence had probably seen before, but used another method in a unique way.

These methods are even now the secrets of the elves, and the elves who have mastered these methods have strong cost and technical advantages in the smelting of some magical metals. So much so that these elves even monopolize a part of the international pricing power of magic metals, so that intelligent creatures all over the world must go to them if they want to buy these things.

In other places, whether it is human dwarves or other intelligent creatures, they can also produce these magic metals. But the things produced by the methods mastered by other intelligent creatures are either of lower quality, or the cost is very high. There is no way to compare with the products of the elves.

In this case, intelligent creatures such as humans or dwarves only maintain small-scale production of this type of metal to ensure certain aspects of safety. Most of them order products from elves. And the elves made a lot of money because of this thing.

"This knowledge is indeed a good thing, but it's not very useful." After receiving all the knowledge, Lawrence also passed the initial excitement period, and then found that these things were not very useful to him. After all, if this thing is announced, it will definitely make enemies with the elves, and now that humans and elves are allies, it is not worthwhile for him to do such a thing.

"It's not easy to use." Nora also reacted, and she also remembered the complicated international relations in this world. "But it's always a good thing to have more knowledge."

Having said that, Nora said as if she suddenly thought of something. "And this thing will be very useful to us, because our current astral plane is changing a little bit, and I am working hard to bring Chaofan back to this small plane. If we succeed, we can produce it ourselves These things are gone."

"We'll have to wait a long time to see what you said." Lawrence said with a soft sigh, then raised his eyebrows. "But compared to these, we still have a big gain that can be realized immediately."

As he spoke, he held up the gem that was crystal clear just now, but now it has turned into an ugly gray-green gemstone.

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