Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 278 The Power of the God of War

The continuous explosions turned the smoke-filled rebel heavy artillery positions into a mess, like hell. Some lucky rebel soldiers managed to avoid the blow and then hid behind the bunkers in fear and cried loudly, but more rebel soldiers had turned into fragments of flesh and blood scattered all over the area.

For example, the inner walls of those bombed-out buildings were stained with a lot of flesh and blood, and there were also many human body parts scattered all over the surrounding blocks. At the same time, all the combustibles around the artillery position were now on fire, and the building facing the palace was even bombed by the 203 heavy artillery from the fourth floor, leaving only one and a half floors.

The blazing flames scorched the flesh and blood produced after the explosion, filling the air with a barbecue aroma that smelled good at first, but as long as you think about it for a while, you will feel cold sweat on your back.

However, for those survivors living at and around the scene, they no longer cared about things related to the smell of barbecue. Even the superhumans who were among the rebels were stunned by such a terrible explosion, let alone those rebels who were just ordinary people.

Therefore, none of the lucky survivors thought about putting out the fire, let alone rescuing those injured comrades who were screaming and groaning from the fire. I just want to escape from this hell on earth as quickly as possible.

But they haven't run very far, or just a few seconds later. A new round of shells fell from the sky again. Unlike Lawrence, who relied on ordinary people to reload in his previous life, those superhumans can easily lift 16.6 kilograms of heavy shells and quickly reload them, just like ordinary people picking up a tennis ball.

This also makes the debut of the heavy mortar, although the range is far inferior to the original version in the previous life, but with the help of these extraordinary human flesh loaders, the rate of fire has reached a super high speed that the original version can never reach. In just 25 seconds, all 40 shells were poured on this position.

For the rebels who were attacking the palace, a batch of shells fell in just a few seconds from the important firepower point in the rear and the sound of the detonated shells completely interrupted the rhythm of their attack, especially after the seventh wave of shells fell. It is not known whether it was due to the accidental hit of the mortar that fell from the sky or the result of the spread of the flames. The temporary ammunition depot hidden in the basement of the building was also detonated.

In an instant, the buildings around the open space were all shrouded in the shock waves, flames, and dust rising from the explosion of the ammunition depot after the explosion. The surrounding buildings were instantly destroyed by the high-speed airflow and shock waves generated by the explosion like paper.

After the explosion, the building debris, artillery parts, and human remains flew around at high speed and quickly flew around with the explosion point as the core, knocking down many rebels who were standing in the square in front of the palace and were preparing to attack. army soldier.

When the earth-shattering explosion ended, the group of rebels attacking the palace, who were not far from the center of the explosion, were shocked and dizzy, all raised their heads and looked around. But all that could be heard was screams, and at the same time, a batch of various wreckages that fell at an unknown time were scattered around their queue, and some wreckage that flew out of the explosion point even fell into the attacking queue.

Some people were lucky, but they were hit by half of the thigh and a palm, and there was no serious problem other than feeling a little nauseous. But some unlucky people were hit by bricks and artillery parts, and either fell to the ground dying and limp, or rolled on the ground holding their wounds, screaming loudly.

Obviously, there is no way for the rebels to continue their attack on the palace for the time being. It will take some time for them to regroup their troops before they can be sent back into the field to continue their mission.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Prince Eugene, who was commanding in the palace, keenly grasped the chaos of the rebels and sent an elite force to carry out a surprise attack, successfully killing those precious spellcasters who belonged to the rebels who came forward just now several. Presumably this should buy more time for the palace.

At this time, Lawrence, who had finished firing the cannonballs, and several judges came to the fence. At this time, the small-caliber artillery that hadn't fired at this side stopped for a while, and should have been stunned by the big explosion just now.

Looking at the rebel artillery position that was almost flattened in the distance, everyone who walked up to the city wall of the court was surprised and speechless. After a few seconds, the middle-aged judge who helped command just now responded Turning around and looking at Lawrence, he asked, "Is this the effect of your secret weapon?"

"I think it should be that the shell we fired just now detonated the opponent's ammunition." Lawrence shrugged and said, "From the slightly messy shelling of those people just now, it can be heard that the opponent is probably a novice, and The novice artilleryman is likely to place the shells directly next to the emplacement for convenience."

"You're right." Yagoda looked at the still burning artillery array and said, "I think the first explosion we heard just now under the city wall ignited the ammunition around the artillery emplacement. And the second The sound of the explosion that makes us feel that the ground is shaking should be that the opponent's ammunition depot has been detonated."

"Then what should we do next?" Lawrence looked at the apparently chaotic besiegers outside and asked the judges next to him. "Stay here as before?"

"No, it was a good opportunity to attack at that time. At least we need to take this opportunity to break the blockade of the outside world and pass on the latest evidence that the second prince is involved in anti-civilization." The commander with the two-handed sword on his back thought for a while After making a decisive decision, he walked down the city wall and began to organize a new commando.

And Lawrence also walked down the city wall at this time, and then operated a cannon to try to pull out the firepower points of the attackers who had locked positions on the city wall with small-caliber artillery and hand-cranked multi-barreled machine guns. Just as he was shaking the wheel, a green light suddenly flew over.

"Aren't you undergoing surgery? Why did you come out suddenly?" Lawrence asked quickly after recognizing the flying doll Nora. "When you come out, what should the wounded do?"

"Don't worry, no new wounded needing surgery have been sent down since 15 minutes ago. I have already operated on the old wounded, and the next nursing tasks don't need me to do it myself. "Speaking, Nora spread her hands. "Because the hospital below won't be able to use me for the time being, so I'll come up to help you."

"It would be great if this is the case." Lawrence nodded, and then asked Nora to fly in the air to observe the impact of the shells. Because of the soul connection between the two, Lawrence can observe the landing point of the shell through Nora's eyes and make real-time corrections.

Under such circumstances, Lawrence successfully used the five minutes before the team's departure to destroy the exposed parts of the heavy fire points that he found and Nora detected, and adjusted the firing angles of several mortars. to target intersections where enemy reinforcements might use to mobilize forces.

"Now these artillery pieces are aimed at the four largest crossings where the rebels are most likely to deploy their troops. Make a note of the crossings that each gate corresponds to. After a while, the observers on the city wall will find that the enemy is using those roads to deploy troops. At that time, you only need to load and fire the shells according to the current position and angle of the artillery according to the order." After adjusting the artillery, Lawrence urged those who were manipulating the artillery just now.

"Please don't worry, we will be able to handle this matter well." "No problem, sir." The gunners before nodded in agreement, and then one gunner asked, "Then don't you want to use the artillery for a while?"

"Yes." Lawrence. While talking, he lowered his head to pick up his weapon. "I'll go out with that squad in a bit."

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