Struggle in the Steam Age

Chapter 265 Court Headquarters

After getting into a newly arrived carriage, Judge Jagoda asked Lawrence where he was going next. "Where are we going to send you next? Is it your family's mansion here?"

"No, of course not. That mansion is just an ordinary house." Lawrence shook his head, and then he asked Jagoda. "Can you recommend a place with a relatively high level of security? I think the information collected by you should know that if you count this time, I have been ambushed twice. Although I escaped by chance and even succeeded in killing me twice. , but I really can’t guarantee that I will be as lucky as this time and be able to escape again next time.”

"If you say that—" Judge Yagoda frowned, and then asked a seemingly unrelated question. "If I remember correctly, you are not the direct son of Priest Lambert, are you?"

"Yes, but I belong to the kind of adopted son recognized by the family. Otherwise, my surname would not be August." Lawrence emphasized that the transfer of inheritance rights in this world is a bit like Lawrence's previous life in Europe. An illegitimate child of blood relationship does not have the right of inheritance, but an adopted child without blood relationship can have the right of inheritance as long as it is recognized by the family.

For example, the older of Lawrence's two cousins ​​who died this time had an illegitimate child who was over one year old, but he had no right of family inheritance. This is why the Earl Sauer family needs to invite Mr. Lambert from the New World.

The reason why Lawrence felt a little inhumane was that according to tradition, the birth of illegitimate children was often considered a result of moral corruption, and they were born with some kind of original sin.

Therefore, an illegitimate child is also a kind of dishonorable existence in this world. The reason why Lawrence had to clearly explain his identity to the other party was to avoid being considered as the kind of inferior person in social life, even though he himself did not think that illegitimate children were inferior, and he did not agree with this kind of society. mainstream view.

But it was obvious that Jagoda didn't care much about whether Lawrence was orthodox, but asked with a doubtful tone. "That means you don't have any secrets about Earl Sauer's family now? Then why did the other party try to murder you twice?"

"You're right, this is indeed a bit strange." Lawrence was also lost in thought at this time. In aristocratic families, a family's secrets were often only passed on to the eldest son who had the right to inherit. Therefore, it is basically impossible for a branch of the family like Lawrence, whose outsiders seem to have been exiled to the New World, to master family secrets.

On the other hand, because Lawrence is not the biological child of Augustus's family. Therefore, the blood inheritance that is common in this extraordinary world will naturally not appear on him. Therefore, after being mentioned by Yagoda, Lawrence suddenly fell into deep thought, because he really couldn't figure out why those people wanted to assassinate him one after another.

"Okay, don't think about it. I thought that after I tortured the captives, I should be able to find the reason why those guys attacked you." Jagoda, who had established a friendship with Lawrence in the side-by-side battle just now, patted The shoulder of my new friend comforted me. "However, what you were worried about before is justified. I think you can temporarily live in the dormitory of our referee today."

Regarding his itinerary for the past few days, Lawrence ruled out the plan to find a random hotel or spend a few days at Earl Sauer's mansion in the capital Wendobone out of safety concerns. Therefore, there are not many places for him to choose to live in.

In the original plan, Lawrence planned to go to the Church of the God of Knowledge in the city to settle temporarily. After all, he has the badge issued by the Church of Knowledge, and it should be no problem to use that badge to go to the church to eat for a week or so.

However, since the Church of Knowledge did not develop far as well as in the New World in the Old World, the Church of Knowledge in Vendorbena is not as big as St. Gutenberg in Fort Eagle in terms of scale and staffing, except that it has a longer history. church. Lawrence was hesitant to go there for fear of getting them into trouble.

Therefore, after hearing Yagoda's suggestion, Lawrence immediately changed his original plan, because he still sent such an invitation even though the other party knew that he might cause trouble, indicating that the other party should be able to deal with possible attacks in the future. It won't cause them extra trouble because of this. However, he still has a little doubt about the invitation of this new friend.

"The dormitory of the referee? Can outsiders also live in it?" Lawrence asked curiously. In his impression, the referee should belong to some kind of secret operation organization, and the dormitory inside should not be open to the public. Just like in the 1970s and 1980s in the previous life, it was impossible for ordinary people to live in the Lubyanka dormitory.

"Our dormitory does not only provide accommodation services for our members." Ya Geda said with a smile and shook his head. "Sometimes some important witnesses or people who need protection will live in our dormitory. Make sure they are under our protection when needed. In fact, our dormitory is more like a hotel run by the referee."

Perhaps to support his statement, Jagoda added: "For example, those young people who have not yet married or bachelors in the referees like to live in the dormitory, because they can provide a series of very low prices but overall very good quality. Services like room cleaning, catering, and mail delivery.”

"Sounds really good." After thinking for a while, Lawrence decided to accept the invitation of his new friend to live in the referee's dormitory for a while. After all, it should be safer to live there.

The dormitory of the referee is just behind the heavy gray stone headquarters building of the referee. It is a small four-story building built with red bricks and gray stones on a hill. This small building is connected to the referee building through a wall, forming a relatively closed space together with the referee's headquarters building.

"Are you building a fortress?" After getting out of the carriage and walking through a door in the wall and into the space surrounded by walls and buildings, Nora couldn't bear the urge to complain in her heart idea.

It is no wonder that the little puppet would say such things, because after walking through the door, Lawrence discovered that the ordinary red brick walls that looked two stories high from the outside turned out to be a thick trapezoidal shape from the inside. The embankment-like structure is 1.5 meters wide at the top. If standing at the top of the embankment-like structure, those higher walls would just serve as parapets.

In addition, there are several half-meter-high steel-concrete platforms on this lawn that should be used for leisure, and there are steel gates in the middle of the platforms. It should be the reinforced basement entrance.

"You know the nature of our place, so some precautions are still necessary." Yagoda shrugged and said, "After all, our place is the target of many evil people, let alone the city was The forefront of the battle between civilization and barbarism, order and chaos. Therefore, when building many old buildings in the city, it is considered that if the city wall is breached, these buildings can be used as street fighting supports that can fight independently and cooperate with surrounding buildings point."

"The location of our referee happens to be one of the most important highlands in the south of the city, so it was built as a key fortress from the beginning."

And when Lawrence took Nora into the room he was going to live in these days under the guidance of a staff member, he realized this even more. This room is very clean, but the area is much smaller than it looks. . Because the walls of the room are much thicker than normal rooms.

Not to mention that the window facing the street is not only a little smaller in size, but there are finger-thick steel plates on both sides of the window in the room that can be slid to the window through slide rails to block the window.

"I always feel like I'm living in a fortress." After looking at the house, Nora complained to Lawrence, "This house really doesn't look like a normal dormitory."

But Lawrence didn't think there was anything wrong with it, and even thought this place was very good in his heart. After all, after being hunted down twice by people outside who couldn't figure out their identities for no reason, he felt that this kind of place would allow him to sleep peacefully.

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