Jiang Muling

on the first floor chose Yixing

, Yu Xiaocui on the second floor chose Aguduo

, Yu Tianxin on the third floor chose Sun Bin

, and the remaining teammates each chose Lao Fuzi and Marco

to choose the red side opposite, playing Luna in the jungle, developing Lu Baili, fighting against Lu Li Xin,

and assisting Zhang Fei and Zhonglan Wu Zetian.

The game enters the loading page, and in addition to the conspicuous variety of bells and whistles and the high aristocratic level, the rest is a special intimate relationship display.

Red Fang Luna and Zhang Fei are bound to the couple mark level 52, and they are bound to the friend mark in the middle of the road, and they call each other "resentful seeds".

Blue jungler Agudo and Yi Xing are bound to brother and sister mark, and the decent ones are "brother" and "sister".

That's right, Yu Xiaocui's list number and Jiang Muling's live broadcast tuba have brother and sister targets.

Just now, Wan'er and Pei Baohu had brother and sister marks that they didn't talk about.

A two-tiered one, 'XX's brother' and 'XX's sister'.

Except for some of the ones that have been occupied, Yu Xiaocui's other list numbers will maintain a brother-sister relationship with Jiang Muling's account for a period of time, and finally be released after the fight is left to the next list number.

This is because Yu Xiaocui does not have her own main name.

Yu Xiaocui is basically playing a single game, and she has been playing someone else's account, Jiang Muling will take the initiative to ask for advice and smash the flower to the second level every time.

Over time, even if Jiang Muling didn't say much about it, the wooden people in the live broadcast room were familiar with this taciturn passer-by king who kept changing numbers as her brother.

As for what aspect of the brother, the anchor didn't reveal the wood, and people don't know.

But this old brother who can take Fei Jiang Muling, who works tirelessly for the effect of the show every time, and especially protects his sister, has gained a lot of fans.

Yu Tianxin looked at the couple label opposite and Yu Xiaocui's brother and sister label, and then looked at Yu Xiaocui, who was seriously playing games and didn't ask about the world, what seemed to be in her mind...

Soon the game begins.

Blue is on the top lane, and Red is on the bottom lane.

According to the conventional idea of the current version, the jungler relies on the development road BUFF to open the four-level grasp confrontation road, and the middle lane grabs the line to grasp the development road....

Yu Xiaocui chose to start the game and ran to the opposite red zone, she bet that the opposite Luna was a regular fighter, and she didn't believe that both fighters had a strong self-Xi.

But fortunately, this time she bet right, Luna Lan Kai, Yu Xiaocui chose the second skill, all the way from her own blue zone, around the Juggernag Pit above, to the confrontation road, relying on the dragon pit grass and waiting silently for 32 seconds.

When the time came, Yu Xiaocui controlled her hero to crawl to the opposite red zone with the 'corgi' skin of Agudo.

Looking at the Crimson Stone Statue (Red BUFF) standing quietly in the red pit, he smiled happily, and ado, a flat A Agudo in the red buff grass used a slingshot to hit the red BUFF.

The red buff was attracted by the sudden attack, and a red exclamation mark seemed to appear on his head, and he turned his head and walked towards Agudo in the grass.

Slowly the Crimson approached Agudo and gave her... A huge ball in the shape of a 'corgi' under him punched.

Qiuqiu: Agu Agu?(Are you okay?)

Yu Xiaocui didn't care about the attack click of the Crimson Stone Statue because Aguduo was passively triggered, and the exclusive summoner skill that was mutated by the punishment - release.

As Yu Xiaocui clicked, the summoner's skill, the release entered the three-second CD, and a dimensional tree hole appeared next to the scarlet stone statue, and the release reading on the head ended after three seconds as Agudo, who was sitting on the ball body, shook the slingshot.

The Crimson Statue hatred disappeared directly and walked towards the Dimensional Tree Cave to leave the King's Canyon, and Agudo was also upgraded to Level 2 to obtain the red BUFF effect at the moment of successful release, and the Crimson Statue icon also appeared on the status bar in an instant and marked one.

Yu Xiaocui saw that the big stone in her heart fell to the ground, and controlled Aguduo to walk towards the three pigs.

The greedy Yu Xiaocui also plans to greedily steal the three pigs and even the entire red zone.

At the same time, Jiang Muling's eyes lit up when she saw this, turned on the microphone and asked in a slightly cowardly and aggrieved voice.

"Brother, don't you want me and my mother anymore, why did you suddenly run away alone and not come back.

Such a heavy topic made Yu Xiaocui panic instantly, took a look at the virtual keyboard and microphone, and immediately chose to break the agreement and turn on the microphone to explain the misunderstanding immediately.

"Why did you suddenly open the microphone when you had a good time?" Yu

Tianxin frowned and listened to the female voice that suddenly came out, and after looking at Yi Xing, who was the middle laner, she thought of something, and immediately looked up at Yu Xiaocui.

Sure enough, Yu Xiaocui explained in a panic at this time.

"No, no, no, I don't want you.

Jiang Muling listened to Yu Xiaocui's anxious explanation, and was silently proud in her heart, but she didn't let go of the other party and continued to question.

"Then why don't you come back?"

"Because I'm being taken right now..."

, "Because Miss Jiang has just undergone surgery, she needs to recuperate for a few days to get used to her body before she can move freely.

When Yu Tianxin saw Yu Xiaocui open her mouth, she was about to say something directly, and immediately spoke out and suppressed Yu Xiaocui's voice.

Jiang Muling heard that her eyes were sharp and staring at the screen, and her gaze seemed to be able to cross the information network and directly see the other end of the screen.

She made up something in her brain in an instant, brother... I'm afraid it's not kidnapped, right?

Jiang Muling, who knows Yu Xiaocui well, knows that the women her brother has contact with are only little butterflies in addition to her family,

and this person's voice is not at all.

And this voice still came from the old brother Mai, that is, the old brother was with this girl who suddenly appeared?

"You are not a little butterfly, who are you, why is the old brother with you."

Jiang Muling's voice was cold, involving her brother's affairs, she was not as gentle and cute as usual, with a sense of simplicity, her fingers pressed the keyboard and directly cut off the microphone in the live broadcast room.

She felt that the rest of the words in the live broadcast room were not necessary for the 'little wood' to know.

Jiang Muling originally just thought that the old brother was suddenly transgender, and she didn't dare to meet them, and wanted to rely on the linkage as an excuse to call the old brother to play games together, and she was asking.

As a result, I suddenly heard the voices of other girls, and it turned out that things were not simple.

"Me, I'm Miss Jiang's girlfriend, I don't believe you asked her. Yu Tianxin replied with a smile, her voice full of love.

"You'd better tell the truth. Jiang Muling didn't believe a word, the avatar wings of the black-haired wings in the computer stretched along with her words, and the same phantom appeared behind her.

"But, that's the fact at the moment. Yu Xiaocui spread her hands and didn't care about Jiang Muling's questioning, the target looked at Yu Xiaocui's mobile phone screen as if she could look at Jiang Muling across time and space.

Both of them listened to the screen for a long time and did not back down for half a minute.

Yu Xiaocui next to her was stunned, and she didn't understand why the two of them suddenly quarreled when she asked her...?

Yu Xiaocui was thinking of something else.

"When did my wood become so smart...",

but looking at the two people hanging up, Yu Xiaocui pouted and opened the microphone.

"Stop, play the game well, you can't finish the game and talk about something."

Yu Xiaocui said a word, Yu Tianxin and Jiang Muling instantly sobered up and calmed down, and listened to Yu Xiaocui's advice to play the game first.


Character Chronicles: Yu Xiaocui when playing

games, Yu Xiaocui's answer when playing games is rough but in her mind, whatever she sees will directly come out of her mind.

It's as if having a lot of brains in it will affect her way of thinking.

Because of Yu Xiaocui's single-core processor brain, Yu Xiaocui made a lot of jokes when she opened the microphone at first, which made Yu Xiaocui ignorant.

In the end, Jiang Muling was strictly forbidden to open the microphone when playing games, only typing, and don't watch the barrage in my live broadcast room

, and at the same time, Jiang Muling can

not communicate with the other party in the game, and today's game, Jiang Muling used this Xi habit to ask the most direct thoughts in the old brother's mind, lest the old brother deceive her with 'white lies'.


stealing the wild at the beginning is Yu Xiaocui's favorite thing to do when playing Agudo, relying on the popular jungler ideas summarized by herself, and stealing the buff in the opposite way to lay an advantage at the beginning.

[Agudo passive-Agudo's punishment of the mountain forest is

replaced by release, and wild monsters are released by creating tree holes.] When a monster successfully escapes the battlefield, she will be given gold and experience, as well as a monster support effect, and

every time Agudo attacks a hero or building, her animal companions will attack the target together

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