Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 794: For Azeroth (1 more)

   Chapter 794 For Azeroth (1 more)

  When they saw the purple-red robe fabric on the tray, the girls around McDonald didn't respond. After seeing McDonald's look at Kalia with excitement and surprise...

well! I know everything!

   In fact, as early as after the Alliance killed the bug leader of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, they found the same robe from the collection. They are the blue-blue [Guardian Saint Robe] and the khaki [Battle Guard Robe].

  However this thing, the master is ugly, and the sister who is not thick-skinned dare not wear it.

   Kalia had a lot of [Ro Ning Robes] before, so she got a set of that, so she wouldn't be able to grab it from other sisters. In the end, it was almost pressing, so Calpurnia and Solanlian reluctantly took one piece each.

  【Quicksand Robe】although the attribute enhancement provided by it is powerful, but it is more used...cough!

   I'm embarrassed to take it in public, it's another matter for the tribe to designate tribute to Kalia.

   It was obvious at a glance that Thrall had done his homework a long time ago, and knew that the tangled relationship between McDonald and Kalia was a childhood sweetheart, and because Terenas scourged the eastern kingdom continent, he could never get married.

   This is the way to borrow flowers to worship Buddha like a pen from God.

   It should be said that Thrall should have become a great chief at a young age, and his talents in "Emotional Intelligence" and "Brotherhood" are full!

   Even if McDonald knew Thrall's intentions, he couldn't dislike it, he could only sigh.

   "Great Chief, this gift is too precious!"

   Thrall grinned: "The tribe doesn't have a suitable female archmage, so consider it a testimony of friendship. Even temporarily."

  Saar is so eloquent, what else can McDonald say?

   "Okay! The Alliance can't be too stingy." Glancing at Thrall's marine outfit, McDonald snapped his fingers: "Come on, bring me a [Extinction Breastplate] for the Great Chief."

  【Breast Armor of Extinction】The top equipment in the current rage battle. No matter what, it is a hundred times better than the sour blue outfit on Thrall.

   The great chief of the dignified tribe, there is no reason to defend against war, right?

   With the short handle size of [Doom Hammer], it is useless in weapon battles.

   This time it was Thrall's turn to hold back a little bit, he really wanted it.

   Just by looking at the aura of power overflowing from this epic breastplate, he knew that the value of this thing was definitely higher than the gift he gave.

   What he sent was what the Horde didn’t need, and what the Alliance sent was what he desperately needed.

   Of course, this is also in line with the current strength ratio of the Horde and the Alliance, that is, there is a famous dog in the world in front of him. If you don't kill him, I'm really sorry for myself.

   After being stunned for a while, Thrall calmed down: "Since it is the kindness of the leader, I gladly accept it."

   With a good start, the two happily shook hands.


  Although McDonald's has grown to almost 1.90 meters now, compared to Sal, who is 2.5 meters tall, it looks like a smash.

  It doesn't matter, at least at this moment, as long as Mai someone wants, he can physically make Thrall one meter shorter at any time.

  The two sides sat down at a round table with a diameter of less than two meters. This style of painting made Sal inexplicably comfortable.

   It’s not the long, rectangular table of the old-fashioned aristocrats. The feeling that the subject and the guest are clearly distinguished, and even the feeling of refusing people thousands of miles away is quite bad.

Thrall's opening remarks: "The evil undead is the enemy of all living. The Scourge has brought us all very painful scars. I propose that the Horde and the Alliance join forces again, put aside all disputes for the time being, and give priority to eliminating the flying air that comes. Fortress Naxxramas."

"totally agree!"

  Seriously, there are semi-retired bosses killed on both sides, and in the case of the same interests, there is nothing to talk about in the general direction.

  The content of the talks between the top leaders of the two sides can be said to be peaceful.

   Those who don't know it will not feel that the two sides were once the enemy of life and death, and there will be fierce wars in the future.

  Saar came in person, which is sincerity. Since McDonald's accepted it, the rest will be left to the deputies to discuss.

   is nothing more than a weak tribe, wanting to prostitute the materials and rations of the alliance, the alliance is the landlord's family and there is no surplus, so if you can't give it, you won't give it.

In the afternoon, the two sides of the meeting had turned into Vol'jin with a few blood elves, and the alliance diplomats headed by Lor'themar and Darion shot deadly eyes, sparred, spat at each other, and then continued. Sit down and talk, and continue to spray when you are unhappy.

   Even the two parties themselves never thought that in the summer and the sea breeze, they would lean against the sun loungers under the umbrellas and enjoy the sea view.

   This is a small fjord that Fenna Golden Sword deliberately left empty, and the horizon is flanked by towering sand dunes.

  The dunes are full of neat tropical plants, such as coconut trees or something. If you don't look closely, you can't even see the turrets behind the dunes.

Behind   , the towering city walls are also blocked by sand dunes, and all you can see is a row of tropical wooden houses by the sea.

  Saar can be considered to let go, just wearing a pair of big pants, leaning on the sturdy special reclining chair, holding his head in his hands: "Oh, I really don't know, there is such a beautiful place in the world."

   "The world is big, and if you have a chance, it's better to walk around."

   "If there is a chance..." Thrall's mouth was suddenly bitter, and an impulse surged in his heart for no reason: "If...if the Alliance and the Horde are no longer opposed..."

  Saar actually said that, making McDonald's stunned for a moment.

  Damn, there was no orc invasion back then, where did the alliance come from?

   After a second thought, thinking of Thrall's experience in this life, McDonald's became a little enlightened. After all, Thrall was a good person, and he didn't personally participate in the battles in which the orcs invaded the Alliance. After all, he had little experience with the **** cruelty of these battles.

  Interestingly, how much of an idealist does Thrall have?

   If the next generation of Alliance and Horde don’t fight anymore and survive the long years, they may really forget the damage they have caused to each other.

  Unfortunately, this assumption is doomed to be impossible.

   "Azeroth is big, but too small for giant organizations like the Alliance and Horde."

  Saar was stunned for a moment, then relieved: "Yeah!"

   At this point, it is impossible for anyone to abandon their martial arts, hand over the fate of the race to the hands of other races, put their necks under the swords of other families, and then long for the other party to have an infinite sense of justice and endless mercy.

   Without a word, McDonald clinks the Lordaeron Rice Wine in his hand with the Orc Special Brew in Thrall's hand.

   Who knows, Thrall suddenly said: "Are there more terrifying beings in this world than we hate each other? I heard that there is more than one ancient god. There are four element lords like Ragnaros?"

  Congratulations, blind student, you have found Huadian again.

   McDonald's pained when he heard it.

   Damn! Is this Thrall too smart?

   He stretched out his **** and pressed the sunglasses on his cheek: "Don't worry! If the alliance can kill the first elemental lord and the first ancient god, it can get the second, third, and last one."

   Thrall did not deny it, but raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and once again reached out and handed the large glass filled with wine by the attendant: "Cheers to the peace of Azeroth."

  What else can McDonald's do? He rolled his eyes, clinking glasses with Thrall: "For Azeroth!"

   (end of this chapter)

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