Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 757: so brutal

   Chapter 757 Too brutal

  In this world, the so-called size is relatively compared.

   Compared to humans, Shaltura is undoubtedly a giant. No matter how small his body is, he is three people tall.

   Compared to the Black Dragon Princess, who is over fifty meters long, that's the same thing.

  Small-sized creatures face the behemoth, any parry, block, strength, stamina, as long as one fails, or the face is black, it is easy to be hit by the opponent's [crushing] effect.

As soon as the    effect comes out, the sudden death of fancy style is not far away.

   Shaltura's seemingly delicate head, as well as scattered chelicerae and translucent wing fragments, all fell from the air.

   McDonald's, who was still beside Shaltura a moment ago, slowly descended while admiring the violent aesthetics from the Black Dragon Princess in the VIP seat.

   If you change someone, you may also worry about the black dragon going against it. Someone with N lives doesn't worry about this at all. Right from the start, McDonald's saw the twitching arc of the dragon's tail perfectly avoid where he was.

   The feeling of the remaining three bosses is unknown to others.

The    Alliance's morale is naturally boosted.

  Magney: "Oooooh-"

  Ronin struggled to his feet and shouted, "Good job!"

   Here McDonald's a [Spacewalk] flew backwards from the air to the back of Onyxia's dragon, squatted down and patted her neck: "Very good, go back and add chicken legs for you."

   McDonald's said it casually, but Onyxia blushed.

   Of course, in the form of a dragon, her face was black, and no one noticed.

   She didn't dare to talk nonsense, and immediately greeted the two younger brothers to surround Princess Harholan.

   Choose one of the two flying insect bosses, and the situation is immediately different.

   It turns out that the two of them do whatever they want with their speed. Even if one is besieged, the other can use their speed and attack power to save the field. That kind of one-hit-and-go style of play made the black dragons hate their teeth and feel helpless.

   Now completely different bird.

   What if Ha Holland is fast?

   Don't look at the exaggerated diameter of the dome of the main hall, which is three or four kilometers. For these giant dragons with a body length of several tens of meters, in fact, it is only a little bit of space, and one acceleration will not take half a kilometer.

   Hahoran swung her **** in the rear as she was being chased, each twitch squirting a poison dart from her green wormy ass.

  This thing is thiefly poisonous, and the sound of the breaking wind sounded imposing.

  Unfortunately, there is only the momentum of 'sounds'.

  The three seasoned black dragons turned on the hunting mode and surrounded them in a zigzag shape.

   "Leave the air defense to us!" Sister Alleria took the lead, and the three Windrunners turned into anti-missile "Vulcan Cannons".

   I saw the three elf girls with outstanding grace and beauty, ignoring the wind and turbulence caused by the high-speed flight of the flying dragon, and stood on it. At the same time as the bowstring vibrated continuously, the electricity shot a sharp arrow, which quite exaggeratedly followed the worm-tailed stinger shot by the wind and collided in mid-air.

   "Crack crack crack!" The stinger fragments and broken arrows that collided into pieces fell to the ground like rain.

   Seeing Mai, who was stunned, he pondered: There is still a saying that people flesh Gatling for air defense these days?

   Here, taking advantage of Onyxia's attention, the two black dragon bosses took a deep breath.

   In the next second, when the staggered shadowy flames blocked Harholan's bottom and left and right sides, the only chance for the Zerg princess was to run up.

  McDonald's suddenly has a sense of sight - this is not like a star player who uses Q and other small skills to seal the opponent's position?

  The black dragon princess under his crotch, the bust increased by a circle.

  【Deep Breath】!

  It's lei!

   is always so amazing [Deep Breath], and when it is turned into its own conventional weapon, it is so reliable and mighty.

  Man, always addicted to giant ships and cannons.

   When this kind of small fortress-level light cannon blasted out, every time McDonald's was excited.

   Princess Harholan on the opposite side wished she was only the size of a human, not the size of a heavy tank.

   She is too big to hide at all, hoping that her colorful carapace can resist the flames of shadows...

   That is to want to eat farts!

  In the end, Princess Harhoran blocked the deep breath of Black Dragon MM with her back.

   is miserable!

On the yellow bottom, the red and green worm wings turned into coke. When it fell to the ground, only half of it fell off. The left wing, which was carbonized by the flames, flew three-quarters of the way and turned into ashes. dissipated in the wind.

   As soon as he fell to the ground, before jumping a few times, Ha Holland saw a fierce man riding a golden Holy Spirit horse, carrying a door-paneled sword (sword).

   "Holy Light! This evil is worth fighting for!"

  Well, even if it came out of Uther's mouth, the subject was a female bug, it just felt weird.

   When the dazzling holy light burst out, the existences other than the dazzling paladins couldn't open their eyes.

   was a bit unexpected. I thought Lao Wu would rush up and kill Princess Harholan with a knife, but he chose a more secure play-a knife to the tip of the worm's tail.


   Strange sound!

  【Ashbringer】This is what is written as a machete on Earth and a two-handed sword in Azeroth, tearing apart Haholan's worm tail like a piece of kraft paper.

There is nothing to say about the strength of the Aqi Zerg boss's body. Even if she was hit by [Deep Breath], the body's strength dropped sharply, and when Lao Wu made up the knife, the insect tail was not cut off the first time, half a big sword It was stuck in the belly of the worm, and it was cut off by three quarters.

   At this time, a 'Tian Lei' fell from the sky.


  McDonald's two swords were combined into one, urging the power of thunder in the wind sword and the antlers, and came a 'starburst abandoning healing slash'.

   No matter how much power it has, at least its momentum and force are full.

  Princess Ha Horan's desire to survive exploded, and subconsciously, she used her limbs to form a rice-shaped shape, blocking it in front of her chest.

  Unfortunately, this is a slap in the face.

   McDonald didn't have skills like jumping and hacking, so he rushed down like this, and he was counter-killed in minutes.

   What Haholan waited for was [a lot of money].

  The dog is bigger than the big family's gold coin rain, and the light and shadow effects are full. In fact, the damage to the tank-sized Princess Ha Holland with hard carapace is really limited.

  The real ultimate move comes from the joint efforts of the three big brothers of the Silver Hand.

  Laowu, Lafayette and Saidan teamed up for a tug-of-war.

"one two Three!"

   These three men are too outrageous. They strengthened their bodies with holy light and forcibly pulled out Princess Harholan's tail needle.


   As we all know, bees and other creatures may be very painful to stab people, but when their needles leave the body, they will die soon.

   When these three guys pulled out the needles, they also brought out a large mass of dirty brown-yellow intestines.

   Princess Haholan rolled on the ground in pain. She frantically grabbed and pulled hooks all around. While flying sand and rocks, she plowed out deep trenches in the rock formations below her, and her violent aura made mortals dare not approach.

   Well, only mortals!

   The three black dragons who seized the opportunity tacitly played dragon gymnastics from three angles.

   This is a 720 degree front flip plus half a turn!

  Three meteor hammer-shaped dragon tails hit Harholan's skull, back and waist respectively.


   See you again!

   Hey, why use the word 'again'?

   (end of this chapter)

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