Stratholme God

Chapter 379: 100,000 faces dumbfounded

   Chapter 379

  Belloval forgot the anti-bone attribute of these mages.

  One thing to say, starting from Queen Azshara who tried to subdue Sargeras' Titan Spear with the eye of a needle, the High Elf Master has never been a quiet person.

   In front of him is Dath Remar Sunstrider, who jumps back if he doesn't play magic.

   There are also Void Spirits who run away by themselves in order to study the power of the void.

  The last is 'Loyalty Unparalleled' Darkan. This guy has long been fond of necromancy, which is slightly different from history. In this life, Kel'Thuzad used an elves who were also addicted to necromancy to hook up with Dar'kan.

   "Do you want immortality? Do you want great power? Take refuge in the great Lich King!"

   He couldn't accept the aging appearance of the Sun King. If he counted his days, he still had... 100 years to enter the aging period.

   Thinking about it is so desperate, why don't you jump back!

  Darkhan really jumped upside down!

  One by one, Dar'kan tricked all the Silvermoon MPs into murdering them in different parlors of the council.

   Every time he kills one, he still has time to burn incense to bathe and wash his body before welcoming the next guest.

  There is no way, these members of the parliament are the boss, the guards at the door, really don't know at all, a noble member died suddenly in the room. I thought they were trading separately again.

   Change to another professional, come to a warrior or something, maybe even if the heart is pierced, you can still jump for a few minutes.

   Mage can't.

   A real archmage, give him time and space, even if he can't destroy the sky and destroy the earth, it is no problem to burn the city with skyfire.

   The world of Azeroth gave them great strength, but also exploited their strong bodies.

   Medivh was stabbed to death by Khadgar's righteous killing sword, which had Darkan serial backstab colleagues.

   So reality is more crooked than fiction.

  In the Celestial Dynasty, some bosses felt unhappy and directly poisoned their own CEO.

   In this world, where does the duel of the archmage come from magic for three days and three nights? Take advantage of the unpreparedness, stab it with a sword and it's over. Incredibly simple.

After    killed all his colleagues, Darkan, who had a dirty and big heart, came out and gave an order: "The members are discussing important matters. If they don't come out, you are not allowed to go in."


   Then, Dar'kan drove to the rune stone of the Great Magic Array.

   As the director of the Rune Array, Darkan inspected the rune stones within his jurisdiction, and no one would stop him at all.

   The elf guards who guarded him all smiled and watched him enter the runestone restricted area.

  The strongest fortresses are often broken from within. The ancients honestly did not deceive me.

  The wide-area magic shield of the high elves is not obvious most of the time, it is very pale gold, as thin as a cicada's wings, if you don't look carefully, at most you will feel that the sky is bright.

  The weather is bad, and it will be more obvious when there is no sunshine.

  Elves don't feel anything, and other races are wonderful when they get close, especially trolls. Once they enter the range of the shield, they become mature people on the spot.

   Not long after he entered, the elves of the entire Eversong Forest also discovered that something had happened to the wide-area magic shield.

The   Long-Ears are caught up in a common nightmare.

  The existence of the undead canopy has made the Eversong Forest not have much sunlight to penetrate for a while.

   Originally, in this endless oppression of dark senses, the shield exuding a faint golden light was their only consolation.

   They saw a dazzling light shining on their runestones, penetrating into the distance through the towering trees. Immediately, the energy of the sun well was like a golden sword burning with raging flames, soaring into the sky, swaying the black undead sky, illuminating the entire sky...


   The entire Eversong Forest shook.

   The elves would be very happy if only their own rune stones broke the undead sky.

   It's no fun at all if your own shield is punctured like a soap bubble.

   "No—our shield is broken again—" the villagers of Qingfeng Village screamed, pointing to the border of the forest.

  Er, why add the word 'again'?

   Orcs have done it once, which made the elf civilians lose confidence in the magic circle.

   This time, the protective circle was really broken.

   The emotions of the elf civilians collapsed instantly, and the tragedy of the country's ruin and the destruction of the family a few years ago immediately appeared in the minds of all elves.

   They panicked, screaming, crying, and all kinds of voices full of negative energy one after another.

   They completely lost their minds.

   It stands to reason that they should thank the Sun King, because the Sun King's messenger angered the parliamentary faction, saying that there is something wrong with Darkan.

  This... is so naive.

   The sand sculpture player who makes trouble knows that McDonald's wants to make trouble, so how can he give the Sun King a chance to build his reputation?

  While the so-called royalists were scolding Darkan, the "just" parliamentary lawbreakers (players) had already sneaked into various taverns to smear the Sun King.

"Anastrian is very old. Maybe he is as afraid of death as Terenas, the leader of the human alliance, and turned himself into a lich in order to escape death." The information thrown out next is the territory of the southern alliance. The beginning and end of the undead natural disaster.

   Lao Taizi jumped back because he was afraid of death, who can guarantee that the Sun King will not?

   As long as the Sun King hangs up as in history, no matter whether he joins the Scourge Legion or not, he has no doubts about it.

   It is precisely because of the existence of two completely contradictory arguments and information that the elven civilians below are at a loss.

   In particular, the protective cover is broken.

  The elite players rioted on the spot.

  The first group to activate is the group disguised as the king's special envoy.

  【cokecans】: "Did you see it? The magic circle is broken! Sure enough, Darkan Drahil, who is in charge of the rune magic circle, is a traitor!"

  【GGsbada】: "Don't let the parliamentarians go! They are all traitors!"

   Dozens of people attacked at the same time, and their movements were so fast that they could hardly cover their ears.

   They are all thieves and sinisters. One second, I think you are a compatriot, and the next second, they will die.

   In a face-to-face, the small group of elves from the parliamentary inspector were killed first.

   As for the royalists, hehe, where is there any real royalists? The Sun King doesn't manage the day-to-day affairs at all, let alone the subjects of the remote Eversong Woods.

   Except for the inspectors, all the so-called powerful people present are sand sculpture players.

   Just killed all the real ones, and the remaining royalist and parliamentary players started to fight again.

   "Your council is full of traitors!"

   "Fart, it's obvious that the Sun King is afraid of death, so he has to rely on the Scourge!"

On the one hand, the elf civilians, no, this is watching a large group of dignitaries and their guards fight to the death with all face, so they don't die, often saying "You are also XXX's subordinate, you traitor of the elves!", and then He killed those noble inner-political officials who had just arrived in the local area for a year or two.

   (end of this chapter)

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