Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: airborne

   Chapter 1511 Airborne

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Queen Xi's face was unusually pale, and she held the hand of McDonald's: "We... will it be okay?"

   "No!" McDonald's was firm.

   In the next second, it was like a fireworks display. I don't know how many dark stones suddenly flipped over. The demons overturned the disguised boulders with great force, revealing the fel anti-aircraft cannons below.

   "Anti-aircraft guns—"

   Looking at the past from a distance, countless green light spots are rising.

   In essence, the Fel Cannon is much faster than it looks. The speed of the fel light projectiles exceeded one kilometer per second, so that many landing ships did not even have time to open their shields.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  A [Freedom-class] transport ship with low protection was hit and turned into a grand death fireworks in mid-air.

  Although it was transformed into a space landing ship, but unfortunately its predecessor was [Freewheel], and the ability of the ship girl limited the upper limit of transformation. Still a character with low speed and defense, isn't it? Straight into the soul.

Since the ship was close enough to the [Garden] when it exploded, it was only four or five kilometers away. Queen Xi, with her excellent eyesight, could even clearly see the figures in flames flying out from the cracks in the ship, screaming. falling down.

   "They are..." Queen Xi bit her lip.

   "Woooo! [Jun Muqi]! Foul gods! You died so miserably—" Boss Mai shed sad crocodile tears.

  Queen Xi: "..."

   She swears that she has heard less than a dozen times of the death report of this guy. And then heard the name of this guy in the mouth of the military police more than ten times that number.

   Sure enough, the guy who can be resurrected can do whatever he wants.

  McDonald hypocritically comforted Queen Xi: "Don't worry, most of the first batch of airborne troops were the Trident troops. The second group was our Hero Corps and the personal soldiers of the leaders, as well as the Holy Light Corps."

   Airborne is different from airborne.

  Other ships are considered to be in a tough state with little defense. Once in the atmosphere, each ship struggled to make tactical maneuvers to reduce the chance of being hit by focused fire.

  But McDonald's airborne, didn't say anything, there were a total of eight [Shield Guard-class] special defense ships below.

   They form a huge hemispherical energy shield, which firmly protects the flagships where the bosses are located.

   Even after entering the atmosphere of Argus, the energy shield's protection range is reduced because it offsets the thick fel energy in the atmosphere. However, the giant shield with a diameter of 300 kilometers formed by these shield frigates is still unbreakable.

   Of course, not every ship has a shield guard to open the way.

   Just when Queen Xi was relieved, the 'bad news' came:

   "Report! [Zenidar] was hit!"

After the screen playback in the bridge headquarters, it can be clearly seen that the draenei flagship [Zenidar], which was airborne with them, was blasted by the fel cannon that suddenly appeared, and fell on the spot with black flames. .

   "Ah this..." McDonald was speechless.

  Whether you will be hit by stray bullets on the battlefield, this is life.

   Originally, the Holy Light Legion's spaceship followed the buttocks of the Alliance's main force, and most of it was covered by light shields. Normally, the Burning Legion's anti-aircraft guns did not have enough shooting angles to hit [Zenidar].

Unexpectedly, after a heavy anti-aircraft fel energy light bomb hit an excessively thick fel energy cloud in the atmosphere, it was refracted, bypassed the hemispherical shield in front, and hit Delei not dead. What about Ni's flagship?

   "This... Velen forgot to buy a peace talisman before going out? Oh, forgot that he was still in Sa's tomb."

  No matter what, with the spaceship of the Parliament opening the way, including the 100,000 Tridents, about 300,000 marine troops from the Alliance successfully landed on the Antoran wasteland west of the Burning Throne.

   Originally, in Antoran, it was a joke to have a large-scale airborne.

   The hook-shaped rock spikes protruding from the ground in a zigzag manner are themselves the biggest enemy of the airborne troops.

   First of all, it is difficult to find an open space. Second, even if you find an open space, the open space is often in a low-lying place. When the landing craft descends, it will be attacked by demons at any time. The Burning Legion could attack the landing force from all angles.

now what?

   After washing the floor by the parliamentary fleet, and it was very clean, the ground was full of small pebbles that were only the size of human fingernails.

   This greatly reduces the difficulty of logging in.

   Of course, landing in enemy territory will never be smooth sailing. For example, the enemy holds high the military salute of a certain country and waits in line for you to come down.

   A landing craft equipped with 200 people and two self-propelled guns just landed. There was a violent vibration on the ground near it, and a huge gravel bulge appeared on the originally flat gravel ground.

   That was not caused by the vibrations caused by the spacecraft's descent.

   It was the shallow gravel of the earth that was arched open—a few tens of meters below the ground.

  Something is 'breaking out', little by little, and incredibly fast.

   Obviously, a demon of this size is definitely not weak.

   Just as the artillerymen on the landing craft nervously aimed their muzzles at the demon that was about to break out of the ground, a blue and white Gundam descended from the sky.


   Grit splashes all over the place!

The 10-meter long legs made of thunder silver and Gundam Alloy just stepped on the top of the demon's head, which was only 1 meter above the ground. All the kinetic energy was immediately converted into destructive force, and the more brittle side acted as energy absorption. box.

   A muffled sound of "click" came from the soil.

   Under normal circumstances, most of the large Cerberus inside is dead.

   can be up to a shot.


  The earth suddenly became quiet.

  [Situ Yanpo] smirked and said, "Our feet are called Newton's coffin board. Things that shouldn't get up will never get up!"

   Having said that, Gundam's mechanical feet rubbed left and right, as if stepping on a cigarette to put out a cigarette. The slurry in the demon dog's corpse spurted out several more strands.

   Today's Gundam, after introducing a lot of interstellar technology, is no different from the original in terms of transmission parts, at least it has quite good maneuverability in the atmosphere.

   On the other hand, because its core is still a magical structure, it has the ability to maintain its operation in a high concentration of fel energy, and will not be easily corroded by fel energy clouds like ordinary electronic parts.

The    Gundam troops attacked outside the atmosphere and landed with the landing ship, while the Zaku team attacked from the aircraft carrier after entering the atmosphere.

   All the troops formed a powerful net together, covering the ruins of Antoran overwhelmingly.

As soon as the    large force landed, the engineering team worked immediately. They inserted large pipes into the ground full of gravel and poured a blue liquid into them.

   This is a high-tech existence that replaces cement and becomes the foundation of the landing site.

   McDonald's named this special liquid [Maria Gel] for this formula from the Institute of Anti-Riot Weapons of the Galactic Order Council!

   (end of this chapter)

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