
Lin Chuxia nodded in response.

Yan Luo thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and clicked on Chaoxin, clicked on the chat panel with Yin, and sent an emoji to the past.

and the response from Yin Cha was sent.

Yan Luo couldn't help but laugh, his fingers skillfully typing on the screen.

Yan Luo: "Aren't you trying to recruit geniuses?" My sister has recently started cultivating with me, and she is making rapid progress.

"I can beat you in less than a year or two, can you take it or not?"

Handsome enough to be cut down: "Is there such a thing? OK.

"I'm busy wiping your ass right now, and I'm about to fall apart with all my old bones."

"As long as she joins me in the shadows, I won't care about what you make today."

Yan Luo: "It's not okay to join, you can only be a commissioner like me." "

He didn't want Lin Chuxia to be forced to arrange tasks by Yin Cao, and if he wanted to tie himself up like this, it was impossible.

Handsome was cut down: "It's okay, I'll register if you send your message." "

Arrange for someone to mail your mobile phone terminal to you immediately."

Yan Luo: "[Location Information].

"Name: Lin Chuxia."

"Occupation: 18-year-old genius beautiful girl."

is so handsome that he was hacked: "Dead sister control." "

Yan Luo closed the chat interface, and raised his head only to find that Lin Chuxia was staring at him without blinking.

A pair of big watery eyes were full of curiosity, and seemed to be full of different emotions.

"Brother Yan, who are you chatting with, it looks like Brother Yan is smiling very happily?"

Yan Luo replied casually: "One of the captains of Yin Cao, I asked her to arrange for you to be a special correspondent of Yin Cao."

"When you feel that the pressure of cultivation is too great, you take two tasks and go to find the torture and torture of two evil ghosts and resentful ghosts."

"Let all the stress out, and this will help your practice."

"You can also exchange some things with Yin Cao for the points you earn, but you can help probe the wind when you change them."

"If you can find the specific location of the Yin Cao Treasure House, remember to come back and tell me, Brother Yan will take you to loot them."

"Okay, Brother Yan!"

Lin Chuxia responded obediently, and seemed to say casually.

"The captain of Yin Cao, it should be a very temperamental uncle or something, right?"

Yan Luo was stunned for a moment, recalling Yincha's squinting eyes and wearing a pair of gold-wire glasses, and said with a sigh.

"It's a shemale who is neither male nor female, and he's still a Sven scum."

"Oh yes."

Lin Chuxia nodded, his expression couldn't help but relax, and an innocent smile appeared on his face again.

Yan Luo looked at the time, it was already noon, and he was too lazy to cook, so he simply took Lin Chuxia out of the restaurant.

When he came to a famous restaurant nearby, Yan Luo waved his hand and directly asked the boss to serve all the signature dishes.

"Brother Yan, wouldn't it be too wasteful to order so much?"

"If you can't finish eating, pack it, and you can keep it for supper at night."

Yan Luo took out his mobile phone and swiped the news, while responding to the road.

It was the time of the meal, and there were a lot of people in the restaurant, all of whom were workers and students who had just gotten off work, and the surroundings were quite noisy.

"Eh, you all know it, there was an inexplicable thunderbolt in the city center this morning."

A student, with a young face and a small head, shouted loudly to his companion next to him.

"It is said that one second the sky is clear, and the next second the wind and clouds change color, and one of my uncles happened to be on a nearby street at the time, and he also took a video."


The inch-headed boy said, took out his mobile phone and released a video for several companions next to him.

Yan Luo's divine sense scanned the past and found that the video was a little out of frame, but he could still clearly see the surging thunder in the thunderclouds above.

and the golden dragon heads that poked their heads out one by one and condensed thunder and lightning below.

"You can see it all, it's a dragon!!"

"Damn, it's really fake, your video shouldn't be synthetic!" One of the boys exclaimed, a little incredulous.

"Synthetic fart, keep looking down, more amazing is yet to come!?"

The inch-headed boy said, the video continued to play, and soon, above the canopy shrouded in black clouds, a bright blue light surged up, extremely gorgeous.

The sky covered with a canopy of thunderclouds illuminates brightly.

The inch-headed boy clicked pause at the right time, kept zooming in on the video, and pointed to the screen on the phone excitedly.

"Look again! What is it!?

Several teenagers beside him hurriedly approached to take a look, and suddenly their mouths opened in surprise, and they could stuff eggs.

After the mobile phone lens was magnified, what appeared on the screen was a brilliant flying sword, densely packed and covered the entire sky.

"And here, you don't look like a figure!"

The inch-headed boy said, pointing to a black dot in the center of the screen, his eyes full of excitement.

Several people looked in the direction of his finger after hearing this, and although the picture became a little blurry after magnification, they could still clearly see the black shadow in the center of the lens.

It is clearly a person who stands in the void with his hands in his hands!

"You said you shouldn't want to revive the aura!"

"Could it be that this person is an immortal cultivator, those flying swords and golden thunder dragons were all summoned by him!"


A boy was speechless with astonishment.

"It's really fake.,Now the network PS technology is very developed.,Have you identified this video!"

"It's been 3021, and some people still believe in these, can they have a little lychee!"

"As young people in the new era, we should believe in science, okay!?"

Another boy with glasses scoffed at this, just as it was another trick of some marketing accounts to sensationalize, play with the screen name, and win traffic.

"! My uncle told me personally, and he saw it clearly!

"How can that be fake, and the blue sword sea at the end of the video suddenly disappeared, and the sky cleared up instantly, how could this be a natural cause!"

"If it weren't for the existence of immortal cultivators, how could science explain this kind of thing!"

The inch-headed boy looked excited and took the case.

In response, the bespectacled boy sitting across from him took out his mobile phone and released another message, saying righteously.

"See what it is."

"The officials have issued notices that the morning was caused by the magnetic field, climate and other factors, so the sky was thunderbolted."

"As for the so-called blue sword sea, it just happened to encounter a meteor that is rare in eighty years!"

The boy with glasses said, showing the news in his hand to a few companions beside him.

"So what, it must be that the official wants to suppress it, and doesn't want us to know that there are immortal cultivators in the world!"

"My uncle saw it with his own eyes, and there is a video to prove it, there can be no fake!"

The boy with glasses sneered: "Let's not talk about whether your uncle saw it with his own eyes, what can it mean with that video that is blurry to the point of losing frames?"

"Don't be stupid, you're so old, it's time to be mature!"

"Believe in science, trust the official announcements, and don't daydream all daydreaming!"


Seeing that the other party still wanted to argue, the man with glasses shook his head, picked up his schoolbag and got up to leave, as if he didn't bother to discuss anything with this kind of middle two person.

The inch-headed boy looked at the other three companions beside him, his eyes full of hope.

"You're going to believe me, aren't you?"

In response, the other three boys just looked at each other, and finally one of them spoke.

"This kind of thing, after all, we haven't seen it with our own eyes, and we really can't say for sure."

"I think it's all possible, but in fact, even if there are really immortal cultivators, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us."

When his words fell, he instantly poured a basin of cold water on the inch-headed boy, dispelling most of his enthusiasm.

He sat down in his seat with his head bowed, bowing his head and not saying a word.

Yan Luo watched this scene quietly, with an interested look in his eyes.

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