Strange game designer

Chapter 302 What is hidden in his body?

Being a parent is a person's second birth. Sometimes it's hard to tell whether we give our children a lot of love, or whether the children make us experience love.

The male and female doctors are the most cruel ghosts in the operating room of Lishan Hospital. They have dismembered and sutured countless patients. They are the executioners of the shadow world and have lost their human emotions. But when they see A Fang, their dry hearts are filled with warmth. Soaked in blood, their eyes changed. They were completely different from before.

Moving her steps, her mother's instinct made the female doctor want to get closer to A-Fang, but she didn't know if her appearance would bring harm to A-Fang.

On the contrary, the male doctor was more open-minded. The blade of the knife on his back was concealed in his flesh, and he carried the female doctor on his back and walked out of the torture chamber.

Gao Ming did not stop the two of them. The fate of all the people and ghosts who entered the torture chamber would be tied to him, and they could not be separated even if they died.

Afang looked at the two doctors curiously. He didn't have any evil intentions and didn't want to hurt anyone. He kept building houses with building blocks, seemingly to build new houses for the evil ghosts in the haunted house.

Seeing the two doctors approaching, A Fang dodged back timidly. The mad woman in bright red clothes let out a dangerous roar, and she suddenly raised the blade, showing her strong aggression.

The two doctors were not frightened by the mad woman, and had no intention of resisting. They just called Afang's name softly.

A Fang was the name given by Situ An, who named his son of shadow; the name the female doctor read out was the name she gave to A Fang. For A Fang, this name is very strange.

Coming closer, the two doctors walked under the mad woman's knife, and the female doctor took out a cradle from her arms.

The couple sewed this cradle into the giant monster's body. The clean and warm cradle was the heart of the monster that was sewn together. It was also the reason why the couple insisted on working for Situ An and Lu Zang.

The wind chime hanging above the cradle swayed slightly, and Afang's eyes slowly opened wide. There was this sound in his memory.

The scary face of the female doctor was hidden behind the male doctor. She was humming a song softly. When she was pregnant with Afang, she was scared and nervous, but whenever she touched the little life in her belly, she would slowly calm down. Come down.

They should have been a very happy family, but due to the invasion of the shadow world, everything could not go back.

Hearing the song hummed by the female doctor and the sound of the wind chimes, Afang loosened the strap of his big schoolbag and slowly walked out from behind the madwoman in red. He could not recognize the female doctor, but he vaguely remembered the voice.

Big eyes were staring at the male and female doctors. No matter how terrifying the ghost was, Afang could not be frightened, but now he seemed a little uneasy. He was holding the female madman's clothes tightly, feeling a little at a loss.

The familiar feeling in the soul blended with the female doctor's singing. Afang was taken away by Situ An after he was born. He has been looking for his father and mother, but he actually doesn't know what it means to stay with his parents. In this way, all his feelings and fantasies about home are based on other people's memories.

He could speak easily, treating the evil spirits in the haunted house as his mother and chasing them around, but when facing the two doctors, he was speechless.

There is a force in the dark that prevents him from approaching the pair of doctors, as if in his arranged destiny, he will never meet his biological parents, and will spend his whole life on the road to find them, until The last moments of life.

Afang has many, many toys, but he himself is also a toy of fate.

Large shadows overflowed from the haunted houses built with building blocks. The big ghosts crowding in the corridors wanted to launch their own houses of resentment. Behind Afang, it seemed that there was an infinite ghost city stacked up. The huge pressure made even flesh and blood ghosts and gods feel provoked. , roaring crazily in Gao Ming’s heart.

The male and female doctors did not back down, nor were they afraid.

They were initially coerced by Gao Ming, and they all felt that Gao Ming was just talk. Although they also had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, they never expected to see their children so soon.

The child that was taken away was right in front of them, and they must get close to him this time.

Various scars began to appear on the bodies of the two doctors, especially the seriously injured female doctor. Her newly sutured skin split again, like a human-shaped sack that was leaking air everywhere.

Step by step forward, the couple finally came to their child. The female doctor held a small cradle, which contained everything they had prepared for the newborn.

They had waited with great anticipation for the arrival of that little life, imagining giving him all their love and letting him see the most beautiful world, but now both of them have turned into the ugliest ghosts.

The feeling brought by the two doctors to Afang was completely different from the ghosts in the haunted house. From those two doctors, Afang seemed to feel something hot. He didn't know what it was, but he only knew that the thing was very warm and made him want to Get close, as if you can illuminate all the corners of his soul.


Looking up at the female doctor, Afang subconsciously said those two words. In his original destiny, he would say these two words to many people, but not to the female doctor.

Some kind of shackles were broken free, and fate and the plans of the shadow world seemed to be disrupted.

As he said these words, Afang's expression suddenly became extremely painful, his face was distorted, and something seemed to be expanding rapidly in his small body!

"not good!"

Gao Ming, who had been paying attention to Afang, immediately realized something was wrong, threw out the chain, and let the flesh and blood ghost drag the two of them back as fast as possible!

In other words, within a few tenths of a second, a large area of ​​dark arms stretched out from under Afang's little dinosaur pajamas. Those arms covered with groupers almost penetrated the two doctors, causing them to lose their minds in front of Afang.

"When Afang was born, did Situ An and Lu Zang entrust something in the shadow world to him?" Gao Ming just had this idea, but he immediately overturned it. He and the two doctors saw an incredible scene.

Amidst Afang's painful screams, a dilapidated and desolate night sky appeared behind him. It was covered with corpses and shrouded in endless black mist. Occasionally, extremely terrifying buildings could be seen in it.

There are boundless bloody cities dragged by red clothes, there are giant whales carrying isolated islands, and fallen evil gods are like extinguished stars.

"The thing hiding in A Fang's body is not some ghost from the shadow world, but after the death of the shadow world, part of its will entered A Fang's body!"

Gao Ming did not expect that Lu Zang and Situ An could do such a thing, but it was estimated that only part of the will of the shadow world could suppress so many clay sculptures of gods at the bottom of the black lake.

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