Stormwind God

Chapter 627: Dragon Race Ceremony (1)

At three o'clock in the evening, Duke, who returned to his bedroom, looked out of the window, and the dense black color spread throughout Duke's entire horizon.

The hustle and bustle of Triumph Day was still ringing in his ears. Duke knew that new challenges would still come.

Since he is part of Azeroth, he cannot ignore the challenges that come one after another.

That's right, before the pantheon's group of Titans really arrived in Azeroth and battled with the Burning Legion, the world of Azeroth was like a **** defensive game. No matter how many waves you defeat, there will be new enemies .

Persist, maybe there is a silver lining.

Giving up is the end of everything.

Looking back, the Windrunner sisters who had been sleeping together raised their eyebrows and opened their sleepy eyes.

Alleria: "Duke, are you finished?"

Windsor: "Sleep, you've done a good job today, and let tomorrow do the work for tomorrow."

After all, the two fragrant nephrite-like women moved away from a gentle hometown tremblingly, Duke smiled, lay down, embraced Wen Leisha on the left, and Aurelia on the right.

If there is no crisis in the future, this is already the perfect life!

In his heart Duke secretly said to himself: "Yes! The people I love, the people I cherish, the world I love, this is the motivation for me to fight for Azeroth!"

The following days, Duke was busy.

Whether it is coordinating post-war reconstruction with various countries, or discussing with the dwarves how to transform various agricultural tools, or carrying out his railway plan.

Time stepped into the gate of darkness on December 31, 2 years.

News of Du Kejiu waiting.

Alexstrass's magical message: "Okay. Marigos is finally crazy enough. That guy froze Nesario's head and took him to the Blue Dragon Army. Sightseeing in this place, tossing and crying for a long time, finally willing to take the traitor's head back. "

Duke smirked.

His wife and all his children were killed, and then he could not take revenge for 10,000 years. It was estimated that anyone who changed would be crazy.

How much sense can a man like Marigos recover is the result of the Dragons burning incense and worshiping the Buddha. But thinking of this crazy move of the blue dragon king, Duke also had to sigh.

For Marigos, Duke can only count one.

"When is the celebration of the Dragon Sleeping Temple?"

"Tomorrow on January 1st at nine o'clock in the morning, you will come to the Keel Wilderness."

"Uh? Hurry?"

"The celebration is long ready. It's the other three tribe dragons waiting for Marigot's bastard, okay!" The queen's teeth were rattling.

Yes indeed! A group of dragons happily celebrated the killing of the traitor, spitting the dragon's breath and roasting the beef in the snow and ice. Although Nozdormu temporarily surrendered Nesario's body early, most of everything is the most valuable in his head.

The dragon head has a very sacred meaning.

Without a traitor's head, I feel sorry for everything I say, and it seems like a lot of things are missing.

After waiting a full week, Marigos was willing to bring the head of the rebellious Black Dragon King back. The other three dragons are not surprised if they are not bored.

That can't be helped.

The four dragon kings are all guardian dragons, which are equal in the final analysis. Unless a certain dragon is doing too much and is considered by other dragons to be beyond the scope that can be 'redeemed', for the sake of the same tribe, bear with me.

"Okay! I'll be on time tomorrow."

Time entered the gate of darkness January 1, 3 years, the kings of Lordaeron were also busy with various meetings.

Reconstruction after the war, bilateral trade, multilateral trade, re-division of territorial borders, determination of sea power ... Various annoyances annoy every king and even every lord below.

Originally in the Storm Kingdom, things in these areas were inseparable from Duke, but Duke had to ask Ryan to take leave first.

At half past eight, Duke's room was still busy.

Obviously, only Duke went to Longmian Temple to attend the Dragon Festival, but it was a grand look that the whole high-level storm kingdom would go to.

Ryan and Anduin were chatting in the corner of the room.

In a green ranger costume, Aurelia crossed her arms in front of her lower abdomen, holding her elbows in her palms, leaned against the wall, and watched her sister and Ilucia playing with Duke's clothes.

A duke who is unlovable and already a derelict-looking cat poses in the shape of a cross. It is terrible and he must look straight ahead.

"Still add a girdle? The mage's robe is too fluttering." Winresa frowned.

"I think so too, energetic!" Illucia nodded.

Duke squinted his teeth: "Even if I dress well, do the dragons appreciate it? In other words, you have tossed me up at seven o'clock for an hour and a half, is it okay?"

"Will you appreciate that is another thing, the key is that you have to be full of attitude. I have never heard of any human beings that the Dragon Temple has greeted in the past ten thousand years." Iluhia, who has always been weak Unexpected comments were made.

Duke couldn't help but groan in his heart: would I tell you that in the future, because the dragons could not bear the siege of the Dragon Sleep Temple by the dragons, they would seek the support of the strong men of the various races to make it a lively market there?

At this time, Aurelia added a knife: "No, I've seen Alecstasza's humanoid dress, it fits well!"

Your sister, as long as the female is of good build, high face value, and wearing a three-point battle armor or something, any man will feel good-looking.

The spit turned to spit, Duke still could only obediently be his human flesh hanger.

After a long time tossing over.

Duke set off in a blessing.

Almost as soon as he crossed the portal to the Keel Wilderness, Duke was frozen into a dog. The coldness in the Northrend keel wilderness in the extremely north continent, and the coldness in the northern part of Lordaeron, are not a concept at all.

Can it be compared to the winter in the south and the winter in Siberia before crossing?

Almost so, Duke thought he was going to freeze to death.

"Whoa!" From the [Flame of Phoenix] a heat flow rose from the magic circuit, almost at the same time, it was covered with a warm element of fire, not too hot, but it resisted Northrend's well. The biting cold wind.

Duke finally came back, Krasus!

"Welcome you, my old friend!" The tall Krassus came over and gave Duke a courtesy hug.

It turned out that one person and one dragon were all friends. After Duke rescued the Red Dragon Queen and laid out and killed Nesario, they became friends.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King will arrive half an hour later, and now I will introduce you to the representatives of various ethnic groups." (To be continued.)

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