Stormwind God

Chapter 406: Brave War Demon King (14.12 million rewards for He Jiayi)

No wonder.

No wonder!

No wonder

Duke has heard Aurelia's harp tunes more than once. Most of them can be tasted. Aurelia is chanting the beautiful life of the elves in Quelcelas, and relives the peaceful days walking in the forest.

Many times you can hear that in order to defend this beauty and peace, Aurelia is determined to fight for her life. But now, the beautiful forest, along with her hometown, has been burned to death, and her parents have been killed ...

Duke has never experienced the death of a loved one, and he cannot understand how the loved one who has accompanied him for thousands of years suddenly died.

At this moment Duke was in a state of annoyance and self-blame. Aurelia's parents, he has never seen, nor imagined what it would be like after seeing it. But the Aurelia drowned in tears and sadness before him was real.

Looking at the beautiful face with such awesome beauty, Duke's self-blame was even more serious.

If I do a few more steps, even if I use tying, I want to ensure the safety of Aurelia's parents, that's great.

If I hadn't allowed the Horde to attack Quel'Thalas, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened.

in case……

In this world, especially after mixing with the deputy commander of the league, Duke has told himself more than once that he is a person who does big things. For the future of himself and Azeroth, he must not have a woman.

It is with such a mentality that Duke can calmly view the lives and deaths of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. Because in Duke's mind, these people were supposed to die in history.

"I didn't kill these people, but I rescued more people who should have died or tragedy. For example, Lane, who should have been kneeling, such as the fourth windrunner family who will be killed by Talon * Gore ... ... "

In the final analysis, Duke is still the young man of the rider. He also often takes pride in his achievements.

But now, when death really happened to these people around him, Duke found that he couldn't take it anymore.

Duke's brain was getting more and more chaotic. At this moment, a tender, slender jade finger touched Duke's lips.

"Sorry, Duke, I have always been too demanding of you. Let the humans, elves, and dwarves who carry the whole world to accompany me to go crazy. Knowing that you can't do it, you still need to kill the fire ... "

Tonight's Aurelia is very weak. In front of Duke, she is no longer the shrewd and powerful Ranger general, not the Valkyrie on the battlefield, but a weak woman in need of comfort.

The bright red lips opened and closed slightly, and the Duke ghost kissed him poorly.

Very soft and soft to the touch, but with some kind of awkwardness, but Alleria still actively responded to Duke.

Duke suddenly felt that Aurelia's body was a bit cold ...

I don't know why, knowing that he is a little bit dangerous now, Duke partial life has a feeling of remorse for a lifetime. Slowly, Duke began his ultimate exploration with both hands.

At this time, Aurelia, who was touched by the key, suddenly became tense, then a pair of eyes gradually brightened, and then brightened again, a kind of eyes that temporarily forgot the sorrow and confusion. She pursed her lips hard, then smiled a little abruptly.

"Hell, I don't look like myself ..."

There were still tears, but a sincere smile appeared on his face.

"My name is Aurelia Windrunner, the owner of Windrunner's house! The heroine of the Troll War! If I cry crying for comfort like a weak man, and then I'm invaded by some bad guy, then I might Too bad. Duke, don't you often call me the Big Devil? "

"Uh ..." Duke shook his head decisively, declining to kill.

"Then I give Duke the hero a chance to challenge the Devil. Remember, the opportunity to challenge the Devil is not always available. You failed this time, and you will have to wait a thousand years next time."


A thousand years? The future Azeroth is a dangerous world that is not unusual to be destroyed a hundred times a year! One thousand years ...

Duke decided decisively and did!

Seeing Duke's raging war, Aurelia was a crying and smiling expression: "Look at your little body, I don't have to bully you in melee, I won't attack you, and I won't leave this room As long as you catch me, the devil will be left to the brave. "

"That `s a deal."

The battle began.

At the beginning, Aurelia wondered whether she wanted to put water on. As a result, she found she thought too much. If you are not allowed to attack the mage's body, Duke has 10,000 ways to deal with her!

Shameless Duke froze the room instantly.

The increasing volume of ice cubes quickly reduced the space in the room. Aurelia evaded a few times and then gave up. She was on her hips and looked like he was facing Duke.

As the most fashionable woman among Windrunner sisters, her figure is also the most plump and round. The Hyjal peak on her chest perfectly interprets the beauty and quality of violence of the large arc. The partial curve reached the waist and narrowed extremely softly, and then went down to draw another perfect arc.

Alleria hooked her finger at Duke.

Suddenly the system prompt came.

"Aurelia * Windrunner launched [taunt] on you, did you open the wave ss template?"

Duke scrambled a "Yes!"

"The host has been transformed and temporarily transferred to a warrior. You launched [Charge] against Aurelia! You gain 10 points of anger."

"Aurelia attempts to suppress you with strength."

"You launched [Armor] against Aurelia!"

Even if Duke had only played a few days before crossing the warrior, he knew that the soldiers could quickly build hatred against Boss, and let Boss only attack himself.

"You launched [Armor] on Aurelia, and you destroyed her armor."

"You launched [Armor] on Aurelia, and you destroyed her breastplate."

"You launched [Armor] on Aurelia, and you destroyed her crotch."

After three [Armored Arms], the warrior Duke found that [Armored Arms] couldn't go on, because there was no place to play [Armor Armor]. At this time, Duke's attack seemed to go wrong.

Alleria smiled softly.

"Your allegation was [parried] by Aurelia. She used [Retaliation Storm] on you, and your armor value has fallen into a dog."

At this time, Duke shouted in his heart, "Hey, system elves, is there any way to strengthen my power? I want to [roll over] this pussy!"

"Host you can try to control your body with magic circuits, but this will ..."

Duke didn't hesitate for half a second, and did it directly. Suddenly, Duke found that his power was completely above Aurelia.

Facing Duke who suddenly took the wrong medicine, Aurelia's face changed greatly, and she hurriedly tried to evacuate.

"Boss Aurelia attempts to run away, may I ask if you want to chase?" The system wizard asked intimately.

nonsense! Pursuit, of course!

However, I have never seen such a stupid wave ss! Actually exposed his back.

The next moment, Duke temporarily transferred to the thief, locked Aurelia's waist directly, and launched a thief magic skill [Aback] to Aurelia!

The system prompt comes again: "Congratulations, you have obtained the [One Blood] of the great devil Aurelia!"

"Ah! Duke, you bastard!" Aurelia yelled.

Duke completely suppressed Aurelia with his temporary strength, and launched 998 consecutive [backstabs] on Aurelia ... (to be continued.)

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