Storm of Kings

Chapter 53: Spiral hypnosis

   Cao Hongbin gave Zhou Lie a surprise. He saved a psychiatrist and asked for relevant questions. I have a certain understanding of how to hypnosis, the level of hypnosis, and various cases of schizophrenia.

   "Zhou Lie, remember that hypnosis is usually stimulated by external factors to trigger a special psychological state. For example, sound, light and shadow, vibration, smell, etc., are all external factors."

   "When you are in a relaxed state, you can hypnotize yourself by some effective means."

   "Hypnosis is divided into superficial hypnosis and deep hypnosis."

"Some hypnotists can relieve anxiety, irritability, and nervousness through hypnotism. If hypnotists try to be unruly, it will be troublesome. They can aggravate the subject's negative emotions, and they can also set up secret codes to control the subject, so internationally Those senior hypnotists exercise strict control."

   "The reason why I talk about hypnosis is that in a hypnotic environment, it is suitable for self-analysis and it is possible to find another self, which is called a virtual personality."

   "In fact, most people have two sides, but they can't express it. If you turn on your blood and acquire the genetic memory of an ancestor, you have to carry two thinking systems."

  "In this way, to a certain extent, a dual personality will inevitably form, and there will definitely be problems if the two sides cannot be reconciled, because this is a mental illness at all."

"But then again, I heard from this psychiatrist that there are indeed people who can make good use of multiple personalities, so that they can exert enviable abilities. There are even institutions in various countries that specialize in such phenomena. This seems to be very deep. !"

   Cao Hongbin sighed a little, and continued: "I said before that asking you to collect mirrors is indeed a way, but it's not professional and requires step-by-step guidance. Don't be rushed."

   "The human brain has the most complicated structure in the world, just like a moving maze. If you take a wrong step, you may never return to the original state, so you must be careful when you try."

   "First, you only need a mirror, on which you draw fine spiral patterns from the outside to the inside, and then focus on the patterns to impose strong psychological hints on yourself."

   "This psychological suggestion is thought. For example, if you want to recall something ten years ago, then keep telling yourself that I can definitely go back ten years ago."

"Next, your eyes should follow the spiral pattern to the center of the mirror. Do not move too fast or too slow. Imagine that it is a vortex. Don't have any resistance in your heart. Remind yourself that you can reach the goal by following the vortex. Land."

   "The last point is very important. Sometimes memory makes people unable to extricate themselves. You must learn to distinguish the truth from the false, and you must not lose your heart, otherwise you will fall into a long sleep and cannot wake up forever."

"This is only the first stage of training. After you find the direction, you should immediately increase the number of mirror faces. You should also draw a spiral pattern on the mirror. It is best to cover your bedroom with this kind of mirror and go deep into it every night. Maybe you will be mentally weak at the beginning, but you will be better when you really adapt."

Cao Hongbin finally said: "Of course, these are just basic theories. I can't predict how much you will reach after trying. The psychologist I rescued mentioned that the exploration of the spiritual realm varies from person to person, even if two accept it. Twins with the same education will also show great differences in their hearts. In the future, we will contact every 20 days. Maybe the inter-temporal power in this hole can be used continuously after recovery. In addition, I will help you collect jade If there is a chance to find that golden toad, let’s take a look at what is hidden behind Jishou Yongchang?"

   "Well, let us work together to uncover the mystery of this world." Zhou Lie and Cao Hongbin chatted for a while, agreed on something, and then hung up the phone.

   The cave was quiet, Zhou Lie recalled what Cao Hongbin had just said, and gradually cleared his mind and designed a plan according to his own characteristics.

   These days, he collected a few mirrors from the village, and put them by the bed. From time to time, he picked them up and looked at them, but there was no imaginary reaction. Only today did he realize that the method was wrong.

   Zhou Lie picked up the charcoal pencil and drew fine spiral lines on the mirror. After painting several times, he felt a little worse.

   "Cao Ge said that special psychological states are triggered by external factors. This initiation process is hypnosis. Sound, light and shadow, vibration, and smell, as long as they are properly matched, can increase the chance of success in hypnosis."

   "The cave is already dim, it is not appropriate to draw with charcoal, you should use silverfish scales as the dye, that thing can shine. Yes, just do it!"

   Thinking of this, he hurriedly deployed.

   Because Zhou Lie’s diving depth has increased repeatedly, many big guys nearly one meter in length have been caught from the depths of Longjingtan. Recently, the family has been eating whitebait, and Qu has dried a lot of dried fish.

Xiaohuan and Xiaoning scraped scales from the big fish in their free found that as long as the scales are as big as a silver coin, they can fluoresce in the dark. Recently, these scales have been used to replace oil lamps in the home and caves. .

   As long as he said nothing, Zhou Lie smashed the scales into small pieces and found that it did not affect the fluorescence effect of the scales, which made him relieved.

   Then, he took out a can of isinglass from the bottom of the bed and stirred it, and soon the fluorescent paint was successful.

   "Okay, it will definitely work, so that the circle is eye-catching."

   When he finishes painting, wipes his hands, picks up the mirror, his eyes will move to the center along with the lines. But at this time, his eyes suddenly stopped.

   "The visual effect is there, and there should be a sound effect. I now have the magical ability to transmit sound and secretly, and I have learned how to make a sound skillfully, use bass to trigger skeletal resonance, and can bring sound into my mind.

   Zhou Lie was ready and tried his best to relax.

   At this moment, the mirror surface emits a faint purple light, and the edge of the purple light is mixed with beautiful silver, which looks beautiful. Zhou Lie felt that he had hallucinations, and the spiral stripes on the mirror seemed to be slowly turning.

He hurriedly stepped up his psychological suggestion and muttered silently: "Become stronger, stronger, make me stronger, this is my obsession! Why can the three families of Jiang, Chen and Han rob the village? Why can't I buy books if I have money? Why is Liang Peacock’s eyes full of contempt? Those famous children didn’t treat us as human beings. Only by self-improvement can I create a world. I can only rely on myself. This is powerless sorrow. No matter what his personality is, come on! I call you to appear..."

   Zhou Lie kept repeating these words, bloodshot slowly appeared in his eyes. At a certain moment, he suddenly fell to the ground, and the aura in the cave became deep, as if something was waking up.

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