In addition to diving, Ye Chen could only continue diving.

He can't express his position easily, for fear that he will show his feet as soon as he opens his mouth.

As the best big man in Heavenly Court, he can only choose to be cold.

"It takes about three months for this platform to be produced, so for these three months, this group is forbidden to trade!".

The Jade Emperor sent a message again.

When Ye Chen saw it, he almost vomited blood on the spot.

Can't trade for three months?

Is this still worth it?

If he doesn't trade for three months, can he still mix in the mortal world?

If he doesn't get good things for three months, it will be difficult to mix with this little "wealth" in his hands.

Therefore, Ye Chen agreed to everything else, this one is really unbearable.

In the world, to make a shopping platform, but any powerful programmer can make it in one night.

Even if it's a little bit of a technology, it can be done in a week.

It took three months for this Heavenly Court Immortal to launch a shopping platform?

It's ......

It simply blew his mind.

Perhaps, this is the so-called information gap in the legend.

It turns out that immortals also have things that they are not so good at, such as high-tech.

Ye Chen originally planned to dive all the time, but now he couldn't help but speak.

Chaos Heavenly Ancestor: It takes three months to build a shopping platform?

As soon as these words came out, Zhengqun was silent.

Everyone knows very well that the Jade Emperor has worked hard.

When Tianting popularized mobile phones, it took a lot of effort, and when popularizing WeChat, it took a lot of effort and a year to complete, which was a great improvement of the century in Tianting, which was a leap forward in reform and progress, and brought earth-shaking changes to the lives of the gods.

It took six months to complete the research and development in order to launch the WeChat red envelope function of Tianting, which is also a leap forward for Tianting.

Therefore, it takes three months to build a shopping platform, which is reasonable, and everyone is willing to accept it.

But Ye Chen's words were obviously slapping the Jade Emperor in the face.

Three months is already a lot of time for an immortal, but Ye Chen is not satisfied.

The Chaos Heavenly Ancestor was not satisfied, which meant that everyone needed to improve with sincerity and fear.

Brother Heavenly Court: This ...... Tianzu is not satisfied, is he? Then I'll work hard and try to shorten the construction period to two and a half months, what do you think, Tianzu?

The Jade Emperor was now in a cold sweat.

Obviously, what Ye Chen said casually just now, for them, was that the Heavenly Ancestor was exerting power, being dissatisfied, unhappy, and angry.

Can they not be afraid?

If the ancestor is angry and punishes everyone, then everyone will really lose a lot.

Therefore, everyone was so nervous that they sweated, for fear that the Heavenly Ancestor would be powerful.

Ye Chen almost didn't laugh out loud when he saw that the Jade Emperor said that the construction period was shortened to two and a half months.

Heavenly Court is really backward enough, if it takes a few months for programmers in the world to come up with a small program for a shopping platform, I am afraid that they will be unemployed a long time ago.

Therefore, Ye Chen now pretended to be "kind" and continued to speak in the group: Benzu is not dissatisfied, Benzu is sorry for you, not to mention two and a half months, it is two months that make everyone very tormented. It's better than this...... Benzu helped everyone and shortened the construction period.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Originally, everyone thought that Tianzu asked so much because he was angry, but they didn't expect that Tianzu was so loving, not only did he not get angry, but also offered to help.

The immortals in the entire group were all moved to tears, and one by one they started the sycophant contest again.

"Heavenly Ancestor is so good!".

"Heavenly Ancestor is so concerned about the livelihood of the Heavenly Court, it's simply too respectable!".

"Yes, yes, Heavenly Ancestor really loves us so much. You are truly our idol!".

"Heavenly Ancestor is really amazing, can this help shorten the construction period? Could it be that Heavenly Ancestor can shorten the construction period to one month? If this is true, it is simply great. We really deserve to be celebrated by the whole world!".

"Can it be done in a month? Heavenly Ancestor is really mighty!".


These immortals were sycophants one by one, and that kind of dog-legged posture made Ye Chen cry and laugh.

When he saw that everyone was so excited about the month, he couldn't even know how to describe his feelings, and even felt a little sympathy for these guys.

For a month, he would have to die of torment.

Who can stand it?

Therefore, Ye Chen looked at the group with a smile, looked at the group with loving eyes, and then lightly typed a few words - seven days is fine.

As soon as these words came out, the whole group instantly fell silent.


Everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

I even thought I was hallucinating.

Even the Jade Emperor thought he was wrong.

Everyone stared at the group for a long time, and then someone came up with a word.

"Heavenly Ancestor, what a humor!"

Immediately after that, another person spoke.

"Yes, how can it be in three days? This shopping platform is a big project, and we are very satisfied if we can complete it in three months!".

"Ahem, ahem, Tianzu must have seen that we were all too eager to get a shopping platform, so he was joking with us!"

"Heavenly Ancestor is so cute!, however, we like such an approachable Heavenly Ancestor!".


One by one, the sycophants slapped the sycophants again.

Ye Chen couldn't cry or laugh, it was a small thing in the world, in the immortals, it was such a difficult thing, Ye Chen really sympathized with them, so he immediately posted another sentence in the group: The ancestor is serious, don't say seven days for this kind of trivial matter, even three days!

As soon as these words came out, the group fell silent again!

Everyone started sweating.

Although everyone didn't continue to talk in the group, they were all thinking about ...... in their hearts

"Heavenly Ancestor is really powerful!".

"It's so good, Tianzu is so good!".

"Seven days is already terrifying, three days, what a powerful guy this Heavenly Ancestor is?".

"I'm dripping...... Three days, am I not mistaken?".

"Isn't it? Three days? Tianzu is this joking, or is he teasing us? If it's true, I'm going to hug Tianzu's thighs to death in the future, such a powerful big guy, it's really a wife...... All right. "


One by one, they secretly poked and poked to worship such a powerful Heavenly Ancestor.

For Heavenly Court, if it can be done in three days, it will not only be celebrated by the whole world, it will be an invincible event.

Just when everyone was extremely excited, the Jade Emperor broke the silence.

First Brother of Heavenly Court: Is what Heavenly Ancestor said true?

Ye Chen replied in seconds: Of course it is true!

Seeing Ye Chen say this, the group fell silent again.

This is beyond everyone's awareness.

In everyone's eyes, this is completely impossible to do, but here at Heavenly Ancestor, it seems to be quite simple, as if it was effortless!

They all worship Ye Chen so much that they don't want it.

When the Jade Emperor received Ye Chen's affirmative reply, he was so moved that tears were about to flow, and he immediately said to the Queen Mother on the side: "Look, you see, when you were still before, this Heavenly Ancestor may have been an imposter who came to Heaven to eat and drink, have you ever seen such a powerful impostor?

It turned out that the immortals of Heavenly Court had not doubted whether Ye Chen was a really powerful Heavenly Ancestor, but now Ye Chen suddenly said this, completely conquering everyone.

Not ...... though

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