He never dreamed that what he saw after clicking on it was such a ecstatic picture.

This turned out to be a "beautiful" picture of eighteen women with different postures.

These beauties are charming and sultry, to be precise, they are all "above board".

This painting is simply superb, smooth, flawless, and it is everyone's handwriting at a glance.

To put it mildly, this is completely a picture of spring. That is, the ancient orange calligraphy and painting.

Ye Chen glanced at the payment, it was really Tang Yin.

If it weren't for these two words, he really couldn't have imagined that one of the best painters in ancient times would have painted such a thing.

Maybe it's because it's too ecstatic, or maybe it's because this kind of thing can't be on the hall of elegance, so it hasn't been circulated, but has been secretly hidden.

Now it has been paid tribute to Taiyi Zhenren.

So...... This must be the real thing.

"Ahem, this, give it to me?".

Ye Chen sent a message and asked.

When Taiyi Zhenren heard this, he immediately replied: Of course it is given to you, Tianzu, are you too disgusted and shabby......? Blame me, blame me, I'll send you a separate one.

After saying that, I sent another red envelope.

When Ye Chen saw this picture, he almost didn't vomit blood directly.

Tang Bohu's painting is really a chicken thing in front of the gods.

After all, mortal calligraphy and painting are not worth anything at all in the fairy world.

But if this thing is in the mortal world...... That's a lot of money.

What's even worse is that this is a painting that has no record in history, and there is no gossip in the history of the wild, it is Tang Bohu's secret masterpiece, which is comparable to priceless!

If this painting can be made public, it will be a big news that will cause a sensation in the entire painting and calligraphy world.

To be exact, this can be a national sensation.

Ye Chen, as a person who does not mix with the calligraphy and painting circle, knows how much this painting is worth.

Unexpectedly, a casual red envelope from Taiyi Zhenren was a king fried, which made Ye Chen so excited that his blood pressure was high.

With trembling hands, he clicked on the new red envelope.

When I opened this point, I found that this was actually a bottle of elixir.

Ye Chen asked: What is this?

Taiyi Zhenren: What's this...... Although it is not as powerful as the Jade Emperor's golden pill, it is also a good thing that I have cultivated for many years. Although for us immortals, we can only strengthen our bodies, but for mortals...... That's magical. There are really not many things that my Taiyi real person can come up with, you have the Heavenly Ancestor I have, and I can only give you these worthless gadgets after thinking about it, I hope the Heavenly Ancestor will not mind.

This Taiyi Zhenren seems to be a stingy guy, giving something to strengthen his body to such a big figure as Tianzu, isn't this fooling Tianzu? However, in the fairy world, Taiyi Zhenren is indeed not a "rich" immortal, and it is impossible to give spells to Tianzu except for spells, that is, pills?

For Tianzu, it is the chicken rib of the chicken, but for Ye Chen, it is a really good thing.

"The ancestor doesn't dislike it!" Ye Chen was actually secretly happy in his heart now, thinking about what kind of miracle effect this elixir had! If this thing can really bring the dead back to life, or prolong life, then it is really a good thing.

Qin Shi Huang has not refined this thing for so many years, and Ye Chen got it casually, this treatment is not something that ordinary people have.

"Uh...... It's good not to dislike it, thank the Heavenly Ancestor for the gift. Thank you so much!".

Taiyi Zhenren also grabbed Ye Chen's things for the first time, because he was in retreat before, and this time he just came out, and as soon as he came out, he met Tianzu and sent red envelopes. So this old boy immediately smuggled Tianzu with interest to curry favor with Tianzu.

Ye Chen didn't reply to his message again, but was almost laughed at by a message in the group.

- I really want to go down to the mortal world to travel, I've been too busy with official business lately, and I don't know if those mortals in the mortal world have abided by morality.

It was none other than Taishang Laojun who said this.

Taishang Laojun quietly changed his screen name - Daode Tianzun.

Ye Chen was fortunate that he had studied these when he was in school, so he knew that there were actually a lot of names of Taishang Laojun, this guy was also called Mixed Yuan Laojun, Birth Emperor, Taiqing Emperor, etc., anyway, there were many names.

These names are like the pen names of some writers, who change their pen names when they are willful.

Taishang Laojun is also a fickle guy.

I saw that Bajie replied to the moral Tianzun: Can mortals abide by morality? How many mortal morality have you seen? It's not that I said that the old pig said you, you are the most failed immortal in the whole world, because your business is the worst. Open your eyes and see for yourself, how many people in this mortal world abide by morality? If those morally corrupt people are sent to the eighteenth layer of hell, the entire underworld will not be able to hold it.

Bajie's intimidation made Daode Tianzun silent for a few seconds.

This scare really made Taishang Laojun ashamed.

Because what Bajie said is not wrong at all.

Although the position of this Moral Heavenly Venerable is not only in charge of morality, but also has many more. But morality alone is really enough to fail.

There are really few people in the world who are truly and completely moral.

"How can I be blamed for this? This is human nature, human nature, I can control geometry?".

Taishang Laojun's incomparable grievances, morality, which cannot be seen or touched, and all depends on self-consciousness, who can manage it?

Besides, mortals, it's really hard to manage, there is not a single fuel-efficient lamp.

"Tut-tut, if you don't have the ability, you have no ability, and you have to rely on giving humanity. It's obviously your poor management. If all the immoral people in the world are severely punished, all the people in the world will be honest. For example, a cheating man is almost directly abolished. For example, a woman who does not abide by women's morals ruins her appearance. For example, a man who prostitutes, gambles and drugs has no children and grandchildren, and a vicious woman is lonely and widowed for life. You have to do these punishments in place, and I guarantee that there will be harmony in the world, and everyone will be of high quality, high cultivation and high morality. "

Bajie is now simply incarnated as a messenger of justice, and has begun to educate Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun is now choked and his face is red.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you!" Taishang Laojun is now ashamed.

Although it is not his duty to take care of morality, since he boasted the name of this so-called "moral Tianzun", everyone has tacitly assumed that he is a moral model.

Therefore, it is his fault that the morality of the world is bad.

"Shouldn't you punish yourself for dereliction of duty?" Bajie is the best at taking advantage of the fire to rob.

Arbitrarily blackmailed Taishang Laojun in public.

Bajie is very smart, he knows that he deliberately picks this time to do things, the ancestor is here, Taishang Laojun will definitely be punished obediently, and then send some red envelopes here.

If the Heavenly Ancestor is not there, Taishang Laojun is likely to play tricks directly, and may even turn his face and get out.

But Tianzu was peeping at the group, and Taishang Laojun didn't dare to punish himself with three cups without giving out red envelopes.

Heavenly Ancestor really made the entire group of immortals tense their nerves, for fear that they would do the slightest non-compliant thing in front of Heavenly Ancestor and hurt their image in front of Heavenly Ancestor.

"Okay, okay, according to you, according to you!, just do more for you!".

Bajie immediately laughed and successfully blackmailed Taishang Laojun.

When Ye Chen saw this picture, he was also secretly happy, and he was ready to grab the red envelope at any time.

At this time, he can only pretend to grab the red envelopes inadvertently, and he must not behave like these red envelopes. So Ye Chen could only watch, without saying a word, holding his breath and waiting for the red envelope to come out.

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