Still In Bluestar, How Did The Rabbit Start the Starcraft?

Chapter 106 The Shock Brought By Godson!

Longwei is back with a new flagship machine "Loongson"!

When Longwei CEO Yu Dongdong shouted out these words, the press conference of the Shencheng Center Stadium immediately erupted into applause that shook the entire stadium.

Everyone has been waiting for this moment for two years!

Since the last time Longwei released the Longwei 40 equipped with the out-of-print Qilin 9000 chip, Longwei has not released a new flagship mobile phone for more than two years.

Everyone knows the difficulties that Longwei encountered by a company that should not be endured, so everyone is especially looking forward to the day when Longwei overcomes the difficulties and the king returns!

Two years later, they finally waited for the day when Longwei had the courage to release a new machine!

Although two years of precipitation everyone does not know whether Longwei has solved the problem of chips, but from the naming of the "Loongson" mobile phone, Longwei's original intention has not changed.

On the stage of the press conference, Yu Dongdong also felt the enthusiasm and expectation of everyone.

Everyone is more concerned about the recent situation and development of Longwei than they expected!

Yu Dongdong originally thought that he had become very rational at his age, and he would no longer have any bloody impulses.

But when there was a hoarse "We support you, Longwei!" Reaching his ears, Yu Dongdong still couldn't help but sour the corners of his nose, and his eyes became red.

Fortunately, this time they survived!

Fortunately, with the help of the military this time, they should bring a surprise conference to all supporters!

Thank you for your support, but this press conference is very brief, because the "Loongson" mobile phone does not need much introduction. ”

"First of all, it uses a 120 Hz refresh rate OLED curved screen, and uses our Longwei Kunlun glass, which can give the screen strong protection and increase the drop resistance by more than ten times."

"IP68 dustproof and waterproof, good photo ability, and optical defense."

"Coupled with a long battery life of 4700 mAh, there is an emergency mode at 1% power, and it can still maintain an emergency call for 12 minutes.

"The system is the latest Hongmeng 3.0 of our Longwei, and the performance is very good."

"In the past, I could introduce these functions to you for an hour, but why do I finish them in two minutes this time, because I also know that this is not what people care about the most.

Yu Dongdong said jokingly while holding a "Loongson" mobile phone while displaying.

And after he finished speaking, there was another round of applause at the scene.

That's right, these are really not the points that everyone is most concerned about.

Because everyone said that they cared about Longwei's flagship mobile phone conference, not to see Longguo's new "chip" conference.

Longguo, is there a chip solution?

"Stepping into the topic, the functions I introduced before are in the leading position in the major mobile phone brands, and the reason why I don't introduce them is not only that everyone doesn't care, but also because it is not worth mentioning compared to the functions we will announce next."

""Loongson", this is the most special mobile phone of our Longwei, because it is named directly after the chip used.

"This time, instead of saying that we Longwei are mobile phone manufacturers, we are selling chips to send mobile phones!"

"Because this "Loongson" chip is supplied to us by the military, all of them are military-grade, as for what is the difference between this and civilian, you can check it on the Internet, at least I dare to guarantee that the military-grade chip mobile phone will no longer be hot and hot." ”

"You may ask, won't military-grade chips leak secrets or cause technical leaks to the military?"

"I make this clear: no!"

"Because this chip is too advanced, other countries can't imitate it at all, moreover, the chip is just a product, the most core technology is still the lithography machine, foreign countries are impossible to produce this level of chip without our lithography machine advanced!"

Yu Dongdong had a confident smile on his face and introduced to everyone.

After Yu Dongdong finished speaking, the audience at the press conference was completely confused.

Made, isn't this said to us from abroad?

How has it now come out of our own mouths?

What are Yu Dongdong and Long Wei doing?

And this time Longwei's new mobile phone actually uses military-grade chips?

But even military-grade chips should not be as advanced as foreign nano processes, why is Yu Middle East so confident?

Including many foreign netizens who pay attention to Longwei's global press conference at the moment, they are also confused at this moment.

Your Longguo's chips are too advanced, don't worry about us imitating?

Before the technology in the field of lithography machine cannot surpass Longguo, such a chip cannot be made at all?

Is Longwei's CEO afraid that he is talking nonsense if he has lost his mind?

Just when they were staring at Yu Dongdong tightly, trying to see a clue on his face, they found that the other party was unusually calm.

At this time, Yu Dongdong once again calmly opened his mouth to introduce:

"As I said earlier, this is a chip provided to us by the military industry, and I will not introduce it too much to you about the specific performance."

"I'll just say three points, nano process military level, 100 billion calculations per second, designer is Colonel Ji Qiu!"

When Yu Dongdong said the first two points, the entire press conference was silent.

Everyone thought that Long Wei and Yu Dongdong were crazy.

Military is military, do you still have a 1 nanometer process?

Moreover, the speed of 1,000 trillion operations per second can be used as a server, do you dare to blow hard?

But when Yu Dongdong said the last of the three points, and the designer of "Loongson" was Senior Colonel Li Qiu, everyone in the entire central gymnasium couldn't help but stand up in their seats with their mouths wide open at the same time!

Colonel Li Qiu!

This name is in the Dragon Country, I believe that no one will feel strange!

From the "guardian god" that shocked China and abroad, to the alien mecha electromagnetic cannon that made foreigners have nightmares, to the controllable nuclear fusion that made the living standards of the entire Dragon Country skyrocket, this name is not only a household name, but even more like a guardian god.

The "Loongson" 1nm process and computing power per second that Yu Dongdong originally said were extremely dreamy and unreasonable for everyone.

But when everyone heard that the designer of "Loongson" was actually Colonel Li Qiu, they instantly felt that all this was extremely reasonable.

Although Colonel Li Qiu will not bring you fantastic and unrealistic things, Colonel Li Qiu leads the Dragon Country military to play the sci-fi route!

"Now you know why we named this phone "Loongson", right?"

"Being authorized to use this chip is also the supreme honor of our entire Longwei!"

Speaking of this, the emotion that Yu Dongdong had forcibly held back suddenly seemed to be vented by a flood, and tears struck the ground without arguing.


At this time, I don't know who started, maybe it was the common blood and pride connection in the bones, and the thousands of voices at the press conference converged into a sound, resounding in the center of the stadium and echoing in the air above the stadium.

Now, they finally understand why the CEO of Longwei said the phrase of buying chips and giving away mobile phones.

"Don't get too excited, there is more bad news and good news to tell you below."

"First of all, the bad news is that this batch of chips is for our Longwei emergency use, so the total circulation of "Loongson" special mobile phones is only 1 million, and it is extremely out of print. "

Each of these million "Loongson" mobile phones has a clear number, which you can directly enter the official website to check and purchase with real-name identity documents. ”

"In addition to the 001 commemorative model, we will give it to its chip designers for use, and the rest of the amount sold by Longwei will be donated to the charity organization free of charge."

"Let's say good news, our Longguo 1nm process chip civilian-grade production line will be established next year, when Longwei will resume the design and use of Qilin chips, and release a new flagship mobile phone Longwei 60!"

"Although Longwei does not have 50, it has a "dragon core" like dawn in the most difficult period!"

After Yu Dongdong finished speaking, he bowed deeply forward.

This is perhaps the shortest press conference in Longwei's history, and it has only lasted 10 minutes from the beginning.

But this is perhaps the most memorable press conference for Longwei and everyone, because "Loongson" was announced at this press conference!

After the press conference, countless people began to frantically inquire about the rush to buy "Loongson".

The 1nm military-grade chip, designer Colonel Li Qiu, plus the mobile phone with the first number is used by Colonel Li Qiu, which is the same model of Li Qiu.

It can be said that the sensation caused by this phone in the Dragon Country is unprecedented.

Even when the most brilliant fruit mobile phone was used as a kidney machine, there was no influence brought by "Loongson" at this time.

However, at this time, the most confusing is that foreign netizens and beautiful countries and fruit companies are there.

The executives of the fruit company were also ready to watch Longwei (Wang's) press conference, so they immediately held their own press conference at zero o'clock in a high-profile manner.

But now the press conference has not been held, and their data has been completely crushed.

Their most advanced A16 bionic chip also has only 14 trillion operations, but "Loongson" directly reaches 1000 trillion times per second, or military-grade quality, which makes them how to introduce the chip?

The only thing that makes the fruit company executives happy is that the production of "Loongson" is limited, only 1 million units.

Moreover, they need to rely on the identity document of the dragon country to make purchases, which will not affect their market share abroad or most of the dragon country.

But what worries them is that Longwei will release a new Longwei 60 equipped with a 1nm process chip next year to return to the global market!

And Longguo will certainly not be favorable, in addition to Longwei company, other mobile phone manufacturers in Longguo are estimated to use their own domestic advanced chips.

At that time, the fruit company will not only face the opponents of the Longwei family, but the wolves of the dragon country!

The day of the release of "Loongson" is an extremely dark day for the global semiconductor industry!

On October 10, Li Qiu finally received his "Loongson" mobile phone number 1.

With the new phone, Li Qiu feels that he can make a big move in the game!

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