Steel steam and flame

Chapter 408 Staring at each other (Part 2)

The surface of the railway track is smooth, and under the light of a strong flashlight, two unique bright strips appear, spreading forward at the same speed as the rail car, without end.

The light was very dark. There were not many clouds floating in the winter sky, and the starlight and moonlight could not fall. The surrounding scenery looked even dimmer under the strong light, leaving only a pure black shadow on the railway track. both sides.

"Perhaps we should set off in the morning." Cassia thought at this time that although she would often visit various places in the empire in the future, she would not have much time to leisurely see the scenery of different regions. The wind picked up at night and the temperature dropped a lot. The speed of the rail car has been maintained, and soon it was surrounded by the black shadow of the mountain, completely pressing over from both sides.

Sometimes we pass through a forest that has lost all its leaves. They are all ancient trees that are very old, and they are quite powerful when they stand among them. You can occasionally see rusted iron guardrails and fleeting broken signs on both sides of the railway. In normal times, the imperial military does not spend much time and material resources maintaining nearly indestructible railway lines.

Because of the light, Cassia could not see anything special along the way. Only the light strips of the two railway tracks in front of her were always ahead of the rail car. For half of the time, the rail car was moved by its own huge inertia, and there was no rest. This level of exercise was similar to the high-intensity training in the military school, and maybe a little worse in terms of fatigue.

This time was spent eating. The water in the kettle was probably fetched from somewhere in the wilderness. Cassia's dull sense of taste could taste something delicious.

An entire plastic box of food was eaten in the middle of the night. The digestive system of the surgeon is the most strengthened part of the many organs, and it breaks down and absorbs food very quickly. The assimilation and integration of the surgery have reached this stage, and Cassia also feels more and more the importance of energy in the body. Because of the improvement of his own foundation, even if he lies still every day, the energy consumed in his body is several times that of ordinary people. In addition to these energies, the body's growing surgical stages also seem to require a huge accumulation of energy.

Cassia herself has such a vague feeling. In the advanced theory course, the teacher also talked about the improvement of the surgical stage.

"Of course it can't be smooth." Cassia remembered the teacher saying this emphatically, "It has nothing to do with talent. If you must say it does, then it means that under the same conditions and foundation, talent Good people can improve the surgical stage quickly in a certain period of time. But they will encounter something like a critical point at a certain period, and then the surgical improvement will not be as easy as naturally. As for the reason, No one can explain it clearly now. If you want to attribute it to talent, or personal physical reasons, it seems to be feasible. Because in the statistics of the super analysis machine, people with good talent are you. In this way, based on big data, the average surgical stage average of students from three-star colleges is indeed a little higher than that of students from one- and two-star colleges. But it’s only a little bit higher, so don’t be proud.”

The teacher knocked on the table here as a warning: "There is also the issue of physical fitness that has been controversial. Whether it is our school's own scientists or those in the Avalon institution, there are different opinions on the system. In some large families, because either one of the parents is a surgeon, the children born from their union are indeed much better than ordinary people in terms of physical health and strength and endurance at different ages. The best comparison is that these children almost never get sick and remain healthy all the time. But until now, even with the computing power of the super analytical machine, there is no clear data to show that differences in physical constitution can determine the stage of surgery. The speed and difficulty of advancement. Because even the most top scientific research institution in the empire, Avalon has not been able to understand everything about dragon creatures. Also, as the stage of surgery improves, our own It is also constantly evolving. Taking surgery as an opportunity to guide our own evolution is what we should focus on. Please don’t forget these..."

There will be more words to say in the future, but Cassia cannot get any substantive meaning from them. It might be enough to just know that the improvement of the surgery will become more difficult the further you go, he thought.

The whole night was spent in this kind of thinking. When the sky gradually brightened, the desolate but extremely ancient scenery around him slowly entered Cassia's field of vision. Big trees can be seen everywhere, with rough bark covered with green and yellow moss, often with hideous wounds. Winter has become a world of evergreen vines. The leaves of the trees have almost fallen off, and only some short shrubs are still struggling to support themselves.

Cassia's mood also improved greatly at this time. There was still an endless stretch of mountains ahead, and no trace of the relevant front lines could be seen. The power and frequency of the hand accelerated uncontrollably in the open mood. The rail car ran out of control on the rails. The speed suddenly increased, and the scenery became flowing. Cassia was so comfortable that she almost roared loudly. .

She had always controlled herself rationally, but now she suddenly relaxed a little, and Cassia felt comfortable and unrestrained.

If possible, I would really like to drive a good steam limousine on the highway when I go back to the military school. Cassia felt like this. The loud noise of the rail car also gradually echoed in the highly enclosed mountains, and some resting birds were frightened and flew up. Cassia was alert, secretly wondering if she was too presumptuous.

The rail car continued to move forward, and Cassia gradually slowed down, sighing secretly that her self-control was still not strong enough.

At the same time, on a steep mountain next to the railway track, the "clang" noise of the rail car also came here at an extremely fast speed in advance. After passing through layers of mountains and being absorbed and blocked by countless trees, the sound that arrived here has actually dissipated to the point where only a faint trace remains. Perhaps it is completely appropriate to describe it as a natural background sound.

But different sound waves still caused some extremely sensitive eardrums to vibrate uniquely.

"Riere, put away your lazy look. Something is coming along the railway line. It's not a train, it seems to be something trapped."

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