Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 680: Reinventing the jade

The 680th chapter hits the jade

The jade that leaped in the volley almost made up the strength of his last life to eat milk, and he tried his best to smash it.

Although he did not have time to rely on the power of ghosts and gods, but with the mana that Yu Yu has been in contact with ghosts and gods for so many years, he has the strength to be close to the 18-piece Jinxian. A round of black palm shadows with a few rounds of the palms with a fierce ghost whistling down, there is a faint flash of shadows in the palm of your hand, this is the jade that has come from the ghosts of the outer world after the cruel blood sacrifice. Print '.

With one palm down, the living ghost, the ghost ghost immediately detained the soul of the person who killed it, and became a ghost servant who was driven by Yuxi. The jade and the scorpion are looking forward to the blasphemy. He must hang the soul of the blasphemy in the boundless smoldering day and night, so that he will be immersed in the boundless pain forever.

I don't know why, when Yuxi saw it for the first time, he felt that he was not happy. He could not wait for a shot. As a result, he did not find a big trouble for him. He actually helped the jade scorpion to take away the power of Haizhou! The power of Haizhou, in the heart of Yuxi is the one who has given himself a favored grandson, and the result is actually cheaper!

That's it. When competing for the power of Haizhou, don't let the jade smash the eye to the extent that he has not been able to kill the three consecutive palms. This has become the joke of the entire jade family. Afterwards, the apprentice and son of Yuxi secretly retaliated against the blasphemy. The result was that the apprentices and sons of the jade were beaten by the powerful counterattack of the jade. It was really stealing the chickens and not eclipsing the rice. How can the jade be heartless?

It’s just that the dead son and the apprentice are gone. The jade sent people to assassinate the ‘heavily wounded in bed’, but he couldn’t kill him! In the case of not being stunned by the evil spirits, the assassin did not kill it! Yu Yu, who sent out to take over the power of Donghai County, stumbled back to Zhongning City!

Yuxi’s shameful face is no longer a problem. The cruel revenge that followed, caused Yuxi to lose a large number of ethnic groups. His grandchildren and granddaughter were killed by dozens of people. This made Yuxi’s heartache almost faint. . Then the industry of many elders of his veins was hit by the violent storms. A large number of shops were burned and looted, and the losses were so heavy that the jade bankrupted!

Without knowing the technique, Yuxi knows that all of this is related to the beggars. He absolutely can't get rid of him. Yuxi thinks that he is still very successful. His interpersonal relationship is still very good, except for one. No one has such a hatred with him!

Last night, I heard that the beggars were recruited by the Qiuqiu Wang as a pro-military guard. I heard that in the early morning, Yuxi sent hundreds of people to the priests of the Sitian Temple to let them use them. The fire of grievances is even stronger!

After smashing the belly of the fire, after getting up early in the morning, Yuxi is discussing with some of his neighbors how to retaliate against the blasphemy. Suddenly his heart beats fiercely, and his favorite son, Yuxi, is actually there. The gate of the jade family was killed! The father and son are connected by blood, and the jade swells in the blood, and the sudden heartache almost didn't make him faint.

Seeing that the hand is still sticking to the blood of his own son, the jade screams out loud, and uses all the power to send a hand to the beggar.

Regarding who you are, guarding you, isn't you a promising young Junyan who is going to buy it, and if you have just sold a big man to Bo Zhongfu, kill, you must kill you! Yuxi suspended in the void and screamed. After he took a shot, he immediately sealed his hands and his mouth was filled with a spell, and he was ready to borrow the power of ghosts and gods.

Looking at the poisonous palm print pressed down from the top of the head, don’t smile lowly: “The reaction is very fast, after all, the father and son refine their hearts!”

Do not know the power of the priests of the Sitian Temple, but also the limitations of these priests. When they borrowed the power of ghosts and gods, they were qualified to compete with the Taiyi Jinxian of Heaven, but when they did not borrow the power of ghosts and gods, their strength was not unusual.

When Yuxi borrows the power of ghosts and gods, he can have the strength close to the peak of Jinxian! But now his rushed out of the palm is nothing more than the infinite proximity to the strength of the 18-piece Jinxian! What is the 18th Jinxian? Do not worry that today's cultivation has also stepped onto that threshold. Whether it is his physical body or mana, he has already stepped into the realm of Jinxian!

Even more than that, in the Buddhist monk of the Ming Dynasty monk, the body of the three hundred Guardian Tianlong was tempered, and the body of the scorpion was enough to compete with the Jinxian-class cultivator! His physical body today is a real Jinxian-class tyrannical body.

Yang Tian shouted, the whole body purple rose, and a large piece of ghostly gray mist sprayed from the purple gas. Don't vacate, open your mouth and swallow the palm prints of the jade. The world of mustard violently fluctuated, and a large number of chaotic auras rose into the sky, wrapping the gray palm print in the boundless chaotic aura, and began to gradually digest and weaken.

This is the benefit of condensing the mustard world. It is possible to kneel down with the body of the body, but he is bound to be injured. But with the mustard world to absorb and digest this palm, and use the power of a small world to fight against one's strength, it is much easier to avoid it.

One swallowed the attack of the jade, and in the horrified gaze of the stunned jade, the ghosts around him did not suddenly condense dozens of people and do not have the usual figure. These people either laughed loudly, or madly cried, or screamed and rolled on the ground, or slashed with a sharp knife. The real body of Do not be mixed into this ghostly ghost, no one can capture his figure.

In the Yujia Mansion, at least fifty priests at the same time sacrificed a strong bone symbol, and all kinds of attacks such as Thunder Flame, Gold Knife, and Ice Wind rushed to the Dove, the ghosts in those ghosts. They were beaten and shattered, but they were allowed to break up a few shadows. Every time they broke a virtual shadow, two or more shadows flashed, and they could not be completely annihilated.

Do not 乞 嗤嗤 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴His own real body rushed to the front of the jade, and his hand banged on the face of the jade.

This fist did not exhaust all efforts, and the unprepared jade screamed and was beaten by him. There are a few pieces of bodyguards in the body of the jade, and the fists of the beggars have just crushed and collapsed the nose bones of the jade, and a magical character jumped on the top of the jade, and the large piece of the aura was turned into a set of methods. The robe wrapped around the jade, and the fists that were not smashed were absorbed by the robes more than 90%. The jade was not really fatally hurt.

This is the gap between the priest's bodyguard and the immortal genius. Although the power of the priest's bodyguard is not weaker than the fairy, it always has some delays when it is launched, especially those who are active. The bones and the like are slower to launch. Therefore, before the priests and the immortals fight, they must prepare all the instruments in advance, otherwise they will be in danger of being inadvertently.

And Yuxi came out in a hurry, full of stomachs are the idea of ​​revenge for his son, where can he give up his own artifacts?

It’s easy to protect the main door of the jade by the bones of an active guardian. He didn’t let him be disfigured, but the blows were not coming. Punch and kick, elbows on the elbow, and a large number of ghosts and vacancies, turned into a snarl of ghosts and claws against the jade, in the sound of the powerful and powerful spells, all kinds of vicious spells of raindrops like Yuxi Falling down, playing the jade is not awkward.

For a time, the eyes of the jade are red, this is the ghost curse of the beggars to devour the eyes of the jade.

For a time, the *** 玅 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧 剧

For a time, the jade, the internal organs and the six internal organs were both numb, and this is the rot of the rot that is eroding his internal organs.

All kinds of vicious mantras are constantly blasting. Fortunately, Yuxi is his own old priest. After all his spells are involved, in the attack of violent storms, the jade rushes to block the attack of the fists. Constantly swearing spells against the curse of the blasphemy. The jade articles worn by the jade body, such as jade, jade ring jade ring, etc., emit a faint light, which is weakening the offensive against Yuxi.

Seeing that Yuxi will use his experience to pull back this game, don't worry about it, he screamed: "Thunder, come out, it's good for you!"

Over the jade house, a huge space gap that ordinary people can't perceive suddenly appears, and the Thunder's projection comes at the fastest speed. The Thunder's lips squirmed quickly, as if he was chewing something, and he was still sizzling, and it was clear that he had not digested the blood sacrifice on the planet.

"Hey, what are the benefits? Hey, is it good? You are very happy with this kid, I am very happy!" The Thunder laughed as soon as he appeared.

The face of Yuxi was pale and the paper was almost the same as the ghost. He looked at the looming thunder in the air and screamed: "Sneaky, sneaky adults save me! I must prepare a lot of blood sacrifices." you!"

At the time when the jade chanting chanting was fierce, the scorpion had already exchanged the conditions for the Thunder with the fastest speed, and then gently pointed at the jade.

Thunder sneered a sneer, a heavy palm down, the giant palm thunder entangled, like countless angry dragons roaring in the roar.

Seeing that the Thunder is about to shoot the dead jade, the screaming jade has finally been conditioned by the huge amount of blood sacrifices, convincing the ancestors of his offerings to save him. A thin boned arm with a smashed fleshy arm came out from the void around the jade, and hit hard with the thunder's big handcuffs.

A loud noise, dozens of halls in the jade house collapsed.

The Thunder screamed, grabbing the big hand, and then followed the big hand into the space channel where the big hand appeared. Obviously, the Thunder could not kill the jade, he went directly to the trouble of the sneaky. However, Yuxi was a miserable battle. The two ghosts and gods played against each other. Although they could not kill him, all the jade articles such as jade were smashed, and the huge shocks caused his vulnerable body to be seriously injured.

Don't smash a black light on the collar, don't open your mouth, squat on the body of the jade, and lick his two thighs.

Don't scream, he is about to rush to kill the jade, and a black light suddenly rushes up.

Yuxi stopped in front of the donkey, and looked like a smile and laughed at the first time: "General Tan Lang, look at the face of the old man, let go of the elders of my jade family!"

Don't take a trip, the pinched fist can no longer be slammed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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