Staying at home in the last days is the most stable thing

Chapter 38 The only survivor of the laboratory (please recommend monthly votes!)

"help me!"


"Save me! There are still people alive inside," hoarse voices kept coming from inside.

Shen Jin and Yang Ao were shocked when they heard that there were actually people alive in this laboratory!

Shen Jin winked at Yang Ao, "If something goes wrong, kill first and then report."


Yang Ao is not at all merciful just because the staff here are the team left behind by his father.

As long as the people inside make any uncooperative behavior, his magic sword will fall instantly.

"Bang bang bang!"

A single strike with the diamond pick revealed a hole, which was instantly blocked by thick glass.

Shen Jin will not let down his guard at all just because there are people of his own kind inside.

The strong light from the flashlight shines in, revealing the scenery inside.

A man in a white coat, who looked to be in his 30s, squatted in front of the transparent glass facing the lobby on the first floor with a sluggish expression.

I took photos at other locations and found nothing unusual.

Shen Jin smashed open the glass again, shined a bright flashlight on the white coat's face, and shouted, "Am I the only one on the second floor inside?"

The white coat covered his eyes and said weakly: "Yes, they are all dead. I am the only one left in the whole laboratory. Are you from the government?"

"We are not from the government, but we are the ones who can save you."

Shen Jin broke open another alloy door, revealing a passage for people to walk through.

A strange smell of human excrement came out, and the two wrinkled their noses.

Yang Ao walked in with his sword and glanced around with his flashlight, "No one is around, it's safe!"

Shen Jin took out a torch from the package and lit it with flint.


Bright flames rose up, lighting up the entire second floor.

"Is there something to eat? I haven't eaten for almost a week."

Shen Jin looked at the half bottle of yellow liquid missing at the feet of his white coat and kicked it aside.

He raised the white coat's chin with his sword and carefully made sure it was human and that he had not been bitten.

“Answer my question first, and you’ll get something to eat if you’re honest.”

The white coat said weakly "Hmm".

"What laboratory is this? What is your name? What are you responsible for here?"

"This is the Level 4 Biosafety Research Laboratory of Future Human Pharmaceutical Company, which mainly studies genetic drugs. My name is Fu Wei, and I am the chief engineer of this project."

Yang Ao nodded secretly. He had heard about this person from his father.

"Where are the other people in the laboratory? Did anyone escape?"

"No, they're all dead."

Shen Jin was thoughtful and seemed to have thought of some possibility.

"I want to ask you one last question, what do you eat to survive?"

Fu Wei smiled miserably: "If there is food, eat food, if not, eat shit. Last week, there was no shit."

Shen Jin asked Yang Ao to look at the white coat. He walked around the second floor and found no residual human limbs or blood, so he finally believed the white coat.

"You are a cruel person. Here, eat. When you are full, tell me what happened here."

Shen Jin took out a bottle of mineral water and threw a pack of compressed biscuits to the white coat.

Fu Wei picked it up, tore open the package roughly, and smelled the aroma of the compressed biscuits.

He carefully took a small bite, held it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it with a sip of mineral water.

After repeating this for more than ten bites and eating half a biscuit, Fu Wei stopped despite the constant hunger signals coming from his stomach.

Fu Wei's face showed a relaxed and satisfied look.

“This is the most delicious biscuit I have ever tasted in my life.”

Shen Jin nodded slightly. After being hungry for a week, he could still resist the urge to overeat. He was a controlled person.

Fu Wei, who had regained some strength, slowly told the two of them what happened in the laboratory after the apocalypse.

The laboratory is fully enclosed. People outside are not allowed to open the door, and people here cannot get out. Only the pedestal function on the second floor of the entire laboratory can contact people outside, and the entire laboratory has a strict disinfection system, and indoor The air pressure is much higher than outside, so it stands to reason that no viruses will be allowed to enter.

However, the end of the world came just like that. That afternoon, 60% of the people in the entire laboratory suddenly bleed from the mouth and eyes, fell to the ground and twitched,

Fu Wei went to the second floor to call for help, but before he could get through, there were already screams below.

Those former colleagues went crazy and started attacking everyone who didn't turn into zombies.

The weak experimenters were knocked down one by one, and the entire first floor became a hell on earth.

Fu Wei quickly locked the password door on the second floor. This is where the entire laboratory stores important information and results, and the security measures are very strong.

The glass is explosion-proof and the door is made of high-density alloy. From the second floor, he saw a colleague running to the second floor, but he did not dare to open the door.

The zombies were behind him, and he was afraid.

In just one afternoon, he was the only living person left in the completely closed laboratory.

The other colleagues were eaten by the person who turned into a zombie first. Those who were not eaten also stood up unsteadily and joined the eating team.

There were 59 people in the entire laboratory, and only 40 zombies and him were left alive.

Those zombies kept wandering around, and Fu Wei kept making calls on them, but no one answered.

In the first month, the zombies destroyed everything below and ate everything edible. All kinds of chemicals were eaten by the hungry zombies.

They mutated for the first time, with various pustules growing on their heads and bodies, some emitting white gas, and some zombies' heads even glowed.

Fu Wei relied on the daily supplies in the laboratory to live in fear.

In the second month, zombies with no energy source fell down one after another. Other zombies originally ignored this, but stopped wandering and stood quietly.

Until the first zombie that eats zombie corpses appears!

It replenished energy, its body mutated, and became infinitely powerful. The other zombies also began to eat the fallen zombies.

Without exception, the body functions have evolved, and there are even zombies with evolved sensory systems that are more sensitive. They found him on the second floor and started banging on the door day and night.

Fu Wei began to save the few food he had.

This time there are only 15 zombies left.

In the third month, the mutated zombies became less and less active, but due to their tenacious vitality, no zombies fell down yet.

Until a zombie suddenly burst out, tore open the head of a dying zombie with his claws, and feasted on it.

Fu Wei saw with his own eyes that hard horny skin appeared on its body, and it began to evolve again!

After eating the first one, there will be the second and third ones. This zombie-eating super zombie finally eats all the other 14 zombies.

That day, the zombies' roars were earth-shattering. A punch could smash a big hole in steel equipment. They could jump up to 6 meters in one leap. Their saliva and pus could corrode ordinary metals.

And his senses were extremely sharp, and he immediately spotted Fu Wei behind the glass on the second floor.

It jumped up from the ground and hammered the explosion-proof glass on the second floor, and smashed the alloy door from the corridor.

Fortunately, the materials in this laboratory are all of the highest quality. Even zombies that have evolved three times still cannot shake the power of technology.

Fu Wei's food supply has run out, and his feces and urine have begun to be stored.

After Shen Jin heard this, he was secretly surprised:

Being able to survive for three months in the dark, eating shit and drinking urine, he is worthy of being the chief engineer of the laboratory with his amazing survival instinct and tenacity.

If such people can do good things, they will be top academicians and engineers.

If he takes the evil path, he will be the top killer!

In this moment, Shen Jin has been surprised twice by Wei Wei.

The same is true for Yang Ao. He heard his father talk about this man and knew that he was his father's right-hand man and a rare biological genius in the world.

Unexpectedly, not only the knowledge, but also the psychological quality is strong enough!

Any ordinary person would have been frightened to death or driven crazy.

"Such a safe laboratory could not escape the attack of the zombie virus. Where did the virus come from?"

"If such super-evolved zombies are out there in the third month of the apocalypse, I don't know how many human gathering places will be destroyed!"

"Super keen sensitivity, super high bounce, super speed, super strength, super hard body, and it can also corrode attacks."

Even if Lu Qiang unlocks the genetic lock, he will only die!

Humans outside.

How can you fight zombies without thermal weapons?

Shen Jin felt more and more that the rescue mentioned by the government would be hard to come by.

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