Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse

Chapter 171 Cleaning up the back garden

A group of people in [Explorer] have been paying attention to Zhao Xiaochuan's movements.

Finally, a few minutes later, Zhao Xiaochuan spoke.

Zhao Xiaochuan: "Everyone, it's a success! Those ants couldn't get over the fire wall, and they were all burned to death! Most of them couldn't climb out of the fire pit and were burned to ashes. Only a small part could climb out, but the fire of this vine has Adhesion, even if they come out, they will be ignited, and they will die after walking two meters!"

Ji Chaoyang: "Even so, do these ants keep rushing towards the tree house?"

Zhao Xiaochuan: "That's right, the ants that broke through the vines seemed to be totally ignorant of the wall of fire, and rushed towards the tree house in a swarm, but the wall of fire blocked them all.

Huh, this bonus point is too cool, sitting and adding points! I just don't know how long this batch of vines can burn, and I hope it can last until the end of the ant attack.

Let alone, I'm going back to the tree house to clean up those ants that got in before! "

Xu Xin was hanging in the air, watching the actions of these ants, and paying attention to Zhao Xiaochuan's reply.

Ke Ke was put back into the tree house by him to play with the two little guys. It was too dangerous to hang in mid-air and let it lie on his shoulders.

Seeing what Zhao Xiaochuan said, Xu Xin can basically be sure that these ants are a group of machines that crawled out of the hole and ruthlessly gnawed at the tree house. fire.

Wen Guixin: "Do you want it too? I still have a lot of untreated vines here."

Li Wenxi: "Yes, yes, my tree house is full of big ants, it's so disgusting!"

Ji Zhaoyang: "Since it won't cause a fire, you can also use this method. I also have a lot of bloodthorn vines here, which are enough."

Seeing what they said, Xu Xin temporarily ignored the other people in [Explorer], because the ant colony around his tree house started to move again!

All the ant colonies seemed to be ordered by someone, like a group of well-trained army ants, all rioted and rushed towards Xu Xin's tree house!

The ants were traveling much faster than before.

Mimi Yinwang and Aifei in the ant colony were a little caught off guard, so they could only try their best to kill the ants around them.

"Wow——" Silver King howled, but it didn't stop the ant army from advancing. They seemed to have cast off their fear and completely become war machines. They only had one target in their eyes, Xu Xin Where the tree house is!

Each of the vines that drilled out of the ground shuttled through the bushes, piercing through countless ants, and absorbing them.

But the piercing attack range is not large, and this time the speed of the big ants has increased a lot. Soon, the range of nearly 50 meters has fallen, and countless vines danced wildly in the ant colony, but they still couldn't stop the crazy ants. group advance.

"Ah Fu, attack!" Xu Xin ordered.

Ah Fu, who was hanging upside down on the canopy of the tree, spread his wings, but didn't even fly down, and let out a piercing scream while hanging upside down!

Ah Fu's sound waves are different from Silver King's howls, which are aggressive, so even if these ants no longer have any fear, they are still frozen by the sound.

The bodies and heads of the nearby group of ants were all shattered.

The ants that were far away recovered faster and continued to attack. As a result, the ant colony that was attacking in an orderly manner was messed up by Ah Fu's scream, and there were even many stampedes.

The vines took this opportunity to harvest the ant colonies in the jungle wantonly.

Mimi Silver King and Concubine Ai also fought bravely in the jungle.

Mimi and Silver King are mid-level mutated beasts. They have a bloodthirsty character, and the more they kill, the more excited they become. Although Aifei has not reached the intermediate level and is not bloodthirsty, she can't help it when faced with delicious food from all over the place.

"Good job!" Xu Xin praised Ah Fu. Ah Fu's sonic attack is really effective for the ant colony.

Ah Fu responded with a thin cry.

Watching these vines continue to use piercing attacks, Xu Xin touched his chin.

This kind of efficiency is too low. I don't know if these vines of his can use sweeping attacks?

These vines, as if they were afraid of hurting the jungle, avoided the forest every time they attacked. For such a long time, all the trees were basically unscathed, and only a few leaves were scraped off.

Perhaps because they didn't want to hurt these trees, these vines kept using piercing attacks instead of sweeping? Then can he let these vines let go...

Gotta give it a try.

He fell to the root of the tree house, thought for a while, and said to the place where the plant heart seed was planted: "Plant heart, can you hear me, I know you are alive. Except for the blue-level pine tree, you are not allowed to touch it. Don’t worry about the other trees, those are meant to be cut down, just attack with all your might!”

He was going to cut down all the trees with a radius of 100 meters and make the back garden under the tree house. So even if these trees are well protected during the battle, it doesn't make any sense.

Plant Heart obviously heard Xu Xin's words. As soon as his words fell, the entire group of vines underwent great changes.

In an instant, countless vines drilled out of the ground, ruthlessly inserting into the trunks of these green-level and white-level poplars.

Under Xu Xin's stunned gaze, the leaves of these poplar trees began to turn yellow and fall off at an extremely fast speed.

Within a few seconds, the 100-meter area was covered with dry leaves, almost all the trees turned into bare dead trees, and every tree seemed to be completely dead, only the blue-level tree he was not allowed to touch The pine trees are still standing.

"...Is it true, even plants can be sucked?" Xu Xin's eyes widened and he muttered to himself.

Then he burst out laughing.

The vines really helped him a lot. It would be a waste of time for him to cut down the dozens of acres of land by himself, and it would also consume the durability of his blue-level axe. I don't know how many axes it will cost.

Now it is directly cleaned up by the vines, which really saves him a lot of effort.

He doesn't feel sorry for these green-level trees. After all, green-level timber resources are everywhere, and his hands are completely overwhelmed.

Besides, the plant heart absorbs these animals and plants, I am afraid it is also to save energy, or use it for future upgrades, it is not a waste.

Even Mimi Silver King and Aifei stopped their movements, stunned by the changes around them, Mimi even grabbed a vine with one paw, and wanted to attack with the ant vines together!

"Mimi, don't attack the vines!" Xu Xin shouted hastily, "I asked them to do this!"

After the three beasts heard it, they were relieved and continued to indulge in killing or eating.

At the same time, the vines no longer continued their piercing attacks, but began to sweep across a large area. Although it wasn't full of barbs like the bloodthorn vines, under the powerful force, it still destroyed everything in its path.

Those dead trees were already withered and couldn't resist the powerful blows of the vines. Countless "click, click" sounds sounded, and all the dead trees around were cut off by the vines and fell to the ground, killing countless ants.

All the trees within a hundred meters fell to the ground, and the vines continued to sweep without stopping. Sawdust and ant corpses flew across, and the dead wood was smashed to pieces by vines.

In less than half a minute, the vines controlled by the plant's heart cleared the area within 100 meters around the tree house into an open space.

Although there were no trees in the open space, and the ants were moving faster, the attacking methods of the vines changed, and there was even a division of labor and cooperation, which made Xu Xin a little stunned.

A part of the vines swept across a large area, killing most of the ants directly, while the other part continued to stab the fish that slipped through the net, and at the same time pierced through the ants that were swept to death or crippled on the ground to suck them.

It seems that those trees just now really affected their performance!

Because they can continuously absorb the energy of enemy units, the vines are not tired at all. The piercing attacks are getting stronger and stronger, and the swinging attacks are getting faster and more powerful. Coupled with the continuous cooperation between them, the attack efficiency is greatly improved. The increase directly left the ant army within the outermost twenty meters.

The vines inside had slowly retracted towards the ground because they hadn't seen any units that could attack for dozens of seconds.

"This... this is too strong!"

Xu Xin's sense of security is really overwhelming now! With such a strong guardian of vines, as long as it is not a giant beast, there is no existence that can harm his tree house!

After continuing to observe for a few more minutes, after confirming that the rioting ants would not pose a threat, Xu Xin was ready to go up.

He yelled to the three beasts who were still in high spirits in the distance: "When do you want to come up, call out, I'll come down to pick you up!"

"Wow——" Silver King responded with a long roar, and then continued to fight.

The sound of killing ants still rang in my ears from time to time.

[Kill mutant ants*100, get points: 20 points. 】

[Kill mutant ants*100, get points: 20 points. 】

Fortunately, it only rings once every 100. If one rings once, he will be killed by the sound of the points.

However, the ants are so easy to kill this time, they will only attack the tree house, completely ignoring the survivors, it seems that everyone will basically have a good harvest this time! Although the ants killed by the blood thorn vines will not be counted on their heads, but if they kill them by themselves, it is relatively easy to get a few hundred points.

Back in the tree house, Xu Xin saw Ke Ke rolling on the ground with the two little pangolins at a glance. Ke Ke's size is only a little bigger than the little pangolin, and the three little guys play together completely.

Seeing Xu Xin coming back, Ke Ke lay on the ground, yelled at Xu Xin, and continued to roll.

"... These two little guys, are they a little bit older?" Xu Xin suddenly noticed a slight difference. Today has not passed yet, and his vision is still improving. Although the change is not big, he is still aware of it.

He picked up the smaller pangolin little prince, the little prince who was already full was very obedient in his arms, blinking his watery eyes and looking at him, as if saying, rolling, why are you picking me up? ?

Feeling the change in weight, Xu Xin raised her eyebrows.

As expected of a strange beast with the blood of a giant beast, it has only been an hour or two after eating milk, and he can already feel the changes in his body.

"Ke Ke, hurry up and bully them two more now, they will probably be bigger than you in a few days." Xu Xin put down the little guy in her arms and teased Ke Ke.

"Huh?" Ke Ke lay on the ground and tilted her head.

Isn't it? If they grow at their current growth rate, it is really possible to grow bigger than Cocoa in a few days.

By the way, how old are these two little guys? Could it be that they were only born a few days ago? It took a few days to grow such a strong scale armor?

Xu Xin is really looking forward to the two of them growing up.

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