The sun is high and the breeze is blowing.

I saw a man in green wearing a mask appearing in front of the door steps of Daofa Pavilion.

The person who came was none other than Qin Chuan.

The disciples who were queuing up outside immediately looked over and then began to surround Qin Chuan.

The eyes of these disciples were full of reverence.

People in the hall heard the noise outside and ran out one after another.

Qin Chuan is now a famous celebrity with unlimited fame and instantly has a large number of admirers and fanatic fans.

But as the saying goes, everything has two sides.

There are many people who like him, and there are also many people who are jealous of him.

After all, Qin Chuan is too dazzling now, and some people will always be jealous.

Facing this huge crowd, Qin Chuan also felt very embarrassed.

I won’t be able to come to Daofa Pavilion in the near future.

No, it should be that we can’t stay at the headquarters.

It’s better to wait until the wind blows over before coming back.

I happened to have a curse on myself, so I had to remove the curse first.

He originally planned to say goodbye to Gu Mengyao, but after seeing so many people, he didn't go in.

His consciousness unfolded and he found Gu Mengyao.

"Senior Sister Gu!"

Gu Mengyao was startled and looked in the direction of the door.

"Senior Sister Gu, I originally wanted to say goodbye to you, but there were too many people, so I had to use voice transmission." Qin Chuan said.

"Are you leaving?" Gu Mengyao was stunned for a while before asking.

Qin Chuan said: "If you leave for a while, you will come back. After all, I haven't finished reading the books in this Dao Dharma Pavilion."

Gu Mengyao nodded slightly absentmindedly: "Then...that's okay!"

Qin Chuan continued: "Senior Sister Gu, I have clearly explained all those rumors.

You don't have to worry about this anymore. If there are still people who say bad things about you, write down the people who said bad things about you in a small book. When I come back, I will make sure to show them something. "

Gu Mengyao smiled and was instantly amused.

At the same time, a delicate face with sincere eyes appeared in her mind.

"Senior Sister Gu, I won't disturb your work. We'll see you later."

"Junior Brother Zhu..."

Gu Mengyao wanted to say thank you, but Qin Chuan's consciousness had already been withdrawn.

Looking out the door,

Gu Mengyao's eyes flickered and she murmured, "Junior Brother Zhu, thank you."

After saying goodbye to Gu Mengyao, Qin Chuan went to find Xu Longfei.

"Sect Master, I plan to return to the third branch." Qin Chuan said.

"Aren't you going to stay for a while?" Xu Longfei asked.

Qin Chuan said bitterly: "Sect Master, you have also seen my current situation. If I stay here any longer, I probably won't be able to live a clean life.

Therefore, I went back to avoid the limelight. "

Xu Longfei said: "Who can you blame for this?

If I had been more patient, I wouldn't be like now. "

Qin Chuan said aggrievedly: "Sect Master, you don't know what the situation was at that time.

I have been quite tolerant, but this Fan Zhibao has always been aggressive, like a fly that cannot be driven away no matter how hard I try.

There is a saying in my hometown, if you don’t explode in silence, you will die in silence.

I chose to explode. "

"Forget it! This has already happened. Since you want to avoid the limelight, I won't stop you."

Xu Longfei opened the teleportation array that led directly to the third branch.

"I have already said hello to the great elder of the third branch. He will come to pick you up." Xu Longfei said.

"Bye bye, Sect Master!"

Qin Chuan did not hesitate and dived into the teleportation array.

Not long after, Qin Chuan returned to the third branch.

The Great Elder was already waiting in front of the teleportation array.

"Great Elder!" Qin Chuan immediately saluted after exiting the teleportation array.

"Xiaochuan, well done to you for not embarrassing our third branch."

The great elder held Qin Chuan's hand excitedly, with a smile on his face. He was so happy.

Qin Chuan just smiled.

"That's right! Stop wearing that ugly mask." The Great Elder said, "What you did at the Life and Death Stage has long been spread here. Gu You

If they knew that Zhu Xiaoming was Qin Xiaochuan, the consequences would be unimaginable. . "

After Qin Chuan heard this, he took off his mask.

This bark mask is Zhu Xiaoming's most distinctive feature.

If you take off the mask, no one will be able to recognize you.

"Great Elder, is my eldest brother in the cave?" Qin Chuan asked.

He came back to lift the curse.

Lan Lang said that he could take him to the Buddhist Holy Land, where the eminent monks could relieve him.

The great elder said: "Ask Lan Lang! He is not here now."

Qin Chuan was stunned: "Then where is my eldest brother?"

The Great Elder said: "Lan Lang knew you would come to him, so he told me some things in advance.

Aren't you cursed by someone who turned into a demon?

So Lan Lang will first go to the Buddhist holy land to find the eminent monks, so as not to take you there in vain. "

Qin Chuan was a little moved when he heard this: "How long will it take for eldest brother to come back?"

The great elder replied: "If everything goes well, it will probably take about a year.

If it doesn't go well, it's hard to say. "

Qin Chuan was slightly surprised: "Is it difficult to ask an eminent monk to lift the curse?"

The great elder said: "For senior Buddhist monks, it is very simple to remove the curse. It depends on whether they are willing or not."

"Oh?" Qin Chuan frowned.

The Great Elder said: “This curse involves the law of cause and effect.

The law of cause and effect is one of the supreme laws.

For us cultivators, if we do not practice this type of law, it will be difficult to remove the curse.

You also know how difficult it is to understand a supreme law like the law of cause and effect, let alone practice it.

Therefore, the best way to remove curses is to find Buddhist practitioners, especially those high-ranking Buddhist monks.

Buddhist practice does not require practicing the law of cause and effect to remove curses. "

Qin Chuan asked: "Why is this?"

The Great Elder said slowly: "This is related to the Buddhist practice system.

Buddhist practice mainly cultivates two things.

One is the physical body.

I won’t introduce much about the physical body.

You should understand.

It can be said that every Buddhist practitioner is a very powerful physical practitioner.

The second one is called merit.

Merit is called good fruit.

The more good you do, the more merit you will have.

When merit accumulates to a certain amount, a golden wheel-shaped thing will appear behind their head.

That thing is called the Golden Wheel of Merit.

The Golden Wheel of Merit is very strange and possesses many incredible powers. "

“A curse like yours can be erased by just using the merit accumulated on the Golden Wheel of Merit to offset each other.

This sounds easy, but there are really not many eminent monks willing to take action.

Even though they do good deeds every day, you are surprised to see how compassionate they are.

This is not the case.

They also do good deeds to strengthen themselves.

If they use merit to offset the curse, then all the good deeds they have done over the years will be in vain.

Therefore, we can only find those eminent monks.

The eminent monk's golden wheel of merit is huge and he has accumulated enough good fruits. It doesn't matter if he consumes some of them. "

After the Great Elder said so much, Qin Chuan also had a certain understanding of Buddhism.

"Elder, although it is said that those eminent monks have many good deeds and the impact of consuming some is not very big, it still has some impact.

The disciple felt that they might not be willing either!

Unless something of equal value can be exchanged. "

The great elder stroked his beard: "I don't know this.

However, Lan Lang is somewhat famous. I think with his reputation, those eminent monks will not embarrass him too much. "

"I hope that's the case!" Qin Chuan sighed softly.

He didn't understand why Lan Lang was so kind to him. Why? Will there be any other purpose?

The great elder glanced at Qin Chuan and seemed to know what he was thinking at this time.

The great elder wanted to mention a few words, but stopped talking.


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